2016 Conference Program Details

2016 Conference Program Details

Thursday, March 10, 2016

1:00pm – 7:00pm

Room: Crystal Atrium

Conference Registration Desk

4:00pm – 5:20pm

Room: Crystal Ballroom

Plenary Session 1: Vernon L. Smith, Chapman University and Society Past President, “On Proving Your Beliefs to be False”. Sponsored by Florida Atlantic University College of Business and Public Choice Society

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Room: Crystal Ballroom

Conference Welcome

5:30pm – 7:20pm

Room: Pier Top Room

Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by Public Choice Society

7:20pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Friday, March 11, 2016

7:00am – 8:30am

Room: Crystal Atrium

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Crystal Atrium

Exhibitors Hall

Room: Crystal Atrium

Conference Registration Desk

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Chart Room

Political Theory

Session Chair: Colin Jennings
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Markets and Fairness: Folk Intuitions about Economic Justice in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto
Co-Author(s): Brock, Schylar; Wright, Jen
Discussant: Piotr Swistak

The Tolerance of the Intolerant
Presenter: Colin Jennings
Discussant: Brian Kogelmann

Minimal Liberalism and the Nature of Rights Download paper
Presenter: Brian Kogelmann
Discussant: Colin Jennings

Democracy, Hierarchy and Modern Institutions
Presenter: Piotr Swistak
Co-Author(s): Bendor, Jonathan
Discussant: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto

Room: Captains Boardroom

Economic Institutions

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Poor Institutions as a Comparative Advantage
Presenter: Cort Rodet
Discussant: Ash Navabi

Free Trade in Things, But Not Ideas: The Rise of Intellectual Property Protectionism in Free Trade Agreements
Presenter: Ash Navabi
Co-Author(s): Goodman, Nathan.
Discussant: Cort Rodet

Young Startup Firm Exports and Productive Efficiency Download paper
Presenter: Florence Neymotin
Co-Author(s): Baek, H. Young

Rent-seeking and the Logic of the California Water Game Download paper
Presenter: James Caton
Co-Author(s): Richard Wagner
Discussant: Florence Neymotin

Room: Commodore Room

Economic Freedom and Size of Government

Session Chair: Daniel Green
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Post-Socialist Constitutions: The De Jure – De Facto Gap, Its Effects and Determinants Download paper
Presenter: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska
Discussant: Daniel Green

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life: Global Evidence and Comparisons Download paper
Presenter: Al Kamienski
Discussant: Arthur Nelson

Political transitions and growth of government in emerging democracies
Presenter: Dekuwmini (Dee) Mornah
Discussant: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska

On Economic and Political Freedom: A Vector Autoregression Approach Download paper
Presenter: Arthur Nelson
Co-Author(s): Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Al Kamienski

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Federalism I

Session Chair: Monica Escaleras
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does Fiscal Decentralization Affect Infrastructure Quality?: An Examination of U.S. States
Presenter: Monica Escaleras
Co-Author(s): Calcagno, Peter
Discussant: Yukun Sun

Spatial Corporate Tax Competition among County Level Governments
Presenter: Yukun Sun
Co-Author(s): Ren, Chaoran
Discussant: Monica Escaleras

Majority Voting and Endogenous Timing in Tax Competition Download paper
Presenter: Taiki Susa
Co-Author(s): Ogawa, Hikaru
Discussant: Zhilong Ge

Room: Salon 1

Fiscal Policy and Economic Viability

Session Chair: Richard Salsman
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

New methods for testing the sustainability of the government debt Download paper
Presenter: Kazuki Hiraga
Discussant: Markus Reischmann

Test of Fiscal Sustainabity For Some EU Member States: Case of Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIGS) Download paper
Co-Author(s): Veli Yilanci
Discussant: Kazuki Hiraga

Expert opinions on the Grexit Download paper
Presenter: Markus Reischmann
Co-Author(s): Potrafke, Niklas
Discussant: Richard Salsman

The Paradox of Public Profligacy Download paper
Presenter: Richard Salsman
Discussant: HAKKI ODABAS

Room: Salon 2

Structure, Scope and Growth of Government I

Session Chair: Jan Schnellenbach
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Performance Differences in Public Sector
Presenter: Maria Droganova
Discussant: Jan Schnellenbach

The Organization of Central Banks
Presenter: Volker Nitsch
Co-Author(s): Weidner, Jan
Discussant: Andrew Young

A Constitutional Economics Perspective on Soft Paternalism Download paper
Presenter: Jan Schnellenbach
Discussant: Maria Droganova

Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size of Government? A Spatial Approach
Presenter: Andrew Young
Co-Author(s): Maria Y. Tackett
Discussant: Volker Nitsch

Room: Salon 3

Coalitions and Policymaking in Parliamentary Democracies

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: Georg Vanberg

Appointing ministers in multiparty cabinets: a balancing act between intraparty and inter-party competition
Presenter: Despina Alexiadou
Discussant: Thomas Koenig

Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies
Presenter: Thomas Koenig
Co-Author(s): Nick Lin Katsunori Seki
Discussant: David Fortunato

Coalition Agenda-Setting
Presenter: David Fortunato
Co-Author(s): Mariyana Angelova
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Government Responsiveness, Legislative Institutions, and Unemployment Policy in Parliamentary Democracies
Presenter: Georg Vanberg
Co-Author(s): Lanny Martin
Discussant: Despina Alexiadou

Room: Tasting Room

The Law and Economics of Marriage

Session Chair: Pavel Kuchař
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

The Birth of Surrogate Motherhood Law: An Economic Analysis of Institutional Reform Download paper
Presenter: Pavel Kuchař
Discussant: Ho-Po Crystal Wong

Credible Commitments and Marriage: When the Homemaker Gets Her Share at Divorce Download paper
Presenter: Ho-Po Crystal Wong
Discussant: Paola Suarez

Child Brides Download paper
Presenter: Paola Suarez
Co-Author(s): Peter Leeson
Discussant: Pavel Kuchař

Marital Regulation, Avoidance, and Equality: Who Still Gives “The Best Years of My Life”? Download paper
Presenter: Antony Dnes
Discussant: Pavel Kuchař

Room: Salon 4

Public Goods I

Session Chair: Trey Carson
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Public Health and Private Incentives: Federal Malaria Prevention in the United States, 1910-1950
Presenter: Trey Carson
Discussant: Biplab Datta

Efficiency of Government Expenditure on Health Care of Asian Countries Download paper
Presenter: Zhenyu Cui
Co-Author(s): Akai, Nobuo
Discussant: Maria Tackett

Is there a school finance channel? Effects of ambient air pollution on K-12 education in USA Download paper
Presenter: Biplab Datta
Discussant: Zhenyu Cui

Nonpublic Competition and Public School Performance: Evidence from West Virginia Download paper
Presenter: Maria Tackett
Co-Author(s): Cebula, Richard;Hall, Joshua
Discussant: Trey Carson

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Crystal Atrium

Coffee Break

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Crystal Ballroom

Plenary Session 2: Robert D. Cooter, University of California Berkeley, “Why Economic Analysis Has So Little Influence on Constitutional Interpretation by Courts, And What to Do About It” Sponsored by the William E. Simon Chair at Lafayette College

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

11:20am – 1:30pm

Room: Lobby Restaurant A

Executive Committee Luncheon

11:20am – 1:00pm

Lunch on Own

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Chart Room


Session Chair: Arthur Denzau
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Talking about not talking: Deming and New Institutional Economics applied to interorganizational cooperation Download paper
Presenter: Arthur Denzau
Co-Author(s): Minassians, Hendrik P.; Roy, Ravi K.
Discussant: Kritee Gujral

Estimating Leakage due to Maladministration in India’s Food Security Program: Case Study for the State of Karnataka, 2010 Download paper
Presenter: Kritee Gujral
Co-Author(s): Gujral, Kritee; Balasubramaniam, R.; Karpur, Arun
Discussant: Arthur Denzau

The Study of Port Governance System on Port : Comparison Analysis Between America and Japan Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Watanabe
Discussant: Arthur Denzau

Room: Captains Boardroom

Legal Applications

Session Chair: Roee Sarel
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Judicial errors, crime deterrence and everything in between: evidence from U.S. federal courts Download paper
Presenter: Roee Sarel
Discussant: Darwyyn Deyo

A public choice analysis of the general duty of good faith in contractual performance: on a recent decision by the Supreme Court of Canada
Presenter: daniele bertolini
Discussant: Abraham Aldama Navarrete

Justice for Some: How Does Inequality Undermine the Rule of Law? Download paper
Presenter: Abraham Aldama Navarrete
Discussant: daniele bertolini

The Effect of Judicial Market Planning on Labor Market Distribution and the Right to Contract Download paper
Presenter: Darwyyn Deyo
Discussant: Roee Sarel

Room: Commodore Room

Political Economy Models

Session Chair: Ronald Batchelder
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Venetian Investor-Dominated Democracy and the Colleganza Maritime Partnership Download paper
Presenter: Ronald Batchelder
Discussant: Marina Riem

Comparing Investment Patterns of Foreigners and Locals Download paper
Presenter: Seungjun Kim
Discussant: Daniel Morales

Revisiting the Latin American growth puzzle: new evidence Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Morales
Co-Author(s): Faria, Hugo; Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Seungjun Kim

Corporate investment decisions under political uncertainty Download paper
Presenter: Marina Riem
Discussant: Ronald Batchelder

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Historical Perspectives

Session Chair: Daniel D’Amico
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Fragmentation of an Empire: The Political Economy of Spain and its Colonies in the Late Bourbon Period Download paper
Presenter: Fernando Arteaga
Discussant: Zachary Gochenour

Punitive Consequences of Legal Origins Download paper
Presenter: Daniel D’Amico
Co-Author(s): Claudia Williamson
Discussant: Roland Vaubel

Putting a lid on the melting pot: American immigration policy 1875-1924
Presenter: Zachary Gochenour
Discussant: Fernando Arteaga

The Making of State Religion: Public Choice Theory and Historical Evidence Download paper
Presenter: Roland Vaubel
Discussant: Daniel D’Amico

Room: Tasting Room

Game Theory

Session Chair: Steven Slutsky
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Individual Welfare and the Group Size Paradox Download paper
Presenter: Paul Pecorino
Discussant: Steven Slutsky

Optimal income taxation with no government commitment Download paper
Presenter: Steven Slutsky
Co-Author(s): Hamilton,Jonathan
Discussant: Stefano Carattini

Green taxes in a post-Paris world: are millions of nays inevitable? Download paper
Presenter: Stefano Carattini
Co-Author(s): Baranzini, Andrea; Thalmann, Philippe; Varone, Frédéric; Vöhringer, Frédéric
Discussant: Paul Pecorino

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Monetary Policy

Session Chair: Pierre Siklos
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Solving Milton Friedman’s Conundrum on Price Stability – The Impact of Reserve Requirements Deregulation Download paper
Presenter: Kai Jäger
Discussant: Pierre Siklos

Sixty Years of FOMC Minutes: Quantifying and Estimating Their Macroeconomic Impact Download paper
Presenter: Pierre Siklos
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

To Target or Not to Target? Who Decides? Download paper
Presenter: Bonnie Wilson
Co-Author(s): Heckelman, Jac C.
Discussant: Kai Jäger

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Regulatory Cases and Economic Behavior

Session Chair: Andreas Bergh
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does country level social trust predict the size of the sharing economy? Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Alexander Funcke
Discussant: Patrick O’Reilly

Drunk Driving, Traffic Accidents, and Uber Download paper
Presenter: Sean Mulholland
Co-Author(s): Angela K. Dills
Discussant: Caleb Watney

Backfire Effect Dynamics in Recycling Subsidies for Durable Goods Download paper
Presenter: Patrick O’Reilly
Co-Author(s): Kaffine, Daniel
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Regulation, Regime Uncertainty, and Daily Fantasy Sports Download paper
Presenter: Caleb Watney
Co-Author(s): Watney, Caleb; Koopman, Chris; Pagels, Jim
Discussant: Sean Mulholland

Room: Mariners

Rent Seeking I

Session Chair: Lucas Rentschler
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Duality and Optimal Political Survival Download paper
Presenter: Kelly Nelson
Co-Author(s): Rudbeck, Jens
Discussant: Zhe Yang

Two-bidder all-pay auctions with interdependent valuations, including the highly competitive case
Presenter: Lucas Rentschler
Co-Author(s): Turocy, Theodore
Discussant: Kelly Nelson

Risk Attitudes and Heterogeneity in Simultaneous and Sequential Contests
Presenter: Zhe Yang
Co-Author(s): Jindapon, Paan.
Discussant: Lucas Rentschler

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Handbook of Social Choice and Voting: Related Papers

Session Chair: Nicholas Miller
Session Organizer: Nicholas Miller

Endogenous Competence and a Limit to the Condorcet Jury Theorem
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Co-Author(s): Paul Walker
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Further Tests of a Spatial Model of Distributions of Voters’ Rankings of Candidates
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Co-Author(s): Thorsten Matje
Discussant: Itai Sened

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Taxing More Choice I

Session Chair: Adam Hoffer
Session Organizer: Adam Hoffer

The Language of Taxation: Ideology Masquerading as Science Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

Stadium Taxes
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Craig Depken
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Tax Reform as a Discovery Process
Presenter: Dwight Lee
Co-Author(s): J.R. Clark
Discussant: Dennis Coates

Earmarking and Government Growth
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Co-Author(s): George Crowley
Discussant: Dwight Lee

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Commodore Room

Voting and Elections V

Session Chair: Benjamin Ogden
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Myopic Voters?: An Empirical Defense of Democratic Voting Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider

Ethical voting in multicandidate elections Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Ogden
Co-Author(s): Bouton, Laurent
Discussant: Mahendra Prasad

On the Normative Uniqueness of Majority Rule: Generalizing May’s Theorem to Infinitely Many Voting Systems Download paper
Presenter: Mahendra Prasad
Discussant: Benjamin Ogden

The Popularity Function: A Spurious Regression? The Case of Austria Download paper
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider
Co-Author(s): Neck, Reinhard
Discussant: Richard Jankowski

Room: Tasting Room

Public Policy Provision

Session Chair: Michelle Lofton
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Death, children and pensions Download paper
Presenter: Vincenzo Alfano
Co-Author(s): Capasso Salvatore
Discussant: Michelle Lofton

The Impact of Citizen Initiatives and Public Government Distrust on Local Public Pensions
Presenter: Michelle Lofton
Co-Author(s): Hou, Yilin; Thomas, Jason
Discussant: Junichi Nagamine

Renewal Investment in Water Infrastructure and Sustainability of Water Utility: A Case Study in Japan Download paper
Presenter: Junichi Nagamine
Discussant: Michelle Lofton

Room: Mariners

Political Institutions II

Session Chair: Irina Mirkina
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

FDI and Sanctions: Being Good Guys or Good Investors? Download paper
Presenter: Irina Mirkina
Discussant: Raymond March

Skin In the Game: Comparing The Private and Public Regulation of Isotrentinoin Download paper
Presenter: Raymond March
Discussant: Lukas Schötz

Mayor Games in Bavaria: Self Selection of Local Politicians is not influenced by constitutionally defined remuneration increases! Quasi-experimental evidence from Germany.
Presenter: Lukas Schötz
Discussant: Irina Mirkina

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Regulation and Entrepreneurship II

Session Chair: Joshua Hall
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

Is it Scotchy Scotch Scotch: The Political Economy of Japanese Entry to the Scotch Whiskey Industry Download paper
Presenter: Michelle Vachris
Co-Author(s): Kyle Vachris
Discussant: Shree Pokharel

Barber Licensure and the Supply of Barber Shops: Evidence from US States Download paper
Presenter: Shree Pokharel
Co-Author(s): Joshua Hall
Discussant: Joshua Hall

Regulation and Entrepreneurial Intention
Presenter: Sriparna Ghosh
Co-Author(s): Joshua Hall
Discussant: Michelle Vachris

Entrepreneurship, Corruption, and Economic Freedom
Presenter: Justin Isaacs
Co-Author(s): Justin Isaacs
Discussant: Sriparna Ghosh

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Macro Economic Freedom Studies

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Growth, Inequality and Economic Freedom: Evidence from the US States Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Poor Institutions as a Comparative Advantage Download paper
Presenter: Cort Rodet
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

On the Hypotheses of Lipset and Friedman. A Logit Approach Download paper
Presenter: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa
Co-Author(s): Daniel L. Bennett
Discussant: Cort Rodet

Economic Freedom & Happiness Inequality: Friends or Foes? Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Co-Author(s): Boris Nikolaev
Discussant: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Empirical State and Local Political Economy

Session Chair: Dean Stansel
Session Organizer: Dean Stansel

Alabama at the Crossroads: An Economic Guide to a Fiscally Sustainable Future Download paper
Presenter: John Dove
Co-Author(s): Daniel J. Smith
Discussant: Adam Millsap

Local Governments and MSA Economic Freedom: A Test of the Leviathan Hypothesis Download paper
Presenter: Adam Millsap
Co-Author(s): Adam Millsap, Bradley Hobbs
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Economic Freedom of North America at State Borders Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Murphy
Discussant: John Dove

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Taxing More Choice II

Session Chair: Todd Nesbit
Session Organizer: Adam Hoffer

Taxation as Nudge: The Failure of Anti-Obesity Paternalism
Presenter: Michael Marlow
Co-Author(s): Sherzod Abdukadirov
Discussant: Todd Nesbit

Tax Incentives: Market vs. Business Friendly
Presenter: Frank Hefner
Co-Author(s): Peter Calcagno
Discussant: Michael Marlow

Persecuting Plastic Bags
Presenter: Frank Stephenson
Discussant: Frank Hefner

Excise taxation, quality substitution, and rent seeking
Presenter: Todd Nesbit
Discussant: Frank Stephenson

Room: Crystal Salon 2

The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize: Finalists’ Presentations

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Prosperity-enhancing Institutions: Towards a comprehensive composite Index Download paper
Presenter: Helena Helfer
Discussant: Joshua Hall

Political budget cycles: Manipulation of leaders or bias from research? Download paper
Presenter: Pierre Mandon
Co-Author(s): Cazals, Antoine.
Discussant: Michael Munger

Endowment Effects in Evolutionary Game Theory: Enhancing Property Rights Download paper
Presenter: Eric Hammer
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Chairmans Boardroom


Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Democratic Societies are Trusting Societies
Presenter: Andrew Heritage
Discussant: Robert Warren Anderson

Determinants and Effects of Indian Reservation Constitutions Download paper
Presenter: Robert Warren Anderson
Discussant: Andrew Heritage

Does rational choice politics need ethics? Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Stephan Michel

Room: Captains Boardroom

Gender and Culture

Session Chair: Mark Crain
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does religion make you sick? Evidence that a secular background promotes health Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Ljunge, Martin
Discussant: Dagobert Brito

What aspects of society affect the quality of life of a minority? Global evidence from the new Gay Happiness Index Download paper
Presenter: Therese Nilsson
Co-Author(s): Berggren, Niclas; Bjørnskov, Christian
Discussant: Mark Crain

Presenter: Dagobert Brito
Co-Author(s): Robert F. Curl
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Regulatory Impediments to Gender Equality and Global Economic Performance Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Co-Author(s): Crain, Nicole
Discussant: Therese Nilsson

Room: Chart Room

Political Cycles

Session Chair: Fabiano Barros
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Elections Cycles and Exchange Rates in Brazil
Presenter: Fabiano Barros
Co-Author(s): Covre, Julyana
Discussant: Darren Grant

Do Robocalls Increase Voter Turnout: Evidence from Repeat Calling Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Stratmann
Co-Author(s): Daniel Kling
Discussant: Fabiano Barros

The Ballot Order Effect Is Huge: Evidence from Texas Download paper
Presenter: Darren Grant
Discussant: Thomas Stratmann

Room: Commodore Room

Rent Seeking II

Session Chair: Randall Holcombe
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Returns to Lobbying: Evidence from Local Governments in the “Age of Earmarks” Download paper
Presenter: Steven Gordon
Discussant: Brian Richter

Rent Seeking Institutions
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: Andrea Walters

Disguised Contributions from Corporations to Political Campaigns
Presenter: Brian Richter
Co-Author(s): Fremeth, Adam; Richter, Brian
Discussant: Steven Gordon

Unintended Consequences and Rent Seeking on the Reservation; How Expansion of the Dawes Act Inhibited Native American Development
Presenter: Andrea Walters
Co-Author(s): Vercoe, Moana
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Political Institutions

Session Chair: Burton Abrams
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The impact of basic performance feedback on the gender tournament gap
Presenter: Sabrina Jeworrek
Discussant: JIABIN WU

The Political economy of wage and price controls: Evidence from the Nixon Tapes Download paper
Presenter: Burton Abrams
Co-Author(s): Butkiewicz, James
Discussant: Nathanael Snow

Homo-Politicus: Evolution of Behavior under Political Institutions Download paper
Presenter: JIABIN WU
Discussant: Sabrina Jeworrek

Electoral Chaos Within the Evangelical Coalition: An Example of Public Choice Politlcal Theology Download paper
Presenter: Nathanael Snow
Discussant: Burton Abrams

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Collective Action

Session Chair: Marek Kaminski
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

Collective Action in an Asymmetric World Download paper
Presenter: Cuicui Chen
Co-Author(s): Richard Zeckhauser
Discussant: Carole Uhlaner

Coalitional Stability: Apportioning the Legislature at the U.S. Constitutional Convention Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Co-Author(s): Gordon Ballingrud
Discussant: Cuicui Chen

Non-standard Game-theoretic Models of Collective Action Download paper
Presenter: Marek Kaminski
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Relational Goods as Solutions to Collective Action Download paper
Presenter: Carole Uhlaner
Discussant: Marek Kaminski

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Financial Regulation

Session Chair: Massimiliano Neri
Session Organizer: Massimiliano Neri

Assessing the Systemic Importance of Asset Managers and Investment Funds
Presenter: Massimiliano Neri
Co-Author(s): Gustave Laurent

K for Underperformance: Agency problems, moral hazard and adverse selection under a compulsive investment regime in Argentina
Presenter: Stephanie Kartzmark
Co-Author(s): Ernesto Edwards
Discussant: Leonidas Zelmanovitz

Narrow Banking’ as an Institutional Improvement Download paper
Presenter: Leonidas Zelmanovitz
Discussant: Alexander Salter

Polycentric Banking and Financial Stability
Presenter: Alexander Salter
Co-Author(s): Vlad Tarko
Discussant: Massimiliano Neri

Room: Crystal Salon 4

The Causes and Consequences of Legal and Regulatory Complexity

Session Chair: Patrick McLaughlin
Session Organizer: Patrick McLaughlin

Regulatory Complexity as a Negative Externality Download paper
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Co-Author(s): Stephen Jones
Discussant: Stephen Jones

The Incentives for and Consequences of Increasing Complexity of Laws and Regulations: A Case Study of Dodd-Frank Download paper
Presenter: Scott King
Co-Author(s): Patrick McLaughlin
Discussant: Scott King

Reading Between the Lines: Measuring Bureaucratic Drift Download paper
Presenter: Stephen Jones
Discussant: Richard Brown

Corporate Political Action and the Public Goods Problem: Franchise Systems as a Change in Context Download paper
Presenter: Richard Brown
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

Room: Tasting Room

Regulation, Subsidies and Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Nils Karlson
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

The Sugar Rush from Innovation Subsidies – A Robust Political Economy Perspective Download paper
Presenter: Nils Karlson
Co-Author(s): Anders Gustafsson, Andreas Stephan, Alice Hallman
Discussant: Sara Sutherland

Firm Support Programs Towards Innovative small and Medium Enterprises: Do They Work?
Presenter: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt
Co-Author(s): Patrik Gustavsson-Tingvall
Discussant: Nils Karlson

Crisis, Ideology, and Interventionist Policy Ratchets Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Co-Author(s): Martin Rode
Discussant: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt

Room: Mariners

Polycentricity and Political Economy

Session Chair: Richard Wagner
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

Samaritan’s Dilemmas, Wealth Redistribution, and Polycentricity
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Co-Author(s): Meg Patrick Tuszynski
Discussant: David Hebert

“Limits of Polycentric Adjustment: the State as Jekyll and Hyde” Download paper
Presenter: Yong Yoon
Discussant: Akira YOKOYAMA

“Community, State and Polycentric Tasks” Download paper
Presenter: Akira YOKOYAMA
Discussant: Yong Yoon

“Politics as a Polycentric Order in Practice”
Presenter: David Hebert
Discussant: Meg Patrick Tuszynski

Saturday, March 12, 2016

7:00am – 8:30am

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Crystal Atrium

Exhibitors Hall

Room: Crystal Atrium

Conference Registration Desk

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Chart Room

Public Goods III

Session Chair: Jennifer Dirmeyer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Private Security and the Provision of International Public Goods
Presenter: Gregory DeAngelo
Co-Author(s): Leland Taylor Smith
Discussant: Josef Montag

Policing the Police: The Influence of Law, Policy and Culture on Police Brutality Download paper
Presenter: Jennifer Dirmeyer
Co-Author(s): Cartwright, Alexander
Discussant: Gregory DeAngelo

The Marginal Cost of Justice: A Theory of Optimal Use of Alternative Criminal Procedures
Presenter: Josef Montag
Co-Author(s): Dusek, Libor
Discussant: Jennifer Dirmeyer

Room: Captains Boardroom

Voting and Elections III

Session Chair: Steven Brams
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Paradox of Grading Systems Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): Potthoff, Richard F.
Discussant: Tzu-Chang Forrest Cheng

Vote-Buying for Council Seats: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Taiwan Download paper
Presenter: Tzu-Chang Forrest Cheng
Discussant: Steven Brams

Paths to victory in Presidential elections: The setup power of noncompetitive states Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Co-Author(s): Brams, Steven J.
Discussant: Minoru Kitahara

On Candidate’s Strategic Response to the Margin of Victory in Elections Download paper
Presenter: Minoru Kitahara
Co-Author(s): Koichi Miyazaki
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

Room: Commodore Room

Federalism III

Session Chair: Nathan Ashby
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Minimum Wage and Undocumented Immigration from Mexico Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Ashby
Co-Author(s): Martinez, Deborah
Discussant: Samuel Hammond

Global Innovation Arbitrage Download paper
Presenter: Samuel Hammond
Co-Author(s): Adam Thierer
Discussant: Nathan Ashby

Do politicians gratify core supporters? Evidence from a discretionary grant program Download paper
Presenter: Bjoern Kauder
Co-Author(s): Potrafke, Niklas; Reischmann, Markus
Discussant: Adam Millsap

Can power be restored in the Electric City?: A Case Study of Scranton, PA Download paper
Presenter: Adam Millsap
Co-Author(s): Norcross, Eileen
Discussant: Bjoern Kauder

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Political Economy

Session Chair: Jason Saving
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Creative Capital in Production, Inefficiency, and Inequality: A Theoretical Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Amit Batabyal
Co-Author(s): Nijkamp, Peter
Discussant: Yiming Liu

The Impact of Minimum Wage on Crime: How Minimum Wage Affects Crime Rates Through Its Effects on Income Inequality and Unemployment Download paper
Presenter: Brandon Brice
Co-Author(s): Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Jason Saving

Income inequality and political polarization Download paper
Presenter: Yiming Liu
Discussant: Amit Batabyal

Income Inequality, Media Fragmentation and Increased Political Polarization Download paper
Presenter: Jason Saving
Co-Author(s): Duca, John
Discussant: Brandon Brice

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Political Representation

Session Chair: Stephan Gohmann
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Bergson-Samuelson social welfare function and the controversy around the death of (new) welfare economics Download paper
Presenter: Herrade Igersheim
Discussant: David Hughes

Does Economic Freedom Win or Lose with a Trifecta? Download paper
Presenter: Stephan Gohmann
Discussant: David Hughes

An Information-Based Theory of Judicial Choice with Applications to State Supreme Courts Download paper
Presenter: David Hughes
Discussant: Stephan Gohmann

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Fiscal Policy III

Session Chair: Georgeanne Artz
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Do Differences in Marginal Tax Rates at State Borders Affect Economic Activity? Download paper
Presenter: Georgeanne Artz
Co-Author(s): Orazem, Peter
Discussant: Anna Welander

The Effects of Compliance Reminders on Tax Payments; Quasi-experimental Evidence from Greece Download paper
Presenter: Antonios M. Koumpias
Discussant: Georgeanne Artz

Does Debt Relief Improve Child Health? Evidence from Cross-Country Micro Data Download paper
Presenter: Anna Welander
Discussant: Antonios M. Koumpias

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Rent Seeking III

Session Chair: George Clarke
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The effect of corruption on TFP after correcting for badly measured variables Download paper
Presenter: George Clarke
Discussant: Kathleen Sheehan

The Varied Effect of Different Types of Corruption on Economic Activity
Presenter: Kanybek Nur-tegin
Discussant: Amjad Toukan

Aiding the Underground: Foreign Aid and the Shadow Economy Download paper
Presenter: Kathleen Sheehan
Co-Author(s): Wiseman, Travis; Jia, Shaomeng
Discussant: George Clarke

Privately Held or Publicly Owned? The Role of Debt Financing Download paper
Presenter: Amjad Toukan
Discussant: Kanybek Nur-tegin

Room: Tasting Room

Institutional Analysis

Session Chair: Christopher Boudreaux
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Managing for failure: National Park Service mismanagement of Yellowstone Download paper
Presenter: Jordan Lofthouse
Co-Author(s): Yonk, Ryan
Discussant: Christopher Boudreaux

Political Entrepreneurship and Constitutional Amendments in India
Presenter: Shruti Rajagopalan
Discussant: Carl Kitchens

National Policies for Regional Development: Evidence from the Appalachian Development Highway System
Presenter: Carl Kitchens
Co-Author(s): Jaworski, Taylor
Discussant: Shruti Rajagopalan

Entrepreneurial Capital and Innovation: An Institutional Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Christopher Boudreaux
Discussant: Jordan Lofthouse

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Regulation and Entrepreneurship III

Session Chair: Bryan McCannon
Session Organizer: Joshua Hall

Potential Entrepreneurs and Regulation: Who Gets Stuck in the Red Tape? Download paper
Presenter: James Bailey
Co-Author(s): Diana Thomas
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Regulation, Entrepreneurship, and Dynamism Download paper
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Co-Author(s): Oliver Sherouse
Discussant: James Bailey

Lessons from the Small Business Financing Literature Download paper
Presenter: David Wille
Co-Author(s): Stephen Miller, Adam Hoffer
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

The RFS mandate in Corn Country; Exploring the economic impacts of Ethanol Policy
Presenter: Landon Stevens
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Panorama Ballroom

Coffee Break

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Panorama Ballroom

Plenary Session 3: David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart, “‘Almost Wholly Negative’: The Ford Foundation’s Appraisal of the Virginia School” Sponsored by the Center for Study of Public Choice

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Commodore Room


Session Chair: Ahmed Skali
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Riots and the Window of Opportunity for Coup Plotters: Evidence on the Link between Public Protests and Coups d’État Download paper
Presenter: Lena Gerling
Discussant: Jozefina Kalaj

Conflict and Urbanization: The Case of Sierra Leone Download paper
Presenter: Jozefina Kalaj
Discussant: Lena Gerling

Belief Systems and Armed Conflict Download paper
Presenter: Ahmed Skali
Discussant: Trent MacDonald

Theory of non-territorial internal exit Download paper
Presenter: Jason Potts
Co-Author(s): Trent MacDonald
Discussant: Ahmed Skali

Room: Chairmans Boardroom


Session Chair: Mario Villarreal-Diaz
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Perverse joint-incentives of faculty unions and administrators in public institutions of higher education
Presenter: Ishuan Li
Discussant: Mario Villarreal-Diaz

Can development aid help a country to escape poverty trap?
Presenter: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM
Co-Author(s): Sang PHAM-NGOC
Discussant: Ishuan Li

The “Sugar Rush” from Innovation Subsidies – A Robust Political Economy Perspective Download paper
Presenter: Nils Karlson
Co-Author(s): Anders Gustafsson; Andreas Stephan; Nils Karlson; Alice Hallman
Discussant: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM

Changing the Status Quo: Cooperation, Power and Parity
Presenter: Mario Villarreal-Diaz
Discussant: Nils Karlson

Room: Tasting Room

Health Care

Session Chair: David Chandler Thomas
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Determinants of Sexual Freedom in the United States from 1990 to 2010: Dynamic Panel Data Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Jeffry Jacob
Discussant: Viktoria Obolevich

When are Lifestyle Policies Acceptable? A View from Behavioural Political Economy with an Application to Tobacco Policy Download paper
Presenter: Viktoria Obolevich
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian
Discussant: Feler Bose

Moral Hazard in Healh Care: A Misdiagnosis Download paper
Presenter: David Chandler Thomas
Co-Author(s): David Chandler Thomas; David R. Henderson
Discussant: Moiz Bhai

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Comparative Applications

Session Chair: Aziz Berdiev
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Globalization and informal entrepreneurship
Presenter: Aziz Berdiev
Co-Author(s): Saunoris, James
Discussant: Ghanshyam Sharma

Testing The Purchasing Power Parity For G7 Countries
Presenter: hakan eryüzlü
Discussant: veli yilanci

Testing the unemployment hysteresis for g20 countries Download paper
Presenter: veli yilanci
Co-Author(s): Sasmaz, Mahmut Unsal
Discussant: hakan eryüzlü

The Political Economy of Automobile Insurance: Elected vs Appointed Regulators Download paper
Presenter: Ghanshyam Sharma
Discussant: Aziz Berdiev

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Issues of Technology and Information

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Internet Availability, Political Information, and Voting: Evidence from Brazil Download paper
Presenter: Aline Menezes

Tech Entrepreneurs and the Regulatory State
Presenter: Liya Palagashvili
Discussant: Aline Menezes

Shadow Markets and Hierarchies: Comparing and Modeling Networks in the Dark Net Download paper
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Co-Author(s): Walbert, Harold; Hardy, Robert
Discussant: Atin Basuchoudhary

Modeling  the asymmetric information problem in cyber attacks
Presenter: Atin Basuchoudhary
Co-Author(s): Laura Razzolini
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Growth, Development and Land Use

Session Chair: William Fischel
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Do Growth Controls Cause High Housing Prices, or Vice Versa? A Public Choice Explanation for Variation in American Zoning Policies Download paper
Presenter: William Fischel
Discussant: Hannah Mead

Testing for the exclusionary motive behind land-use regulations
Presenter: Hannah Mead
Co-Author(s): Jones, Garett; Tabarrok, Alex
Discussant: Emily Washington

The Limits and Potential of Smart City Tools in the Hands of Policymakers Download paper
Presenter: Emily Washington
Discussant: Nana Zubek

Social capital, economic development and political knowledge: They not only drive local government performance – in fact they spillover
Presenter: Nana Zubek
Co-Author(s): Christian Henning
Discussant: William Fischel

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Local Institutions

Session Chair: Gunther Markwardt
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Transparency and performance in the Italian Municipalities (2010 and 2014) Download paper
Presenter: Emma Galli
Co-Author(s): Galli Emma, Ilde Rizzo, Carla Scaglioni
Discussant: Dmitriy Vorobyev

Self-preserving Leviathans: Evidence from local level data
Presenter: Gunther Markwardt
Co-Author(s): Jan Kluge; Christian Thater
Discussant: Beatriz Maldonado

Identity, Patronage, and Redistribution: The Economic Impact of Evo Morales
Presenter: Beatriz Maldonado
Co-Author(s): Hicks, Daniel L.; Piper, Brian; Goytia Rios, Alejandra
Discussant: Gunther Markwardt

Political Risk, Information and Corruption Cycles: Evidence from Russian Regions Download paper
Presenter: Dmitriy Vorobyev
Co-Author(s): Sidorkin, Oleg
Discussant: Emma Galli

Room: Captains Boardroom

Social Norms and Behavior

Session Chair: Alexander Funcke
Session Organizer: Alexander Funcke

Conformist Preferences in Mixed-Motive Games Download paper
Presenter: Alessandro Sontuoso
Co-Author(s): Michael Naef
Discussant: Cristina Bicchieri

Positive deviance and social change
Presenter: Cristina Bicchieri
Discussant: Alexander Funcke

Instilling Norms in a Turmoil of Spillovers Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Funcke
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

International Security and Misperceptions about Threat and Economic Growth Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Co-Author(s): Nakagawa, Shintaro
Discussant: Alessandro Sontuoso

1:00pm – 2:40pm

Room: Panorama Ballroom

Awards Luncheon

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Commodore Room

Public Goods and Taxation

Session Chair: Edward Hoang
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

How to add a public choice perspective to public goods with a classroom experiment Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Hall
Co-Author(s): Crofton, Stephanie; Holmes, William
Discussant: Edward Hoang

Can Bureaucrats Defeat Public Demand For Technological Advances in Government?
Presenter: Edward Hoang
Co-Author(s): Craig, Steven; Kohlhase, Janet
Discussant: Daniel Hall

Shale Gas Development and Housing Values over a Decade: Evidence from the Barnett Shale
Presenter: Wesley Burnett
Discussant: xiaobing wang

The Dynamics of Taxation and Habitual Public Spending
Presenter: xiaobing wang
Co-Author(s): Hao, Xin. Madden, Paul
Discussant: Wesley Burnett

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Free Riding and the Provision of Public Goods

Session Chair: Henrik Jordahl
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

A theory of reciprocity: agents use models to process the real world Download paper
Presenter: Paul Bennett
Discussant: Junko Furukawa

Free Ride Paradise -The Logic of the Collective Action of Open Source Software and the Voluntary Provision of International Public Goods- Download paper
Presenter: Junko Furukawa
Discussant: Gavin Roberts

Profit in tax-financed services: An experimental opinion survey
Presenter: Henrik Jordahl
Discussant: Paul Bennett

Social capital and the voluntary provision of public goods Download paper
Presenter: Gavin Roberts
Co-Author(s): Chakraborti, Rik; Maloney, Matt
Discussant: Henrik Jordahl

Room: Crystal Salon 1


Session Chair: Deborah Fletcher
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Comparing Approaches to Endogeneity in the Returns to Campaign Advertisements Download paper
Presenter: Becca Jorgensen
Co-Author(s): Deborah Fletcher
Discussant: Christian Henning

Testing for interest group influence in electoral models: A Bayesian approach
Presenter: Christian Henning
Co-Author(s): Petri, Svetlana; Seide, Laura
Discussant: Deborah Fletcher

Experimental evidence of the effect of issue-specific platform information on voting behavior Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Knight
Co-Author(s): Duerr, Isaac; Woodworth, Lindsey
Discussant: Andranik Tangian

Improving policy representation of the German Bundestag by an alternative election method Download paper
Presenter: Andranik Tangian
Discussant: Thomas Knight

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Fiscal Policy IV

Session Chair: John Golob
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Political budget cycles and fiscal situation of municipalities between 2002 and 2014
Presenter: Julyana Covre
Co-Author(s): Mattos, Leonardo Bornacki de
Discussant: Christoph Schinke

Is the Federal Debt Raising Corporate Profits and Reducing Labor’s Share of National Income? Download paper
Presenter: John Golob
Discussant: Bo Zhao

Inter Vivos Transfers and the 2009 German Transfer Tax Reform Download paper
Presenter: Christoph Schinke
Discussant: Julyana Covre

Transparency in State Debt Disclosure Download paper
Presenter: Bo Zhao
Co-Author(s): Wang, Wen
Discussant: John Golob

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Rent seeking IV

Session Chair: Richard Brown
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Fiscal decentralization and its spillover effect on corruption: evidence from Bayesian spatial analysis
Presenter: Shafiun Shimul
Discussant: Steve Simpson

Corporate Political Action and the Public Goods Problem: Franchise Systems as a Change in Context Download paper
Presenter: Richard Brown
Discussant: Shafiun Shimul

The aristocracy of pull: an Objectivist analysis of cronyism Download paper
Presenter: Steve Simpson
Discussant: Richard Brown

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Comparative Political Economy

Session Chair: Anna Faria
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Code of Vendetta: An Economic Analysis of Customary Law in Rural Sardinia Download paper
Presenter: Ennio Piano
Discussant: Anna Faria

With a little help from my foes: A model of security spill-over-effects in wars of conquest Download paper
Presenter: Soeren Schwuchow
Discussant: WEIJIE LUO

Bittersweet Development: Unequal Outcomes of Commodity Cycles in Brazil Download paper
Presenter: Anna Faria
Discussant: Ennio Piano

Inequality and the Size of Government
Presenter: WEIJIE LUO
Co-Author(s): Pickering, Andrew; Santos Monteiro, Paulo
Discussant: Soeren Schwuchow

Room: Chart Room

Public Finance and Public Policy

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Control of inflation through investment and productivity–a comparative study with India
Presenter: Nisha Singh
Discussant: Todd Nesbit

Tax Induced Cigarette Smuggling in the United States
Presenter: Todd Nesbit
Co-Author(s): Robert Lawson
Discussant: Nisha Singh

De Viti de Marco vs. Ricardo on Public Debt: Self Extinction or Default? Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Co-Author(s): Giuseppe Eusepi
Discussant: Adrian Moore

Causes and cures of public pension debt
Presenter: Adrian Moore
Co-Author(s): Randazzo, Anthony
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Mariners


Session Chair: Christian Bjørnskov
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Asymmetric Role of Social Trust in Political Reform Processes Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Co-Author(s): Berggren, Niclas
Discussant: Andreas Ek

Cross-Country Differences in Preferences for Leisure Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Ek
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Is the Effect of Income on Democracy Heterogeneous? Download paper
Presenter: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa
Co-Author(s): Faria, Hugo J.
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Room: Captains Boardroom

Individual Level Issues

Session Chair: Dennis Coates
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Individual Learning and Norm Formation
Presenter: Erkan Gurpinar
Co-Author(s): Aydogmus, Ozgur; Cagatay, Hasan; Oguz, Fuat
Discussant: Moana Vercoe

Determinants of Public Support for Business in Russia
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Iuliia Naidenova; Petr Parshakov
Discussant: Kai Jäger

Where Does Portfolio Investment Go and Why? Download paper
Presenter: Kai Jäger
Discussant: Dennis Coates

No time to vote: A cost benefit ananlysis of distance and time in voting in Montana
Presenter: Moana Vercoe
Co-Author(s): Walters, Andrea.
Discussant: Erkan Gurpinar

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Commodore Room

Explaining Election Cycles

Session Chair: Bodo Knoll
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Electoral cycles in MPs’ salaries: Evidence from the German states Download paper
Presenter: Manuela Krause
Co-Author(s): Kauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
Discussant: Bodo Knoll

Valence and Endorsement: Media Influence on Elections Download paper
Presenter: Tetsuro Okazaki
Discussant: Junichiro Wada

Studying unequal representation Download paper
Presenter: Junichiro Wada
Co-Author(s): Kamahara, Yuta
Discussant: Tetsuro Okazaki

Room: Captains Boardroom

Federalism in International Arenas

Session Chair: Luigi Moretti
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Intergovernmental Transfers in Mexico: Political Parties and Political Ambitions Download paper
Presenter: Rene Cabral
Co-Author(s): Abbot, Andrew; Jones, Philip
Discussant: Danko Tarabar

European Institutional Integration and Income Inequality Download paper
Presenter: Danko Tarabar
Co-Author(s): Tarabar, Danko
Discussant: Rene Cabral

Allocation of European structural funds, decentralization and strategic spatial interactions
Presenter: Lionel VEDRINE
Discussant: Luigi Moretti

Norwegian Rhapsody? The Political Economy Benefits of Regional Integration Download paper
Presenter: Luigi Moretti
Co-Author(s): Campos, Nauro; Coricelli, Fabrizio
Discussant: Lionel VEDRINE

Room: Captains Boardroom

Social Policy Provision

Session Chair: Bradley Hobbs
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Presenter: Carolina Gonzalez Rodriguez
Discussant: Jason Potts

Political-economic determinants of education reform: Evidence on interest groups and student outcomes Download paper
Presenter: Vigile Marie Fabella
Discussant: Bradley Hobbs

Economics of Blockchain – A public choice perspective Download paper
Presenter: Jason Potts
Co-Author(s): De Filippi, Primavera; Davidson, Sinclair
Discussant: Carolina Gonzalez Rodriguez

Room: Chairmans Boardroom

Structure, Scope and Growth of Government II

Session Chair: Vlad Tarko
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Financial Development and Underground Economy in the Transition Economies of European Union Download paper
Co-Author(s): Ozturk, Omer Faruk
Discussant: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM

Organized White Collar Crime (OWCC) and Punishment in Italy:The Unvarnished Truth of a “Legislative Intention” Download paper
Presenter: Roberto Peroncini
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

Can development aid help a country to escape poverty trap?
Presenter: Thi Kim Cuong PHAM
Co-Author(s): Sang PHAM-NGOC
Discussant: YILMAZ BAYAR

Polycentricity: What it is and why it matters?
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Co-Author(s): Sterpan, Ion
Discussant: Roberto Peroncini

Room: Crystal Salon 1

Risk and Policymaking

Session Chair: Nakul Kumar
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The interdependence of independent judiciaries Download paper
Presenter: Marek Endrich
Discussant: Nakul Kumar

It’s No Spring Break in Cancun: The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Risk Preferences, Pro-Social Behavior, and Mental Health Download paper
Presenter: Muhammad Nasir
Co-Author(s): Rockmore, Marc; Tan, Chih Ming
Discussant: Sevgi Ineci

Good governance and economic efficiency: The flooding risk and its economic impacts on SME in developping countries Download paper
Presenter: Sevgi Ineci
Discussant: Muhammad Nasir

Political Transitions and Disaster Relief in Afghanistan
Presenter: Nakul Kumar
Co-Author(s): Masoudnia-Saleh, Homa
Discussant: Marek Endrich

Room: Chart Room

Market Failures

Session Chair: Javier Portillo
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Principal-agent conflicts in global union federations Download paper
Presenter: Felix Hadwiger
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

The Choice of Remedy to the Common Pool: The Case of Groundwater Management Download paper
Presenter: Eric Edwards
Co-Author(s): Andrew B. Ayres, Gary D. Libecap
Discussant: Alex Moyem Kombat

The Effect of Tor Client Traffic on The Price of Bitcoin Download paper
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Felix Hadwiger

The emergence of environmental taxes in Ghana – a Public Choice analysis
Presenter: Alex Moyem Kombat
Co-Author(s): Wätzold Frank

Room: Tasting Room

Social Interactions and Political Legitimacy

Session Chair: Peter Miller
Session Organizer: Peter Miller

From the Tread Mill to my Own Pace: On Motivation as Explanation for Social Mobility Download paper
Presenter: francesca lipari
Co-Author(s): Sebastiano Bavetta, Paola Sama
Discussant: Peter Miller

Autonomy and Tolerance
Presenter: Peter Miller
Co-Author(s): Sebastiano Bavetta
Discussant: Carlo Cordasco

Explaining the Taste for Revolt: The Role of Autonomy, Religious Diversity, and Fanaticism Download paper
Presenter: Alba Marino
Co-Author(s): Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti , Pietro Navarra
Discussant: francesca lipari

Room: Crystal Salon 2

Politics and Knowledge (Political Processes in the Context of the Assembly of Knowledge)

Session Chair: Pavel Kuchař
Session Organizer: Pavel Kuchař

Regarding the Use of Knowledge in Political Economy: Paretian Insight into a Hayekian Challenge Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Market Failure and Government Failure Download paper
Presenter: Michael Munger
Discussant: Edward Lopez

Corporatism and Constitutional Political Economy Download paper
Presenter: Erwin Dekker
Discussant: Michael Munger

Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change: The Case of Surrogate Motherhood Download paper
Presenter: Pavel Kuchař
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Crystal Salon 3

Governance and Public Choice: Ostromian Themes and Interpretations

Session Chair: Lenore Ealy
Session Organizer: Paul Dragos Aligica

Club Women and the Provision of Local Public Goods Download paper
Presenter: Jayme Lemke
Co-Author(s): Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Paul Dragos Aligica

The Evolution of Governance Structures in a Polycentric System Download paper
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Co-Author(s): McPhail, Edward
Discussant: Jayme Lemke

Vertical Fiscal Gaps and Economic Performance: A Theoretical Review and Empirical Meta-Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Jason Sorens
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

Public Entrepreneurship and Collective Action: Conceptual Framework and Analytical Implications
Presenter: Paul Dragos Aligica
Co-Author(s): Ion Sterpan
Discussant: Jason Sorens

Room: Crystal Salon 4

Experimental Public Choice

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

Getting the Kids (with disabilities) to School: A Mechanism Designed for Efficient Government Procurement
Presenter: Charles Plott
Discussant: Mark Isaac

Can Buyer ‘Mobility’ Reduce Aggregation Failures in Land-¬Assembly?
Presenter: Mark Isaac
Co-Author(s): Carl Kitchens
Discussant: Richard Jong-A-Pin

Primaries, Strategic Expectations, and Candidate Polarization
Presenter: Jonathan Woon
Discussant: Charles Plott

Expressive voting and political ideology in a laboratory experiment
Presenter: Richard Jong-A-Pin
Co-Author(s): Wiese, Rasmus
Discussant: Jonathan Woon

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Sports Pool

Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Public Choice Society