2015 Conference Program Details

2015 Conference Program Details

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3:00pm – 7:00pm

Room: Los Rios Foyer

Registration Desk

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Book Exhibits

Room: Crystal Atrium

Exhibitors Hall

5:00pm – 6:30pm

Room: Rio Grande Ballroom

Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by Public Choice Society and Center for Study of Public Choice

6:30pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Friday, March 13, 2015

7:00am – 8:30am

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Los Rios Foyer

Registration Desk

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Book Exhibits

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Rio Grande West

Institutions & Well-Being I

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Boris Nikolaev

Tolerance in the United States: How freer markets transform racial, religious, and sexual attitudes Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Therese Nilsson
Discussant: Joshua Hall

Economic Freedom, Physical Activity, and Health Disparities
Presenter: Joshua Hall
Co-Author(s): Humphreys Brad,Ruseki Jane
Discussant: Boris Nikolaev

Give Me Liberty and Give Me Control: Freedom and the Locus of Control Download paper
Presenter: Boris Nikolaev
Co-Author(s): Bennett Daniel
Discussant: Milena Nikolova

Institutions and the Unhappiness Puzzle: Evidence from Transition Economies Download paper
Presenter: Milena Nikolova
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Room: Rio Grande East

Markets and Institutions

Session Chair: Kathleen Sheehan

Aid and the Role of External Influence in Polycentric Institutions Download paper
Presenter: Liya Palagashvili
Discussant: Monika Cule

Inter vivos transfers of business assets in family firms Download paper
Presenter: Marina Riem
Co-Author(s): Niklas Potrafke, Christoph Schinke

The effect of political institutions on Internet access
Presenter: Kathleen Sheehan
Discussant: Marina Riem

Room: Garden Terrace #1


Session Chair: Joy Buchanan

Expressive voting and ideology in a laboratory democracy Download paper
Presenter: Rasmus Wiese
Co-Author(s): Richard Jong-A-Pin
Discussant: Duk Gyoo Kim

Labor Supply Response to Price Level Shocks: Evidence from a Gift Exchange Experiment
Presenter: Joy Buchanan
Co-Author(s): Daniel Houser
Discussant: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto

The Second-Tier Curse: Theory and Experimental Evidence Download paper
Presenter: Duk Gyoo Kim
Discussant: Rasmus Wiese

Room: Garden Terrace #2

Employment and Retirement

Session Chair: William B. Hankins

What drives annuitization rates? Retirement behavior in Switzerland during and after the crisis
Presenter: Alma Ramsden
Co-Author(s): Monika Bütler
Discussant: William B. Hankins

The political economy of public investment when population is aging: a panel cointegration analysis
Presenter: Philipp Jaeger
Co-Author(s): Torsten Schmidt
Discussant: Niklas Elert

The Politics of Employment: How Partisanship Influences the Distribution of Employment and Training Administration Grants
Presenter: William B. Hankins
Discussant: Alma Ramsden

Room: Blanco

Agency and Hierarchy

Session Chair: Renato Oliveira

Performance Management in Principal-Agent Relations: Gaming and Monitoring the System Download paper
Presenter: Shlomo Mizrahi
Co-Author(s): Yizhaq Minchuk
Discussant: Trey Carson

Can Politicians Police Themselves? Natural Experimental Evidence from Brazil’s Audit Courts Download paper
Presenter: Renato Oliveira
Co-Author(s): Júlio Canello (IESP) and F. Daniel Hidalgo (MIT)
Discussant: Luona Lin

The Marine Hospital Service, 1798-1902: a Political Economy Perspective Download paper
Presenter: Trey Carson
Discussant: Shlomo Mizrahi

Room: Mesquite

Charity and Public Choice

Session Chair: Alexander Funcke

Information, Competition and the Quality of Charity Download paper
Presenter: Silvana Krasteva
Co-Author(s): Huseyin Yildirim
Discussant: Alexander Funcke

Strategic Delegation in Public Investment Competition Download paper
Presenter: Taiki Susa
Discussant: Sevgi Ineci

And she’s building a stairway to collective action: On stifling and instigating revolutions Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Funcke
Co-Author(s): Ulrik Franke
Discussant: Silvana Krasteva

Good Governance and Economic Efficiency: A Public Choice Look on Poverty Reduction with Microfinance Download paper
Presenter: Sevgi Ineci
Discussant: Taiki Susa

Room: Nueces

Interests, Rent Seeking and Models of Influence

Session Chair: Bjoern Kauder

Lobbying, family concerns and the lack of political support for estate taxation
Presenter: Philippe De Donder
Co-Author(s): Pierre Pestieau
Discussant: Lawrence Ikem Fejokwu

“The Optimal Number of States for the Viable Fiscal Future of Fiscally Failing, Fiscally Flawed Nations. A Nigerian Case Study.” Download paper
Presenter: Lawrence Ikem Fejokwu
Discussant: Bjoern Kauder

Do External Experts Prevent Political Biases in Revenue Forecasts? Evidence from Germany Download paper
Presenter: Bjoern Kauder
Co-Author(s): Thiess Buettner
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

Fractionalization, Rent Seeking, and Economic Freedom Download paper
Presenter: Bonnie Wilson
Co-Author(s): Jac C Heckelman
Discussant: Philippe De Donder

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Coffee Break — Sponsored by Public Choice Society and the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in PPE at Mercatus Center

11:20am – 1:30pm

Room: Pecan

Executive Committee Luncheon

Lunch on Own

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Garden Terrace #2

Public Choice Behavioral Economics – Implications for Policy

Session Organizer: Susan Dudley

Integrating public choice and behavioral economics
Presenter: Susan Dudley
Co-Author(s): Brian Mannix, Blake Taylor

Are “Private Benefits” from Regulation Legitimate?
Presenter: Brian Mannix
Co-Author(s): Susan Dudley

The Formation of Trust Networks in Supply Chains with Intermediaries:  A Virtual World Experiment
Presenter: Kevin McCabe

Behavioral Political Economy: A Survey Download paper
Presenter: Christian Schubert
Co-Author(s): Jan Schnellenbach
Discussant: Kevin McCabe

Room: Nueces

Contributions to Pre-Modern Economic History

Session Chair: Andrew Young
Session Organizer: Andrew Young

From Caesar to Tacitus: Changes in Early Germanic Governance circa 50 BC to 50 AD Download paper
Presenter: Andrew Young
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Prison Growth and Political Interests Across Legal Origins Download paper
Presenter: Daniel D’Amico
Co-Author(s): Claudia Williamson
Discussant: Geoffrey Lea

Who Pays Taxes? Liturgies and the Antidosis Procedure
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Co-Author(s): Williamson Claudia
Discussant: Daniel D’Amico

Interest Groups and the Athenian Fleet Download paper
Presenter: Geoffrey Lea
Discussant: Andrew Young

Room: Rio Grande West

Institutions & Well-Being II

Session Chair: Boris Nikolaev
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Institutional Convergence Download paper
Presenter: Christopher Boudreaux
Co-Author(s): Holcombe Randall
Discussant: Andrew Young

Economic Freedom and the Education of Women: An Empirical Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Rosemarie Fike
Discussant: Martin Rode

Free to choose? Economic freedom, relative income, and life control perceptions Download paper
Presenter: Martin Rode
Co-Author(s): Hans Pitlik
Discussant: Rosemarie Fike

Want Freedom, Will Travel: Emigrant Self Selection according to Institutional Quality
Presenter: Andrew Young
Co-Author(s): Nejad Maryam Naghsh
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Room: Rio Grande East

The Political Economy of Law and Legislation

Session Chair: Joshua Hall
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

The Value of Friends in High Places: The Political Economy of the Export-Import Bank
Presenter: Frank Stephenson
Co-Author(s): Peter McCort
Discussant: Christopher Yencha

Good Cop, Bad Cop, What You Gonna Do?
Presenter: Robert Lawson
Co-Author(s): Keri Lawson
Discussant: Joshua Hall

The Political Economy of Subsidized Commercial Air Service Download paper
Presenter: Christopher Yencha
Co-Author(s): Joshua Hall, Amanda Ross
Discussant: Frank Stephenson

Rule of law in a Public Choice Perspective Download paper
Presenter: Filip Palda
Discussant: Robert Lawson

Room: Blanco

Rule of Law Applications

Session Chair: Benjamin Ogden

Economic Transition, Firm Size, and Legal Reform in China, Russia, and Kazakhstan
Presenter: Bradley Murg
Discussant: Benjamin Chen

Explaining Comparative Administrative Law: The Standing of Positive Political Theory Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Chen
Co-Author(s): Zhiyu Li
Discussant: Benjamin Ogden

When Settlements Increase Competition: The Dynamics of Reverse Payment Settlements and Market Entry Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Ogden
Co-Author(s): Keith Hylton
Discussant: daniele bertolini

Taking the Costs of Consent Seriously. Process Efficiency Analysis and the Constitutional Foundations of Law and Economics Download paper
Presenter: daniele bertolini
Discussant: Bradley Murg

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Property Rights

Session Chair: Alexander Salter

Is This North Carolina or Zimbabwe? How the State’s “Designated Highway Corridors” Destroy Property Rights, Wealth and County Revenue in the State. Download paper
Presenter: Craig Richardson
Discussant: Alexander Salter

The Economic Characteristics of First Possession Rights to a Heterogeneous Resource: Prior Appropriation Rights to Water Download paper
Presenter: Bryan Leonard
Co-Author(s): Gary D. Libecap
Discussant: Michael Giberson

Sovereignty as Exchange of Political Property Rights Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Salter
Discussant: Craig Richardson

Room: Frio

Fiscal and Monetary Institutions

Session Chair: Soomi Lee

On the Design of Public Institutions: Evidence from Financial Supervision
Presenter: Volker Nitsch
Discussant: Soomi Lee

Wither Gold
Presenter: James Caton
Discussant: Florian Neumeier

Do Businessmen make Good Governors? Download paper
Presenter: Florian Neumeier

Federal Tax Shocks and Fiscal Capacity: The Case of Natural Resources
Presenter: Yaniv Reingewertz
Discussant: Volker Nitsch

Room: Mesquite

Electoral Models

Session Chair: D. Marc Kilgour

Approval Balloting in Elections with a Variable Number of Winners Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Discussant: Markus Reischmann

Plurality Voting Versus Proportional Representation in the Citizen‐Candidate Model Download paper
Presenter: Aaron Kamm
Discussant: Junichiro Wada

Creative accounting and electoral motives: Evidence from OECD countries
Presenter: Markus Reischmann
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

Studying unequal representation using alpha-divergence Download paper
Presenter: Junichiro Wada
Co-Author(s): Yuta Kamahara
Discussant: Aaron Kamm

Room: Rio Grande Center

The Inaugural Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize: Finalists’ Presentations

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Mario Villarreal

Escape from Europe: A Calculus of Consent Model of the Origins of Democracy in North America Download paper
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Co-Author(s): Kyle O’Donnell
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

The Individual-Specific Incidence of Mandated Benefits: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Download paper
Presenter: Conor Lennon
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

Does Central Bank Independence Improve Monetary Policymaking? Download paper
Presenter: Caitlin Ainsley
Discussant: Michael Munger

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Rio Grande West

Maryland Collective Choice

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

The Central Bank of Cincinnati? A Public Choice Analysis of the Selection of Federal Reserve Bank Cities Download paper
Presenter: Jac Heckelman
Co-Author(s): John Wood
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Fragmentation and Collective Action: Two Dilemmas of Early Eastern-European Transition. Download paper
Presenter: Marek Kaminski
Discussant: Nicholas Miller

Educate or Regulate
Presenter: Bilin Neyapti
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

A note on behavioral game theory: theoretical predictions, experimental outcomes and the meaning of the discrepancy between them. Download paper
Presenter: Piotr Swistak
Discussant: Nicholas Miller

Room: Rio Grande Center

Tullock’s Contributions I: Breadth of Public Choice – Sponsored by Liberty Fund

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Tullock and the Theory of the Rent Seeking Society
Presenter: Arye Hillman
Discussant: Roger Congleton

Tullock’s Theory of Dictatorship and Revolution Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Apolte
Discussant: Arye Hillman

Remembering Gordon Tullock’s Contribution to Efficient Public Choice Download paper
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Discussant: Thomas Apolte

Gordon Tullock’s Implicit Analytical History of Government Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Room: Rio Grande East

Liberty and Political Economy

Session Chair: Ken Sagynbekov

Mapping the Road to Freedom – The Correlates and Roots of the Rule of Law Download paper
Presenter: Stefan Voigt
Co-Author(s): Jerg Gutmann
Discussant: Ken Sagynbekov

Less Liberty, More Deaths? Download paper
Presenter: Ken Sagynbekov
Discussant: Nicolas Maloberti

Nudges for Voters
Presenter: Nicolas Maloberti
Discussant: Darwyyn Deyo

The Impact of Double Discrimination: The Minimum Wage, Women of Color, and Crime Using a Matching Test
Presenter: Darwyyn Deyo
Discussant: Stefan Voigt

Room: Nueces

Legislative Decisionmaking

Session Chair: Mark Crain

Legislative bargaining with heterogeneous disagreement value: theory and experiments
Presenter: Christoph Vanberg
Co-Author(s): Luis Miller, Maria Montero

Kill Bill: That’s What Committees Do Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Discussant: Timothy Grinsell

Sunset Laws: Active Bargaining between the Legislature and Executive Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Brian Baugus
Discussant: Christoph Vanberg

Linguistics and legislative intent Download paper
Presenter: Timothy Grinsell
Discussant: Mark Crain

Room: Blanco

Institutional Determinants and Institutional Quality

Session Chair: Paul Dragos Aligica

Rational Calculation, the Price System and the Non-profit Organization: Charting the Puzzle of the Nonprofit Enterprise through Public Choice and Austrian Theoretical Lenses Download paper
Presenter: Paul Dragos Aligica
Co-Author(s): Cameron Harwick
Discussant: Marc St-Pierre

The Political and Economic Determinants of Cultural Values Download paper
Presenter: Andrew Heritage
Discussant: Irina Mirkina

Shadow economy, happiness and the quality of institutions: An empirical analysis.
Presenter: Marc St-Pierre
Discussant: Paul Dragos Aligica

Pushed by Poverty or by Institutions? An Analysis of Migration Determinants Download paper
Presenter: Irina Mirkina
Co-Author(s): Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
Discussant: Andrew Heritage

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Rent Seeking

Session Chair: Ryan Young

Rent-Seeking and Income Inequality
Presenter: Bob Subrick
Discussant: George Hwang

Housing Market and Agglomeration of Rent-Seeking Activities: Implications for Regional Development Download paper
Presenter: Chia-Ming Yu
Co-Author(s): Eric S. Lin, Shin-Kun Peng, Chia-Ming Yu
Discussant: Bob Subrick

The welfare costs of rent-seeking in an entrepreneurial economy Download paper
Presenter: George Hwang
Discussant: Ryan Young

Why So Little Rent-Seeking? Virtue and Vice in Capitalist Behavior Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Young
Co-Author(s): Fred L. Smith, Jr. and Ryan Young
Discussant: Chia-Ming Yu

Room: Frio

Measuring the Impact of Regulation

Session Chair: Lynne Kiesling

Understanding the Effect of 20th Century Regulation on 21st Century Experimentation and Technological Change in Electricity Markets Download paper
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

The Aggregate Cost of Regulations: A Structural Estimation of a Tractable Multi-Sector Endogenous Growth Model
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Co-Author(s): Bentley Coffey; Pietro Peretto
Discussant: Sunjoo Park

Who determine the industrial electricity price: regulators, utilities, or manufacturers?
Presenter: Sunjoo Park
Co-Author(s): Iryna Lendel, Eunkyu Lee
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

Room: Garden Terrace #2

Education and Opportunities

Session Chair: Larry Kenny

Classroom Quality and Student Achievement
Presenter: Moiz Bhai
Co-Author(s): Irina Horoi
Discussant: Pavel Dramski

Putting a Lid on the Melting Pot: The Political Economy of American Immigration Policy
Presenter: Zachary Gochenour
Discussant: Qinping Feng

Immigrant Children and Public Education Finance Download paper
Presenter: Qinping Feng
Discussant: Zachary Gochenour

Room: Mesquite


Session Chair: Steven Brams

Sequential lottery Download paper
Presenter: Doron Klunover
Co-Author(s): Nava Kahana
Discussant: Benjamin Ogden

How to Divide Things Fairly Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): D. Marc Kilgour
Discussant: Wolfgang Leininger

The Imperfect Beliefs Voting Model Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Ogden
Discussant: Doron Klunover

Revenue Maximizing Head Starts in Contests Download paper
Presenter: Wolfgang Leininger
Co-Author(s): Jörg Franke, Dortmund University, Cedric Wasser, Bonn University
Discussant: Steven Brams

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Rio Grande West

Institutions & Well-Being III

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Boris Nikolaev

Economic Freedom and Economic Crisis
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Discussant: Nabamita Dutta

Aiding Economic Freedom
Presenter: Nabamita Dutta
Co-Author(s): Williamson Claudia

Disentangling the impact of institutions and human capital on economic development: Some evidence Download paper
Presenter: Hugo Faria
Co-Author(s): Hugo Montesinos, Daniel Morales and Carlos Navarro
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Weeding out the Good Apples: Economic Development, Changing Prodcution Structures and Bureaucratic Cultures of Corruption
Presenter: Sanjay jain
Discussant: Hugo Faria

Room: Rio Grande East

Public Choice and the Fiscal Constitution

Session Organizer: Georg Vanberg

The reform of a fiscal constitution: inter-governmental relations in Germany
Presenter: Jan Schnellenbach
Discussant: Viktor Vanberg

Competitive Federalism, the Two Roles of Government, and the Power to Tax Download paper
Presenter: Viktor Vanberg
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

The Economic Theory of a Compound Republic: A Calculus of Consent Model of Self-Governance, Institutional Diversity, and Optimal Federalism Download paper
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Room: Nueces

Regulation 2

Session Chair: Patrick McLaughlin

Regulation of Industry, Employment, and Entrepreneurship Download paper
Presenter: Diana Thomas
Co-Author(s): James Bailey
Discussant: Sharon Tennyson

Unpacking the Effects of Political Competition on the Quality of Business Regulation
Presenter: Andrei Zhirnov
Co-Author(s): Dina Balalaeva
Discussant: Diana Thomas

Does Regulation Enhance or Inhibit Turnover of Firms by Industry?
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Co-Author(s): Matt Mitchell; Thomas Stratmann
Discussant: Andrei Zhirnov

Presenter: Sharon Tennyson
Co-Author(s): Sra Chuenchoksan, Andrew M. McClintock
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

Room: Blanco

Creative Destruction and Economic Transformation

Session Chair: Leone Leonida

Measuring Creative Destruction Download paper
Presenter: Rick Weber
Discussant: Richard Jong-A-Pin

The Creative Destruction of Predatory Elite Coalitions
Presenter: Petrus Sundin Olander
Discussant: Leone Leonida

Political leader survival: does competence matter?
Presenter: Richard Jong-A-Pin
Co-Author(s): Shu Yu
Discussant: Rick Weber

Room: Frio

Taxes 1

Session Chair: Michael Stroup

Taxing Girl Scout Cookies while Exempting Jazz in the Woods: An Empirical Analysis of State Sales Tax Exemptions for Nonprofit Organizations Download paper
Presenter: Sarah Larson
Co-Author(s): Kellie L. McGiverin-Bohan
Discussant: Michael Stroup

Fiscal Privileges, Consolidation Attempts and Pigouvian Taxes Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Discussant: Oskar Nupia

What is the Best Index for Measuring Tax Progressivity? Download paper
Presenter: Michael Stroup
Co-Author(s): Keith Hubbard
Discussant: Sarah Larson

Income Taxation, Political Accountability and the Provision of Public Goods.
Presenter: Oskar Nupia
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

Room: Mesquite

Voters and Candidates

Session Chair: Stanley Winer

The economic consequences of candidate selection Download paper
Presenter: Marco A. Perez-Mares
Discussant: Stanley Winer

Toward a Tri-Modal Distribution of Voter Preferences? A Theory of Partisanship and Political Advertising Download paper
Presenter: M. Garrett Roth
Discussant: Somdeep Chatterjee

Measuring Electoral Competitiveness in a Parliamentary Democracy Download paper
Presenter: Stanley Winer
Co-Author(s): Stephen Ferris, Bernard Grofman
Discussant: Marco A. Perez-Mares

Do People Vote to Make a Statement? Evidence of Expressive Voting from a Natural Experiment in India Download paper
Presenter: Somdeep Chatterjee
Discussant: M. Garrett Roth

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Understanding International Challenges

Session Chair: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM

Fighter jet diplomacy: Political applications of airspace intrusions and interceptions of military aircraft. Download paper
Presenter: Soeren Schwuchow
Co-Author(s): Athanassios Pitsoulis and Martin Gassebner
Discussant: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM

Buying Off or Fighting Off? Interstate Crisis Bargaining with Bilateral Aid Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Wells
Discussant: Beatriz Maldonado

Efficient and fair allocation of aid Download paper
Presenter: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM
Co-Author(s): Patrick Guillaumont, Phu Nguyen-Van, Laurent Wagner
Discussant: Soeren Schwuchow

Divided Government in Latin America
Presenter: Beatriz Maldonado
Co-Author(s): Peter Calcagno
Discussant: Jeremy Wells

Room: Rio Grande Center

Models of Political Behavior

Session Chair: Robi Ragan

Dynamic Veto Player Theory: Revised Ramifications, Integrative Implications
Presenter: Brandon Zicha
Discussant: Robi Ragan

VoteR: Spatial Voting Models in R
Presenter: Robi Ragan
Discussant: Lars Metzger

Contests with endogenous alliances and incomplete information Download paper
Presenter: Lars Metzger
Discussant: Magnus Hoffmann

Multiple Rounds and Endogenous Timing in Endogenous Prize Contests with Asymmetric Valuation
Presenter: Magnus Hoffmann
Discussant: Brandon Zicha

6:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Saturday, March 14, 2015

7:00am – 8:30am

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Los Rios Foyer

Registration Desk

Room: Rio Grande Foyer

Book Exhibits

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Rio Grande East


Session Chair: Danko Tarabar
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

Staying the Path: The Role of Cultural Values on the Survival of Pro-Growth Institutions Download paper
Presenter: Michelle Vachris
Co-Author(s): Justin P. Isaacs
Discussant: Danko Tarabar

Legal Origins and the Distributional Consequences of the Rule of Law: Evidence of the Engerman-Sokoloff & Friedman Hypotheses Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Discussant: Hugo Faria

EU and Reform Convergence: Does Membership Promote Interjurisdictional Competition? Download paper
Presenter: Danko Tarabar
Co-Author(s): Andrew T. Young
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Some Evidence on the Importance of Economic and Political Institutions as Predictors of Development
Presenter: Hugo Faria
Co-Author(s): Daniel Bennett, Hugo Faria, James Gwartney and Daniel Morales
Discussant: Michelle Vachris

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Entrepreneurial Governance

Session Chair: Lotta Moberg
Session Organizer: Lotta Moberg

Political Parties as Peculiar Institutions Download paper
Presenter: David Hebert
Co-Author(s): Richard E Wagner
Discussant: Ryan Safner

Liberalizing Rent-Seeking: How Export Processing Zones Can Save or Sink an Economy Download paper
Presenter: Lotta Moberg
Discussant: David Hebert

Wiki-nomics: Bringing Institutions Back into the Analysis of Copyright with a Case Study of Wikipedia Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Safner
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

Room: Rio Grande West

The Third Sector: Insights from the Ostroms’ Public Choice Institutionalism Perspective

Session Chair: Lenore Ealy
Session Organizer: Paul Dragos Aligica

The Philanthropic Enterprise: Ideas, Institutions, Orders and Organizations from Cornuelle to the Ostroms Download paper
Presenter: Lenore Ealy
Discussant: Richard Wagner

The Third Sector: Charting the Territory through Ostromian Theoretical Lenses Download paper
Presenter: Paul Dragos Aligica
Discussant: Richard Wagner

A Microfoundation of Social Entrepreneurship: Ostromian Polycentricity and Hayekian Knowledge Download paper
Presenter: Gordon Shockley
Co-Author(s): Peter Frank
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Poverty Alleviation as an Economic Problem Download paper
Presenter: Adam Martin
Co-Author(s): Matias Petersen
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Nueces

Egoism, Altruism, and Public Choice

Session Chair: Onkar Ghate
Session Organizer: Onkar Ghate

Understanding Egoism and Altruism
Presenter: Onkar Ghate
Discussant: Richard Salsman

Are the Wrong People Self-Interested, and for the Wrong Reasons?  A Partial Re-Re-Habilitation of the Public Interest Theory”
Presenter: Michael Munger
Discussant: Onkar Ghate

Egoism, Altruism & the Intergenerational Effects of Public Debt” Download paper
Presenter: Richard Salsman
Discussant: Steve Simpson

Cronyism: A Case Study in Why a Normative View of Government Matters”
Presenter: Steve Simpson
Discussant: Michael Munger

Room: Rio Grande Center

Handbook of Social Choice and Voting: Related Papers

Session Chair: Nicholas Miller
Session Organizer: Nicholas Miller

An Expected Utility Analysis of the Optimal k-Majority Rule Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Co-Author(s): Robi Ragan

Condorcet Jury Theorem and Supermajority Rules
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Election Inversions Under Variants of the U.S. Electoral College Download paper
Presenter: Nicholas Miller
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Nicholas Miller

Expressive Voting and the Median Voter Theory: An Agent Based Approach Download paper
Presenter: Eric Hammer
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Room: Blanco

Public Choice Insights for Regulatory Reform

Session Chair: Lynne Kiesling
Session Organizer: Susan Dudley

Political Influences on the Quality and Use of Regulatory Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Jerry Ellig
Discussant: Susan Dudley

Institutions & Incentives for Regulatory Reform Download paper
Presenter: Susan Dudley

Talking Reg Reform is Easy – Doing Reg Reform is Hard
Presenter: Donald Arbuckle
Discussant: Brian Mannix

Minimizing Rent-Seeking
Presenter: Brian Mannix

Room: Frio

Environmental Dilemmas

Session Chair: Tracy Snoddon

Addressing Externalities, Moving from the Right Price to Improving Transaction Efficiency Download paper
Presenter: Jason Scheppers
Discussant: Patrick O’Reilly

An Empirical Investigation into the Political Economy of Extended Producer Responsibility Laws for Electronic Waste in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Patrick O’Reilly
Discussant: Tracy Snoddon

Prospects for Integrated Carbon Taxes in Canada: Lessons from Federal-Provincial Tax Coordination Download paper
Presenter: Tracy Snoddon
Discussant: Sebastian Miller

Understanding environmental conflicts in large projects Download paper
Presenter: Sebastian Miller
Co-Author(s): Raul O’Ryan
Discussant: Jason Scheppers

Room: Mesquite

Corruption, Trust, and Economic Freedom

Session Chair: Dennis Coates

Economic Freedom and Corruption: Granger Causality Tests Download paper
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Adrienne Taylor
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider

Institutional Constraints on Government Favoritism: An Analysis of State Gift Clauses
Presenter: Christopher Koopman
Co-Author(s): Matthew Mitchell
Discussant: Hans Pitlik

Does Corruption Promote Emigration? An Empirical Examination Download paper
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider
Co-Author(s): Arusha Cooray
Discussant: Dennis Coates

Social trust, institutional and political constraints on the executive, and deregulation of markets Download paper
Presenter: Hans Pitlik
Co-Author(s): Markus Leibrecht
Discussant: Christopher Koopman

9:30am – 10:00am

Coffee Break – Sponsored by Public Choice Society and the PPE Program at Duke University

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Rio Grande Center

Plenary Session 2: Carl Schramm, Ewing Marion Kaufmann Foundation: “Entrepreneurial Justice and Public Choice”

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Roberta Herzberg

11:20am – 11:30am


11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Rio Grande East

Formal Models of Political Institutions

Session Organizer: Georg Vanberg

‘If we are wrong…the courts will correct it’: Legislative Voting, Position Taking, and Judicial Review
Presenter: Joseph Ura

The Role of the Judiciary and the Military in Recent Egyptian Political Transitions: A Game Theoretic Model
Presenter: Sahar Aziz
Co-Author(s): James Rogers
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Informational Pathologies of Bicameralism
Presenter: James Rogers
Co-Author(s): Caitlin Ainsley , Cliff Carrubba

Non-median outcomes and bargaining on collegial courts Download paper
Presenter: Georg Vanberg

Room: Rio Grande Center

Tullock’s Contributions II: Rationalizing Scientific Inquiry – Sponsored by Liberty Fund

Session Chair: Nicolaus Tideman
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Gordon Tullock on the rational silence of economists Download paper
Presenter: David Levy
Co-Author(s): Sandra Peart

Tullock’s Contribution to Experimental Economics
Presenter: Daniel Houser

Tullock’s Contribution to Sociobiology and Bioeconomics
Presenter: Janet Landa
Discussant: David Levy

Tullock’s Contribution to Law and Economics
Presenter: Francesco Parisi
Discussant: Daniel Houser

Room: Nueces

50 Years of the Logic of Collective Action: New Applications – Sponsored by The William E. Simon Professorship of Political Economy at Lafayette College

Session Chair: Jac Heckelman
Session Organizer: Jac Heckelman

The Collective Action Problem in Public Interest Groups Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Todd Sandler

Visigothic Retinues: Roving Bandits that Succeeded Rome Download paper
Presenter: Andrew Young
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

International Security, Insurance, and Protection: Negative Spillovers within Alliances Download paper
Presenter: Shintaro Nakagawa
Co-Author(s): Toshihiro Ihori, Martin C McGuire
Discussant: Jac Heckelman

Room: Rio Grande West

William Shughart’s Taxing Choice: 17 Years Later

Session Chair: Adam Hoffer
Session Organizer: Adam Hoffer

William Shughart’s Taxing Choice: 17 Years Later
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Taxing Choice
Presenter: William Shughart
Discussant: Todd Nesbit

Earmarks: Leviathan’s Secret Weapon
Presenter: George Crowley
Discussant: George Crowley

Selective Taxation from the Interest Group Perspective
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: William Shughart

Excise Tax Rates and Smuggling
Presenter: Todd Nesbit
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

Room: Frio

Party and Legislative Decisions

Session Chair: Bernard Grofman

Party Discipline and Government Spending
Presenter: Marta Curto-Grau
Co-Author(s): Galina Zudenkova
Discussant: Monika Koeppl-Turyna

Components of Party Polarization in the U.S. House of Representatives
Presenter: Bernard Grofman
Co-Author(s): Thomas L. Brunell and Samuel Merrill, III
Discussant: Qinping Feng

How public funding of parties can lead to political polarization Download paper
Presenter: Monika Koeppl-Turyna
Discussant: Marta Curto-Grau

Demographic Structure and the Political Economy of Immigrant Public Benefit Access Download paper
Presenter: Qinping Feng
Discussant: Bernard Grofman

Room: Mesquite

Public Finance and Leviathan

Session Chair: Benjamin Powell

War and the Growth of Government: A Cross-Country Examination of the Higgsian Ratchet
Presenter: Benjamin Powell
Co-Author(s): Colin O’Reilly
Discussant: Yaniv Reingewertz

The Vertical Tax Externality: Evidence from Narrative Federal Tax Shocks
Presenter: Yaniv Reingewertz
Co-Author(s): Ohad Raveh

Is the Argument by Alesina regarding the Mix of Revenue-Increasing Measures and Expenditure Cuts in Fiscal Consolidation Applicable to Japan? Download paper
Discussant: Benjamin Powell

Short-run and Long-run Fiscal Effects of Supermajority Rule to Raise Taxes: Strategic Responses of State Legislators Download paper
Presenter: Soomi Lee
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Roundtable Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Classics of Social Choice by Arnie Urken and Iain McLain

Session Chair: Edward Lopez

Did the Classical Theorists Miss Something?
Presenter: Steven Brams

Video Remarks: “From a dropped canapé in the Institut de France to a frozen yogurt in Tucson: The making of Classics of Social Choice”
Presenter: Iain McLean

Time, Communication, and Voting Theory
Presenter: Arnold Urken

Remarks on the Classics of Social Choice
Presenter: Nicholas Miller

Room: Garden Terrace #2

Christian Perspectives on Cronyism and State-Run Enterprises

Session Chair: Anne Bradley
Session Organizer: Anne Bradley

How Cronyism Makes the Rich Richer at the Expense of the Poor: A Moral Case Against Cronyism
Presenter: Anne Bradley
Discussant: Joy Buchanan

Institutions Exposed through Natural Resource Governance Structures
Presenter: Joy Buchanan
Discussant: Joseph Connors

A Christian Perspective on Cronyism
Presenter: Joseph Connors
Discussant: Anne Bradley

1:00pm – 2:40pm

Room: Regency Ballroom East

Awards Luncheon

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Edward Lopez

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Frio

Health Economics

Session Chair: Joshua Hall
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

Economic Freedom, Ethnicity, and Health Disparities: Evidence from the 50 States
Presenter: Joshua Hall
Co-Author(s): Brad Humphreys , Jane Ruseski
Discussant: James Bailey

Do Big Box Grocers Improve Food Security? Download paper
Presenter: Art Carden
Co-Author(s): Charles Courtemanche , Murugi Ndirangu , Zhou Xilin
Discussant: Anna Chorniy

Do Health Insurance Mandates Discourage Employment? Download paper
Presenter: James Bailey
Co-Author(s): Douglas Webber
Discussant: Art Carden

Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Job Mobility Download paper
Presenter: Anna Chorniy
Co-Author(s): James Bailey
Discussant: Joshua Hall

Room: Rio Grande East

The Legacy of Thomas Borcherding (1939-2014)

Session Organizer: Soomi Lee

Talking About Not Talking: Applying Deming’s New Economics and Denzau and North’s New Institutional Economics to improve inter-organizational systems thinking and performance Download paper
Presenter: Art Denzau
Co-Author(s): Ravi Roy, Henrick Minassians

Local Public Education Expenditures: Do Voters Propose and Teachers’Unions Dispose
Presenter: Padmapriya Gollapudi
Discussant: Ravi Roy

The Reservation Cost of Voting: The Differential Cost of Collecting and Casting Votes for Voters Living on and off Reservations in Montana
Presenter: Moana Vercoe
Co-Author(s): Andrea Walters,Colleen Mahoney

Popular Music And Crime “The Cop-Killer Eras in Popular Music” Download paper
Presenter: Bret Thompson

Room: Rio Grande Center

50 Years of the Logic of Collective Action: Extensions and Criticisms

Session Chair: Jac Heckelman
Session Organizer: Jac Heckelman

The Logic of Collective Action and Beyond Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Michael Munger

Tuck on Olson: Does Olson mischaracterize the free-rider problem as a Sorites problem?
Presenter: Geoffrey Brennan
Discussant: Dennis Coates

The Logic of Collective Action and Technology-Enabled Forms of Association Download paper
Presenter: Dinissa Duvanova
Discussant: Marek Kaminski

Room: Blanco

Economic Thought in Public Choice

Session Chair: David Levy

From clientelism to authoritarianism: a 21st century road to serfdom? Download paper
Presenter: Nick Cowen
Co-Author(s): Aris Trantidis
Discussant: Alex Gill

Information and Evolution in Economics: Stiglitz versus Hayek Download paper
Presenter: Alex Gill
Co-Author(s): Peter J. Boettke
Discussant: David Levy

Ronald Coase and the Fabian Society: Competitive Discussion in Liberal Ideology
Presenter: David Levy
Co-Author(s): Sandra J. Peart
Discussant: Nick Cowen

Room: Garden Terrace #1

Fiscal Policy

Session Chair: Nimah Mazaheri

The Specialization Curse: Economic Specialization and its Effect on Public Goods Provision Download paper
Presenter: Nimah Mazaheri
Co-Author(s): Benjamin S. Barber IV
Discussant: Haldun Evrenk

Political business cycles in Armenia: the concept and measurability
Presenter: Arsen Manukyan
Co-Author(s): Rustem M. Nureev
Discussant: Nimah Mazaheri

Room: Garden Terrace #2

Social Welfare Policy

Session Chair: Meg Patrick Tuszynski

From an Art and Science of Association to a Science of Alms: The Evolution of Public Aid Dependency in the US Download paper
Presenter: Meg Patrick Tuszynski
Discussant: Tetsuro Okazaki

Valence and Media Influence on Elections Download paper
Presenter: Tetsuro Okazaki
Discussant: Alexander Karpov

Patient mobility, health care quality, welfare and regulation Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Karpov
Discussant: Meg Patrick Tuszynski

Room: Rio Grande West

Political Economy of Fiscal Policy

Session Chair: Stephen Coate

To be rather than to seem: Fiscal illusion and state expenditures in North Carolina Download paper
Presenter: Stephen Miller
Co-Author(s): Zachary Gochenour
Discussant: Stephen Coate

Do Majority Governments Lead to Lower Fiscal Deficits? A Regression Discontinuity Approach Download paper
Presenter: Joaquin Artes
Co-Author(s): Ignacio Jurado
Discussant: Eunji Kim

Optimal Fiscal Limits
Presenter: Stephen Coate
Discussant: Stephen Miller

Room: Nueces

Democracy and Economics

Session Chair: Aziz Berdiev

Democracy and High-Quality Policy Achievement: An Empirical Examination.
Presenter: Dina Balalaeva
Co-Author(s): Olga Shvetsova
Discussant: Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis

The Determinants of Emergency Constitutions
Presenter: Stefan Voigt
Co-Author(s): Christian Björnskov
Discussant: Francisco Alberto Castellanos Sosa

Financial Vulnerability and Export Dynamics in Developing Countries Download paper
Presenter: Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis
Co-Author(s): Youssouf Kendrebeogo, Melisse Jaud, and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis***
Discussant: Dina Balalaeva

Democracy and Economic Growth: Analysis by Regions, Country Groups and Income Levels
Presenter: Francisco Alberto Castellanos Sosa
Discussant: Stefan Voigt

Room: Mesquite

Prospects for Reforming Deficits and Debt

Session Chair: Edward Lopez
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Pursuing Budget Process Reform: Navigating Competing Political and Economic Interests
Presenter: Baker Spring

The Economics of Budget Deficits
Presenter: William Shughart

Evolution of Budget Rules and Effects on Fiscal Policy
Presenter: Peter Calcagno
Co-Author(s): Edward Lopez

Successful Legislation to Curb Federal Debt: Can We Learn from the States?
Presenter: Thomas Garrett

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:30pm

Room: Rio Grande Center

Plenary Session 3: Charlie Plott, California Institute of Technology and Society Past President, “Committee Karate: Machiavilli Joins Public Choice?”

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Roberta Herzberg

5:30pm – 7:00pm

Room: Garden Terrace

Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by Public Choice Society, Springer, and The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics

7:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own