58th Annual Meetings of the Public Choice Society

2021 Public Choice Society, March 11-13, Savannah Georgia

Friday, March 12, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Atrium

8:00am – 9:30am

Warfare and Economy (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Savannah A

Monetary Politics

Session Chair: Bryan Cutsinger
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

On Price Stability with a Job Guarantee
Presenter: Brian Albrecht
Discussant: Bryan Cutsinger

Monetary Rules without Romance
Presenter: Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Baker Spring

Three minutes to midnight: an update to the Debt Default Clock
Presenter: Baker Spring
Co-Author(s): N.A.
Discussant: Joshua Ingber

Is Seigniorage Optimal
Presenter: Joshua Ingber
Discussant: Brian Albrecht

Room: Oglethorpe A/B

Virginia Political Economy I: System Theories

Session Chair: James Caton
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

Constitutional Bargains, Civic Discourse, and the Roots of the Liberal Order
Presenter: James Caton
Discussant: Jonathan Plante

Toward a Theory of Symbiotics: Illuminating Societal Evolution through a Theory of Entangled Political Economy
Presenter: Jonathan Plante
Discussant: James Caton

An Entropic Systems Theory of Market-State Interaction
Presenter: Zachary Kessler
Discussant: Abigail Devereaux

Formalizing Polycentric Governance: Could "Synecological" Systems Show the Way Forward?
Presenter: Abigail Devereaux
Discussant: Zachary Kessler

Electricity Markets (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Plaza

Applied Papers (formerly Education)

Session Chair: Chandler Reilly
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The role of universities in defense research
Presenter: Chandler Reilly
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Dillon Tauzin

Homeownership and School Governance
Presenter: Dillon Tauzin
Co-Author(s): none
Discussant: Chandler Reilly

Rural vs Urban Covid Spread
Presenter: Ryan Yonk
Co-Author(s): Raymond March; Fiona Harrigan; Amelia Janaskie

Room: Pulaski


Session Chair: Dylan Brewer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Strategic voting and strategic abstention in iterative multi-candidate elections
Presenter: Fabricio Vasselai
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

A Rational Way to Shrink a Set of Candidates to Any Specified Size
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Discussant: Fabricio Vasselai

Iterative Calculus of Voting under Plurality
Presenter: Fabricio Vasselai
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Dylan Brewer

Addressing sample selection bias in machine learning algorithms used to predict election outcomes
Presenter: Dylan Brewer
Co-Author(s): Carlson, Alyssa
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Fiscal Policy (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Gender and Race (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Savannah Prefunction

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Savannah A

Plenary Session 2: Tyler Brough, "Economics as Moral Exchange: James Buchanan Meets Martin Buber"

Session Chair: William Shughart
Session Organizer: William Shughart

Economics as Moral Exchange: James Buchanan Meets Martin Buber
Presenter: Tyler Brough
Co-Author(s): Randy Simmons

11:20am – 11:30am

11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Savannah A

Banking, Monetary Policy and Public Choice

Session Chair: Louis Rouanet
Session Organizer: Louis Rouanet

As Good as Gold? Commitment Problems and Convertible Paper Money
Presenter: Joshua Hendrickson
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Louis Rouanet

Assignats or Death: Inflationary Finance in Revolutionary France
Presenter: Louis Rouanet
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger and Josh Ingber

The Calculus of Dissent: Bias and Conformity in FOMC Forecasts
Presenter: Thomas Hogan
Discussant: Peter Hazlett

The Redistributive Politics of Monetary Policy
Presenter: Peter Hazlett
Co-Author(s): Louis Rouanet
Discussant: Joshua Hendrickson

Room: Academy

Bridging research and policy: occupational licensing as a case study

Session Chair: Edward Timmons
Session Organizer: Edward Timmons

Perspective of a professor #1
Presenter: Brian Meehan

Perspective of a professor #2
Presenter: Alicia Plemmons

Perspective of a policy professional
Presenter: Jarrett Skorup

Perspective of a former legislator
Presenter: Laura Ebke

COVID-19 (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Bureaucracy (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Pulaski

Political Economy

Session Chair: Niels-Hugo Blunch
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Don't speak? Proximate correlates of the attitudes towards the freedom of speech.
Presenter: Niels-Hugo Blunch
Co-Author(s): None.
Discussant: Zachary Kessler

Examining the Endogenous Institutional Conditions Shaping Revolutionary Outcomes: Evidence from the Arab Spring
Presenter: Zachary Kessler
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Feler Bose

A 50 State Review of Regulatory Procedures
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Baugus, Brian; Broughel, James
Discussant: Labanyalata Roy

Information and Efficiency of Electricity Provision
Presenter: Labanyalata Roy
Co-Author(s): Piano Ennio
Discussant: Niels-Hugo Blunch

Analytical Narratives (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Oglethorpe A/B

Social Networks

Session Chair: Clara Piano
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Peer pressure matters: the role of social networks on civil society participation
Presenter: Cameron Tilley
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Clara Piano

The Family and the State: A Public Choice Perspective
Presenter: Clara Piano
Co-Author(s): n/a
Discussant: Ricardo R. Noé

Property Rights and Interest Groups: Towards a Theory of Interest Group Emergence
Presenter: Ricardo R. Noé
Discussant: Jeremy Kidd

Can Corporate "Personhood" Teach Us Anything About Algorithms
Presenter: Jeremy Kidd
Co-Author(s): Kidd, Jeremy
Discussant: Cameron Tilley

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Savannah B/C

Awards Luncheon

Session Chair: William Shughart
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

2:30pm – 2:40pm

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Plaza

Historical Political Economy

Session Chair: Ennio Piano
Session Organizer: Ennio Piano

Fisheries, development, and statelessness: The Gaspesian peninsula circa 1830
Presenter: Vincent Geloso
Discussant: Ennio Piano

A Reappraisal of America's Free Banking Experiment
Presenter: Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Fernando Arteaga

Shipwrecked by Rents
Presenter: Fernando Arteaga
Co-Author(s): Desiree Desierto & Mark Koyama
Discussant: Vincent Geloso

Specialization and the firm in Renaissance Italian Art
Presenter: Ennio Piano
Discussant: Bryan Cutsinger

Different Freedoms (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Oglethorpe A/B

Coups! Corruption!

Session Chair: Kevin Grier
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

Corruption and the Wealth of Nations
Presenter: Robin Grier
Discussant: Samuel Absher

Consequences of CIA Coups in Latin America
Presenter: Samuel Absher
Discussant: Georgios Melios

Ethnic legacies and political attitudes in the context of Africa
Presenter: Georgios Melios
Co-Author(s): N/A
Discussant: Robin Grier

Room: Savannah A

Public Choice and Civil Society

Session Chair: Anthony Gill
Session Organizer: Anthony Gill

The efficient smoke of burnt offerings: trust and transaction costs in the gifting economy
Presenter: Anthony Gill
Co-Author(s): Thomas, Michael D.
Discussant: Victor Claar

Investment, Saving, & Envy
Presenter: Victor Claar
Co-Author(s): Young Back Choi
Discussant: Lenore Ealy

The Political Economy of the Informal Social Group, and the Origins of Legitimacy
Presenter: Nathanael Snow
Discussant: Anthony Gill

Room: Pulaski

Perspectives on Complex and Entangled Political Economy

Session Chair: Abigail Devereaux
Session Organizer: Abigail Devereaux

The Emergence and Entanglement of Economic Indicators
Presenter: Abigail Devereaux
Discussant: Cameron Harwick

Money's Mutation of the Modern Moral Mind: The Simmel Hypothesis and the Cultural Evolution of WEIRDness
Presenter: Cameron Harwick
Discussant: Jon Murphy

Cascading Expert Failure: Rethinking the Question of Market Failure
Presenter: Jon Murphy
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Malte Dold

The Institutional Implications of Knightian Uncertainty
Presenter: Malte Dold
Co-Author(s): Mario Rizzo
Discussant: Abigail Devereaux

Africa and China (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Academy

Crime, Gangs and Prisons

Session Chair: Kaitlyn Woltz
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Mafia Recruits, Reputation, and Free-Riders
Presenter: Henry Thompson
Co-Author(s): N/A
Discussant: Kaitlyn Woltz

The Role of Prisoner Voice in Criminal Justice Reform
Presenter: Kaitlyn Woltz
Co-Author(s): N/A
Discussant: Henry Thompson

The Role of Prison Journalism in the US Criminal Justice Bureaucracy
Presenter: Kaitlyn Woltz
Co-Author(s): N/A
Discussant: Henry Thompson

Democracy (Cancelled)

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

4:10pm – 4:20pm

4:20pm – 5:30pm

Room: Savannah A

Plenary Session 3: Claudia R. Williamson "Culture, Democracy, and Regulation"

Session Chair: William Shughart
Session Organizer: William Shughart

Plenary Talk: "Culture, Democracy, and Regulation"
Presenter: Claudia Williamson
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Atrium