Click here to view the Conference Program
Dear Friends and Members of the Public Choice Society
We are pleased to invite you to the 52nd annual conference ofthe Public Choice Society, which will be held March 12-15, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio, Texas (see hotel booking info below).
The 2015 conference will have over 70 concurrent sessions presentingnew research in all areas of public choice, plus three or four plenary sessionsfeaturing timely and important presentations by major scholars. While papersubmissions on all public choice topics are welcome, special sessions willcommemorate and advance the scholarship of Thomas Borcherding and Gary Becker, who both passed away during the past year, and Past President Mancur Olson whose TheLogic of Collective Action will celebrate its 50th anniversarysince publication.
Our line up of distinguished plenary speakers is as follows:
– Charles Plott, California Institute of Technology and Past President of the Society, will kick things off with a mechanism design paper whose spirited title includes “political karate”. More details forthcoming.
– Todd Sandler, University of Texas at Dallas, will speak on the legacy of Mancur Olson and the important recent strands of collective action research.
– Carl Schramm, health economist and former President of the Ewing Marion Kaufmann Foundation, will deliver a talk about American health care policy.
Socializing and sustenance will be abundant, as theconference will feature continental breakfast each day, coffee breaks between sessions,and cocktail receptions on Friday and Saturday nights. A common luncheon onSaturday will announce awards and feature a partial screening of BarbaraAllen’s new documentary on Vincent and Elinor Ostrom. A number of organizationswill exhibit books and journals, with special discounts available to conferenceattendees. Finally, San Antonio provides a charming and historicallyinteresting setting, and the Hyatt Regency is ideally situated in the heart of the Riverwalk, with shops and eateries within a short walk in every direction.
So come discover new lines of research, catch up with oldfriends, and have a good time at our 52nd annual conference. Weespecially encourage you to share this with your graduate students, who willbenefit from an invigorating atmosphere, rigorous discussion of their papers, and the chance to compete for the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize for best combined paper & presentation at the 2015 conference.
Below you will find complete details about presenting apaper and registering for the conference. If you have further questions, pleaseContact Us here on the PCS website.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, we look forward toseeing you in Texas next March, and we thank you for participating in The PublicChoice Society.
Sincerely yours,
Roberta Herzberg
President, 2014-2016
Edward J. Lopez
Executive Director
P. S. Please view the dozens of wonderful photos from the2014 conference in Charleston.
Important Dates
10/1/2014 | Website open for paper proposals and early registration |
12/1/2014 | Paper Proposal Submission Deadline |
1/1/2015 | Authors informed of status of their proposals |
1/14/2015 | Preliminary conference program is published online |
2/1/2015 | Revised conference program is published online |
2/6/2015 | Regular registration deadline |
2/7/2015 | Late registration rates begin |
2/28/2015 | Deadline for authors to upload complete papers |
3/12/2015 | 2015 Conference Begins |
Conference Agenda
3/12/2015 |
Registration Desk and Book Exhibits Open at 3:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. |
3/13/2015 |
Breakfast: 7:00-8:30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions: 8:00-9:30 a.m., 1:00-2:30 p.m., 2:40-4:10 p.m., and 4:20-5:50 p.m. Coffee Break: 9:30-10:00 a.m. Plenary Session 1 – Todd Sandler: 10:00-11:20 a.m. Paper Presentations by Finalists for the Inaugural Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize: 1:00-2:30 p.m. |
3/14/2015 |
Breakfast: 7:00-8:30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions: 8:00-9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., and 2:40-4:10 p.m. Coffee Break: 9:30-10:00 a.m. Plenary Session 2 – Carl Schramm: 10:00-11:20 a.m. Awards Luncheon 1:00-2:40 p.m. – Tribute to Past President Gordon Tullock (1922-2014) – Presentation of Duncan Black Prize, Gordon Tullock Prize, and the inaugural Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize – Announcement of 2016 Conference Dates and Location Plenary Session 3 – Charlie Plott: 4:20-5:30 Cocktail Reception: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. |
3/15/2015 |
Breakfast 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions: 8:30-10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m – 12:00 noon Coffee Break: 10:00-10:30 a.m. |
3/15/2015 |
Conference Ends: 12:00 noon |
Archived Information for the 2015 Conference
Conference Procedures
MEETING ROOM SETUP: Each concurrent session will take place in a hotel meeting room, equipped with a podium, screen, and projector for laptop hookup. There is a limited number of WiFi connections available to PCS attendees in the meeting room space.
PRESENTER DUTIES: If you are presenting a paper (as opposed to presenting on a panel discussion), please upload a PDF file of your paper no later than February 28. You will have the option of leaving your paper for the conference archives or taking it down at the end of the conference. The Society retains no rights or privileges to work presented or posted here. To upload your paper, simply log in to the site and browse to the My Account section where you will find the paper upload tool.
CHAIR DUTIES: If you are chairing a paper session, please check to see that presenters on your session have uploaded their papers no later than February 28. Session Chairs are also responsible for establishing and enforcing time allocations. With four papers per 90 minute session, chairs should use good judgment to allocate the available time to presenter and discussants while leaving some time for floor discussion. A baseline is 15 minutes per presenter, 5 minutes per discussant, and 10 minutes for floor discussion.
DISCUSSANT DUTIES: In most cases, each presenter is assigned a paper on the same session to discuss. Please prepare critical and constructive comments in advance, and aim your remarks so as to promote rigorous yet collegial discussion during the session.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Conference registration is $200 for students and $250 for
non-students if received by February 6, after which the rates increase by $75. Individuals who present multiple papers are asked to submit $25 per additional paper. To submit your registration payment, or to confirm that
youhave paid, simply log in to your account and view the information presented inthe My Account area.
Cancellation policy. If for some regrettablereason you must cancel then your registration payment will be refundedaccording to the following schedule: full refund if cancellation notice isreceived by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on January 20; 50% refund if received by 11:59p.m. Eastern Time on February 20; no refund if received by 12:00 a.m. on February21 or later. Individuals seeking tocancel are asked to email the PCS office with “RegistrationCancellation” in the subject line and a brief explanation in the emailbody.
SUBMIT PROPOSALS: To propose your paper for the 2015 conference, please visit the Submit Paper tab here on the PCS website starting October 1. Presenting authors will initially submit just the title and
abstract of their papers. The submission deadline is December 1. The conference selection committee will review proposals and notify authors by January 1. If your paper is selected for the program, you are asked to
upload the complete draft of your paper no later than February 21. Following Public Choice Society tradition, all presenting authors also serve as Discussant on another paper presented during the same session. If you
would like to propose an entire organized session, please contact the Society President. Program space available for organized sessions may be limited.
Hotel Information
Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk
The Hyatt Regency is located in the heart of San Antonio’sPaseo del Rio, also known as the Riverwalk. Easily accessible by car and foot,the hotel is ideally situated in the heart of everything that downtown offers.
The Society’s contracted room rate is $199 (single or double occupancy) plus applicable taxes, available until February 12 or until the contracted room block is filled. By special arrangement with the hotel, registered conference attendees will enjoy complimentary in-room Internet access for the duration of the conference.
To book your room simply point your browser to our dedicated reservation website. There is no code to enter. Please book early as availability is limited.
Hotel Info: Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk, 123Losoya Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205. T: 1-888-421-1442 or 1-210-222-1234. F: 210-451-6396.
Visitor and Transportation Info
San Antonio International Airport (SAT) is serviced by all major U.S. airlines.
Ground transportation is available upon arrival or by advance reservation.
The Hyatt Regency is a 15 minute drive from the airport. Unfortunately the hotel does not offer an airport shuttle service.