2017 Conference Program Details

2017 Conference Program Details

Thursday, March 2, 2017

1:00pm – 7:00pm

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

3:00pm – 4:15pm

Room: Royal Salon C

Executive Committee Meeting

4:30pm – 6:00pm

Opening Plenary Session with Charles R. Plott, Edward S. Harness Professor of Economics and Political Science, Cal Tech, Past President of PCS (1976-78)

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg

Social Choice Meets Public Choice: The Plott Conditions at 50
Presenter: Charles Plott

Room: Queen Anne Ballroom

Conference Welcome, Special Introductions

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: Edward Lopez

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: La Nouvelle East/West, Bienville, and Iberville Ballrooms

Opening Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Duke PPE Program and Public Choice Society

Friday, March 3, 2017

7:00am – 8:00am

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Queen Anne Mezzanine

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Orleans Room

Oxford Handbook of Public Choice (1)

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

How should votes be cast and counted? Download paper
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Why not free trade? Download paper
Presenter: Arye Hillman
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Is Government Growth Inevitable?
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: Arye Hillman

The politics of central bank independence Download paper
Presenter: Jakob de Haan
Co-Author(s): S.C. W. Eijffinger
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Room: Iberville Room

Plott Experiments 1

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

Divergence, Closed Cycles and Convergence in Scarf Environments: Experiments in the Dynamics of General Equilibrium Systems Download paper
Presenter: Ming Hsu
Co-Author(s): Hirota, Masayoshi; Plott, Charles; Rogers, Brian
Discussant: Jonathan Woon

Vetoes and Information Aggregation with Negatively Informed Voters
Presenter: Rebecca Morton
Co-Author(s): Piovesan, Marco; Tyran, Jean-Robert
Discussant: Ming Hsu

Shopping for Trust
Presenter: Rick Wilson
Co-Author(s): Eckel, Catherine C.
Discussant: Rebecca Morton

Public Deliberation, Private Communication, and Collective Choice
Presenter: Jonathan Woon
Co-Author(s): Pronin, Kira
Discussant: Rick Wilson

Room: Ursuline Room

Empirical Political Economy of U.S. Regulations

Session Chair: Adam Hoffer
Session Organizer: Adam Hoffer

Political Economy of State Healthcare Expenditures: Effects from Tobacco Taxation, Special Interests, and Spatial Spillovers
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Co-Author(s): Humphreys, Brad; Ruseki, Jane
Discussant: Josh Matti

The Political Economy of the USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service Download paper
Presenter: Josh Matti
Discussant: Kathleen Sheehan

Civil Asset Forfeiture, Police Incentives and Budgets
Presenter: Kathleen Sheehan
Discussant: Fredrick Bedsworth

Dependent Care Mandates and Moral Hazard
Presenter: Fredrick Bedsworth
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

Room: Pontalba Room

Independent Judiciary: International Perspectives

Session Chair: Shruti Rajagopalan
Session Organizer: Shruti Rajagopalan

Independent Judiciary, Unconstitutional Legislation and Interest Group Behavior: Evidence from India’s Ninth Schedule Download paper
Presenter: Shruti Rajagopalan
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Is judicial independence good for business?
Presenter: Jerg Gutmann
Co-Author(s): Voigt, Stefan
Discussant: Giovanni Battista Ramello

Judicial Independence in the European Court of Humain Rights
Presenter: Alessandro Melcarne
Co-Author(s): Langlais, Eric; Giovanni Battista Ramello
Discussant: Shruti Rajagopalan

Room: Cabildo Room

Financial Market Regulatory Reform

Session Chair: Norbert Michel
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Extended Shareholder Liability as a Means to Constrain Moral Hazard in Insured Banks Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Salter
Co-Author(s): Larry White; Vipin Veetil
Discussant: Gerald Dwyer

A Proposal for a New Federal Charter Download paper
Presenter: Gerald Dwyer
Co-Author(s): Michel, Norbert.
Discussant: George Selgin

Reforming Last-Resort Lending: The Flexible Open Market Alternative
Presenter: George Selgin
Discussant: Jerry Ellig

Improvements in SEC Economic Analysis Since Business Roundtable: A Structured Assessment Download paper
Presenter: Jerry Ellig
Discussant: Alexander Salter

Room: Beauregard Room

Policing and Crime

Session Chair: Ennio Piano
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Mining and Crime: Evidence from Chile Download paper
Presenter: Matteo Pazzona
Co-Author(s): Corvalan, Alejandro
Discussant: Ennio Piano

Free Riders: The Economics of 1% Organized Motorcycle Clubs Download paper
Presenter: Ennio Piano
Discussant: Gonzalo Macera

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: Police Force decentralization, a work in progress.
Presenter: Gonzalo Macera
Discussant: Matteo Pazzona

Room: Gallier Room

Policy, Unemployment, and Poverty

Session Chair: Josef Montag
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Job Security and Employment Prospects of the Unemployed and Participants in Active Labor Market Programs Download paper
Presenter: Carl Magnus Bjuggren
Co-Author(s): Skedinger, Per
Discussant: Jason Saving

What Drives Economic Policy Uncertainty? Download paper
Presenter: Jason Saving
Discussant: Josef Montag

Homeownership, Mobility, and Unemployment: Evidence from Housing Privatization Download paper
Presenter: Josef Montag
Co-Author(s): Peter Huber, Hana M. Smrčková, Petr Sunega
Discussant: Pierre Mandon

Give a Fish or Teach Fishing? Political Affiliation of U.S. Governors and the Poverty Status of Immigrants. Download paper
Presenter: Pierre Mandon
Co-Author(s): Keita, Sekou
Discussant: Carl Magnus Bjuggren

Room: Cathedral Room

Economic Freedom and Its Consequences

Session Chair: Jeremy Jackson
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Historical influences on entrepreneurship Download paper
Presenter: Stephan Gohmann
Co-Author(s): McCrickard, Myra
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Economic Freedom and Philanthropy Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Jackson
Co-Author(s): Ian Pritchard
Discussant: Vivek Moorthy

Economic Freedom within Russia Download paper
Presenter: Vivek Moorthy
Co-Author(s): Coates, Dennis; Mirkina, Irina
Discussant: Stephan Gohmann

Room: Royal Salon A

Economic Consequences of Regulation

Session Chair: Alex Moyem Kombat
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Law reform and management control in the Brazilian sugarcane industry Download paper
Presenter: André Bastos
Co-Author(s): Mirian Bacchi; Marcia de Moraes
Discussant: Jacob Burgdorf

Mandated exclusive territories and beer franchise laws: evidence from scanner level data Download paper
Presenter: Jacob Burgdorf
Discussant: Alex Moyem Kombat

The Emergence of Environmental Taxes in Ghana: A Public Choice Analysis
Presenter: Alex Moyem Kombat
Co-Author(s): Frank Wätzold
Discussant: Sevgi Ineci

Climate change and optimal design problem of agricultural insurance for developping countries Download paper
Presenter: Sevgi Ineci
Discussant: Jonathan Ernest

Ensuring Compliance: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Auto Insurance Regulation on Uninsured Motorist Rates Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Ernest
Discussant: André Bastos

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Queen Anne Mezzanine

Coffee Break

11:20am – 12:50pm

Lunch on Own

Room: Royal Salon B

Executive Committee Luncheon

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Cabildo Room

Explorations in Constitutional Political Economy

Session Chair: Adam Martin
Session Organizer: Adam Martin

The Constitutional Point of View Download paper
Presenter: Nick Cowen
Discussant: Slade Mendenhall

Spillovers from Voice and Exit Download paper
Presenter: Adam Martin
Discussant: Nick Cowen

Declared war and American victory: a search for effective commitment Download paper
Presenter: Slade Mendenhall
Co-Author(s): Mendenhall, Slade
Discussant: Adam Martin

Room: Orleans Room

Oxford Handbook of Public Choice (2)

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Voting at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Discussant: William Shughart

Interest Groups and Regulatory Capture
Presenter: William Shughart
Co-Author(s): Thomas, Diana W.
Discussant: Roger Congleton

The Political Economy of Rent Extraction Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

The Least Dangerous Branch? Coordination and Judicial Power Download paper
Presenter: Georg Vanberg
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Room: Beauregard Room

Political Economy of Monetary Policy

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Knowledge Problems in Monetary Policy Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Salter
Co-Author(s): Daniel Smith
Discussant: Scott Burns

Monetary Policy without Romance: The Political Economy of the Modern Fed’s Credit Allocation Policies Download paper
Presenter: Scott Burns
Co-Author(s): Lawrence H. White
Discussant: Alexander Salter

Central Bank Transparency and the Performance of Market Expectations
Presenter: Caitlin Ainsley
Discussant: Norman Maynard

A Meta-Analysis of Political Business Cycles
Presenter: Norman Maynard
Co-Author(s): Calcagno, Peter
Discussant: Caitlin Ainsley

Room: Iberville Room

Polycentricity and Institutional Dilemmas in Public Choice

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Roberta Herzberg

The Problem of Understanding and the Bloomington Solution
Presenter: Jayme Lemke
Co-Author(s): Lingenfelter, Jonathan
Discussant: Roberta Herzberg

Coproduction of Justice Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Goodman
Discussant: Daniel D’Amico

Can Civil Society Be Planned? Lessons from the CO-OP Health Insurance Program Download paper
Presenter: Roberta Herzberg
Co-Author(s): Goodman, Nathan
Discussant: Jayme Lemke

The Potentials and Limitations of De-Incarceration Download paper
Presenter: Daniel D’Amico
Discussant: Nathan Goodman

Room: Pontalba Room


Session Chair: Marco Serena
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Contests with non-continuous strategy space Download paper
Presenter: Doron Klunover
Co-Author(s): Morgan John
Discussant: Marco Serena

Level-k models rationalize overspending in contests Download paper
Presenter: Marco Serena
Discussant: Anil Yildizparlak

Contests with Draws: Axiomatization and Equilibrium Download paper
Presenter: Anil Yildizparlak
Co-Author(s): Vesperoni, Alberto.
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

Comparing direct algorithms for two-player fair division of indivisible items: A computational study Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Co-Author(s): Kilgour, D. Marc; Vetschera, Rudolf
Discussant: Doron Klunover

Room: Royal Salon A

Voting and Public Opinion

Session Chair: Josh Smith
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Procedural Fairness and Economic Voting Download paper
Presenter: Luis Aguiar-Conraria
Co-Author(s): Magalhães. Pedro C.
Discussant: Josh Smith

Is Brexit an Example of Expressive Voting? Download paper
Presenter: Josh Smith
Co-Author(s): William F. Shughart II; Ryan M. Yonk; Matthew Cude;
Discussant: Giovanna Iannantuoni

Do Individual Heterogeneity and Spatial Correlation Matter? An Innovative Approach to the Characterisation of the European Political Space. Download paper
Presenter: Giovanna Iannantuoni
Co-Author(s): Manzoni, Elena; Rossi, Francesca
Discussant: Niklas Potrafke

Opening Hours of Polling Stations and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Presenter: Niklas Potrafke
Co-Author(s): Roesel, Felix
Discussant: Luis Aguiar-Conraria

Room: Ursuline Room

Economic Consequences of Corruption

Session Chair: Oguzhan Dincer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Corruption and entrepreneurship: Cross-country evidence from formal and informal sectors
Presenter: Aziz Berdiev
Co-Author(s): James W. Saunoris
Discussant: Oguzhan Dincer

Does Corruption Slow Down Innovation? Evidence from a Cointegrated Panel of U.S. States Download paper
Presenter: Oguzhan Dincer
Discussant: Julien Hanoteau

When institutions fail: corruption as evasive entrepreneurship and positive mediator Download paper
Presenter: Julien Hanoteau
Co-Author(s): Virginie Vial
Discussant: Mario Villarreal-Diaz

Corruption and transaction costs: A Character or Institutional Issue?
Presenter: Mario Villarreal-Diaz
Discussant: Aziz Berdiev

Room: Cathedral Room

Innovation and Institutions: Governance and Technology

Session Chair: Lynne Kiesling
Session Organizer: Lynne Kiesling

The Foundations of Wealth-Enhancing Democracy Download paper
Presenter: Robert Fleck
Co-Author(s): Hanssen, F. Andrew
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

Toward a Transaction Cost Model of the Platform Economy Download paper
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling
Co-Author(s): Munger, Michael
Discussant: Dominique Lazanski

Governance in International Technical Standards Making: A Tripartite Model Download paper
Presenter: Dominique Lazanski
Discussant: Emily Skarbek

The Rise of Robust Civil Society in 19th Century America Download paper
Presenter: Emily Skarbek
Discussant: Robert Fleck

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Orleans Room

Contests, Terrorism, and Borders

Session Chair: Todd Sandler
Session Organizer: Todd Sandler

Self-Allocation in Contests Download paper
Presenter: Karl Warneryd
Co-Author(s): Bernergard, Axel
Discussant: Daniel Arce

Counterterror Overreaction Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Arce
Discussant: Alberto Vesperoni

A team theory of strategic agglomeration Download paper
Presenter: Alberto Vesperoni
Co-Author(s): Schweinzer, Paul
Discussant: Todd Sandler

Trade and Terrorism: A Disaggregated Approach Download paper
Presenter: Todd Sandler
Co-Author(s): Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu; Younas, Javed
Discussant: Karl Warneryd

Room: Cathedral Room

Competition and Collusion in Theories of Federalism

Session Chair: Richard Wagner
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

Single Market vs. Political Parallelisms: A False Syllogism in the Building of the European Union Download paper
Discussant: Ion Sterpan

Public Entrepreneurship and Collective Action Download paper
Presenter: Ion Sterpan
Co-Author(s): Aligica, Dragos Paul and Sterpan, Ion
Discussant: Yong Yoon

Anticommons and Federalism Download paper
Presenter: Yong Yoon
Co-Author(s): Wagner, Richard
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

Contestation, Shared Community, and Development Download paper
Presenter: Vlad Tarko

Room: Iberville Room

Third Annual Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentation by a Graduate Student: Finalists’ Presentations

Session Chair: Michael Munger
Session Organizer: Mario Villarreal-Diaz

Electoral cycles in government employment: Evidence from US gubernatorial elections Download paper
Presenter: Dodge Cahan
Discussant: Michael Munger

The Political Economy of Italian Unification in Sicily: Insecurity of Property Rights and the Role of Land Reform Download paper
Presenter: Rosolino Candela
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

The Political Economics of Tax Exemptions: Tax Uniformity as a Constitutional Principle Download paper
Presenter: Charles Delmotte
Discussant: Michael Munger

Room: Ursuline Room

Formal Approaches to Collective Choice

Session Chair: Steven Slutsky
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Using equations from power indices to analyze figure skating teams Download paper
Presenter: Peter Coughlin
Co-Author(s): Cheng, Diana
Discussant: Tsung-Han Yang

Collective decision-making in siting noxious facilities Download paper
Presenter: Tsung-Han Yang
Discussant: Steven Slutsky

Optimal Regulation of Accident Externalities Download paper
Presenter: Steven Slutsky
Co-Author(s): Hamilton,Jonathan
Discussant: Katsuzo Yamamoto

Brinkmanship and the Risk of Unintended War Download paper
Presenter: Katsuzo Yamamoto
Discussant: Peter Coughlin

Room: Gallier Room

Fiscal and Monetary Policy

Session Chair: Jakob de Haan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

What drives fiscal policy adjustments? New evidence for a large set of countries Download paper
Presenter: Jakob de Haan
Co-Author(s): de Wit, Juliette
Discussant: Volker Nitsch

I’m Late, I’m Late, for a Very Important Date: On the Time Use of Central Bank Governors
Presenter: Volker Nitsch
Discussant: Nathalie Janson

Positive Money: the Wrong Answer to the Relevant Question of the Control of Money Supply Download paper
Presenter: Nathalie Janson
Co-Author(s): Bentata, Pierre; Giménez Roche, Gabriel
Discussant: Jakob de Haan

Room: Royal Salon A

Formal Approaches to Parties and Voting

Session Chair: Steven Brams
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Voter turnout and multiple parties: An individual level model of party formation Download paper
Presenter: Eric Hammer
Discussant: Steven Brams

Multiwinner Approval Voting: An Apportionment Approach Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): D. Marc Kilgour, Richard F. Potthoff
Discussant: Assaf Basevitch

Ex Post Scoring Download paper
Presenter: Assaf Basevitch
Co-Author(s): Eyal Baharad ; Moshe Koppel
Discussant: Eric Hammer

Room: Pontalba Room

Redistribution and Inequality

Session Chair: Tor Midtboe
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Immigration and Redistribution: Evidence from 8 Million Forced Migrants Download paper
Presenter: Nico Pestel
Co-Author(s): Chevalier, Arnaud; Elsner, Benjamin; Lichter, Andreas
Discussant: Tor Midtboe

Democracy and the demand for government redistribution: A survey analysis Download paper
Presenter: Tor Midtboe
Discussant: Martin Rode

Political positions on government intervention and inequality: Who is being radicalized by free trade? Download paper
Presenter: Martin Rode
Co-Author(s): Andrea Sáenz de Viteri
Discussant: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto

Measuring the Effects of Inequality on Decision-Making
Presenter: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto
Co-Author(s): Eduardo de Oliveira Horta, Meg Montgomery
Discussant: Nico Pestel

Room: Beauregard Room

Political Economy and Elections

Session Chair: Daniel Kling
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Political Redistribution of the ARRA Funding: An Analysis of Community Access to Smart Grid Systems and Services Download paper
Presenter: Shan Zhou
Co-Author(s): Douglas Noonan
Discussant: Daniel Kling

The effect of socioeconomic characteristics and local peer effects on responsiveness to GOTV treatments
Presenter: Daniel Kling
Co-Author(s): Stratmann, Thomas
Discussant: Oskar Nupia

Why Vote?: Nested Tests of the Competing Explanation Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Shan Zhou

Room: Cabildo Room

Legislative Politics in the States

Session Chair: Mark Crain
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Public Choice of Certificate of Needs: Evidence from Ohio
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Co-Author(s): Jane Ruseski
Discussant: Steven Monaghan

The Effect of Interest Group Pressure on the Likelihood of a Successful Certificate-of-Need Application Download paper
Presenter: Steven Monaghan
Co-Author(s): Steven Monaghan
Discussant: Mark Crain

Causes of Consensus in American State Legislatures Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Co-Author(s): Nicole Crain
Discussant: Feler Bose

Sunset Laws: An Empirical Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Baugus, Brian; Jacob, Jeffry
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Cathedral Room

Understanding the Rules of the Game: Institutions and Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Boris Nikolaev

How Economic Freedom and Veto Players Jointly Affect Entrepreneurship Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Co-Author(s): Jacob Nygaard Lihn
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Entrepreneurial traits, formal institutions, and the motivation to engage in entrepreneurial action: A multi-level analysis Download paper
Presenter: Boris Nikolaev
Co-Author(s): Christopher J. Boudreaux
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Informal Institutions as Social capital: Effects on nascent firm survival Download paper
Presenter: Christopher Boudreaux
Co-Author(s): Jha, Anand; Bradley, Steven
Discussant: Boris Nikolaev

Misperceptions about Entrepreneurship, Government, and Inequality
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Discussant: Christopher Boudreaux

Room: Orleans Room

Public Policy: Charitable Giving, Crime, Urban Growth and Law

Session Chair: Greg Randolph
Session Organizer: Greg Randolph

Double-edged Sword: Using Public Recognition to Encourage Individual Charitable Giving
Presenter: Guanlin Gao
Co-Author(s): Chen, Yefeng; He, Haoran; Luo, Jun
Discussant: Greg Randolph

Bad Weather, Safe Day? The Effect of Weather and Pollution on Crime
Presenter: Bo Liu
Discussant: Mike Tasto

A net welfare benefit approach to optimal taxation
Presenter: Cristian Sepulveda
Discussant: Guanlin Gao

Egalitarianism Revisited Download paper
Presenter: Greg Randolph
Co-Author(s): Cullen, Patrick
Discussant: Bo Liu

The Effects of Law on Urban Growth and Decline
Presenter: Mike Tasto
Co-Author(s): Turnbull, Geoffrey; Salvino, Robert
Discussant: Cristian Sepulveda

Room: Iberville Room

Empirical State and Local Political Economy

Session Chair: Dean Stansel
Session Organizer: Dean Stansel

Does economic freedom contribute to urban success? Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan areas Download paper
Presenter: Adam Millsap
Discussant: Dean Stansel

City formation as a defense against Leviathan
Presenter: Frank Stephenson
Discussant: Adam Millsap

The Grecian Horse: Does Immigration Lead to the Deterioration of American Institutions? Download paper
Presenter: Alexandre Padilla
Co-Author(s): Nicolas Cachanosky
Discussant: Frank Stephenson

Examining the Relationship Between Immigration and State Institutions Download paper
Presenter: Dean Stansel
Co-Author(s): Tuszynski, Meg
Discussant: Alexandre Padilla

Room: Cabildo Room

Inequality: Free Market Perspectives

Session Chair: Stephen Miller
Session Organizer: G.P. Manish

Capitalism and Inequality: Two Views
Presenter: Randall Holcombe

A Problem of Measurement: Inequality vs. Tax Incidence in Early 20th Century Tax Data
Presenter: Phil Magness
Discussant: Stephen Miller

How tax-return data overstate changes in income inequality
Presenter: Stephen Miller
Co-Author(s): George Mechling, Ronald Konecny
Discussant: Young Back Choi

Entrepreneurship as the Prime Force for Social Mobility Download paper
Presenter: Young Back Choi
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Room: Ursuline Room

Topics in Applied Political Economy

Session Chair: Travis Wiseman
Session Organizer: Travis Wiseman

Foreign aid: boosting or hindering entrepreneurship? Download paper
Presenter: Shaomeng Jia
Co-Author(s): Travis Wiseman
Discussant: Claudia Williamson

Individualism, Democracy, and Contract Enforcement Download paper
Presenter: Claudia Williamson
Co-Author(s): Cline, Brandon
Discussant: Travis Wiseman

Immigration and the Baumolian Entrepreneur in the United States
Presenter: Travis Wiseman
Co-Author(s): Josh Bedi
Discussant: Paul Walker

Individual Competence and Committee Decision Making: Experimental Evidence Download paper
Presenter: Paul Walker
Co-Author(s): McCannon, Bryan
Discussant: Shaomeng Jia

Room: Gallier Room

Formal Approaches to Voting and Rent-Seeking

Session Chair: Nicholas Miller
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Racking up Rents: Cambridge University Press v. Patton Download paper
Presenter: Derek Yonai
Discussant: Cheng Li

The Geometry of Runoff Elections with Three Candidates Download paper
Presenter: Nicholas Miller
Co-Author(s): Conal Duddy
Discussant: Francesco De Sinopoli

A concept of sincerity for combinatorial voting Download paper
Presenter: Francesco De Sinopoli
Co-Author(s): Claudia Meroni
Discussant: Nicholas Miller

Transparency in Sequential Persuasion Download paper
Presenter: Cheng Li
Co-Author(s): Christopher Cotton
Discussant: Derek Yonai

Room: Beauregard Room

Economics and Public Choice

Session Chair: David Lucas
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Child-Bride Marriage and Female Welfare Download paper
Presenter: Paola Suarez
Discussant: John Levendis

The Financial Impact of Mass Shootings
Presenter: John Levendis
Co-Author(s): Dicle, Mehmet F.; Dicle, Betul
Discussant: David Lucas

Rooking the State Download paper
Presenter: David Lucas
Co-Author(s): Fuller, Caleb S.; Piano, Ennio E.
Discussant: Daniel D’Amico

Market Concentration in the International Drug Trade Download paper
Presenter: Daniel D’Amico
Co-Author(s): D’Amico, Daniel; Golz, Michael
Discussant: Paola Suarez

6:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Research Impact Workshop (By Invitation) – Sponsored by The Institute for Humane Studies

Saturday, March 4, 2017

7:00am – 5:00pm

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

7:00am – 8:00am

Continental Breakfast

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Orleans Room

Plott’s Legacy: Papers by His Former Students

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

Information Structure and Oil Field Unitization: Why Does Bargaining Fail? Download paper
Presenter: Alex Brown
Co-Author(s): Eckel, Catherine C.; Wiggins, Steven N.
Discussant: Brian Rogerss

A New Experimental Mechanism To Investigate Polarized Demands For Public Goods
Presenter: Mark Isaac
Co-Author(s): Norton, Douglas; Pevnitskaya, Svetlana
Discussant: Alex Brown

Why Do People Violate No-Trade Theorems? A Diagnostic Test
Presenter: Ryan Oprea
Co-Author(s): Jacopo Magnani
Discussant: Mark Isaac

Efficiency-based measures of inequality Download paper
Presenter: Brian Rogerss
Co-Author(s): Andonie, Costel; Kuzmics, Christoph
Discussant: Ryan Oprea

Room: Iberville Room

Formal Models of Policymaking

Session Chair: Dennis Coates
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

A Capture Theory of Committees Download paper
Presenter: Huseyin Yildirim
Co-Author(s): Name-Correa, Alvaro J.
Discussant: anthony heyes

NGO Salience Games Download paper
Presenter: anthony heyes
Co-Author(s): Lyon, Thomas; Martin, Steve
Discussant: Benjamin Chen

Full Disclosure: A Model of OIRA Review Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Chen
Discussant: Dennis Coates

Vote buying Download paper
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Frank Daumann, Alfred Wassermann
Discussant: Huseyin Yildirim

Room: Cabildo Room

State Policy

Session Chair: Dodge Cahan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

How would a free market for casinos work in a new casino state?
Presenter: Douglas Walker
Discussant: Dodge Cahan

Electoral cycles in government employment: Evidence from US gubernatorial elections Download paper
Presenter: Dodge Cahan
Discussant: Shree Pokharel

State Exit Exams and Graduation Rates: A Hierarchical Modelling Approach Download paper
Presenter: Shree Pokharel
Discussant: Pablo Garofalo

Federal Spending and the Fiscal Rules of US States Download paper
Presenter: Pablo Garofalo
Discussant: Douglas Walker

Room: Ursuline Room


Session Chair: Ribal Abi Raad
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Justice delayed, growth denied: evidence from a comparative perspective
Presenter: Alessandro Melcarne
Co-Author(s): Giovanni B. Ramello
Discussant: Tommy Krieger

Computing Machine Learning Indexes: A new Methodology to Unbundle the Role of Democratic Institutions for Economic Growth. Download paper
Presenter: Tommy Krieger
Co-Author(s): Gruendler, Klaus
Discussant: Alessandro Melcarne

Room: Pontalba Room


Session Chair: Charles Delmotte
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution: the political economy of securing an aspirational social contract Download paper
Presenter: Eric Alston
Discussant: Charles Delmotte

The Political Economics of Tax Exemptions: Tax Uniformity as a Constitutional Principle Download paper
Presenter: Charles Delmotte
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

The Devil’s Fix: James M. Buchanan and the Pinochet Junta Download paper
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Co-Author(s): Farrant, Andrew
Discussant: Eric Alston

Room: Beauregard Room

Polarization and Public Opinion

Session Chair: Hans Pitlik
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Media Competition with Targeted Advertising: How Media Polarization Attenuates Political Polarization Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Ogden
Co-Author(s): Gupta, Samarth
Discussant: Hans Pitlik

Is political polarization driven by economic crises? Download paper
Presenter: Hans Pitlik
Co-Author(s): Martin Rode
Discussant: Tetsuro Okazaki

Valence, Endoersement and Media Diversity Download paper
Presenter: Tetsuro Okazaki
Discussant: M. Garrett Roth

Sixty Years of Pandering? The Nature and Extent of “Social Desirability Bias” in Political Opinion Download paper
Presenter: M. Garrett Roth
Discussant: Benjamin Ogden

Room: Gallier Room

Collective Action and Cooperation

Session Chair: Daniel Hall
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

R&D is not a Public Good: So Why Subsidize it? Download paper
Presenter: David Chandler Thomas
Co-Author(s): McClure, James;Thomas, David Chandler
Discussant: Junko Furukawa

Collective action mechanism of crowdsourcing: A revised Free Ride Paradise model Download paper
Presenter: Junko Furukawa
Discussant: Daniel Hall

Whither service clubs?
Presenter: Daniel Hall
Discussant: Sigve Tjøtta

It Pays to be Nice: The Strategic Benefits of a Predispostion to Cooperate
Presenter: Sigve Tjøtta
Co-Author(s): Serdarevic, Nina; Strømland, Eirik A.
Discussant: David Chandler Thomas

Room: Royal Salon A

Policymaking and the Bureaucracy

Session Chair: Steven Craig
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Relationship between Congress and the NASA during the Space Race: Evidence from the Congressional-Dominance Model
Presenter: Leo Krasnozhon
Co-Author(s): William Maye
Discussant: Steven Craig

Can Bureaucrats Manipulate Policy Outcomes?
Presenter: Steven Craig
Co-Author(s): Hoang, Edward; Kohlhase, Janet
Discussant: Tobin McKearin

The effect on prices of deregulation in Texas’ electricity market Download paper
Presenter: Tobin McKearin
Co-Author(s): None
Discussant: Patrick O’Reilly

A Network Comparison Of Competing Institutions For Managing Water Against Hydropower And Irrigation Demands
Presenter: Patrick O’Reilly
Discussant: Leo Krasnozhon

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Queen Anne Mezzanine

Coffee Break

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Queen Anne Ballroom

Plenary Session 3: William Riker, the Rochester School, and Public Choice

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg

Distinguished Panelist: Keith T. Poole, Philip H. Alston Distinguished Professor, University of Georgia
Presenter: Keith Poole

Distinguished Panelist: Kenneth A. Shepsle, George Markham Professor of Government, Harvard University
Presenter: Kenneth Shepsle

11:20am – 11:30am


11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Cathedral Room

Economics of Corruption

Session Chair: Jamie Bologna Pavlik
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Does the Effect Corruption has on Income Inequality Depend on the Informal Sector? Download paper
Presenter: Jamie Bologna Pavlik
Co-Author(s): Sean Mulholland
Discussant: Jeff Milyo

Determinants of Corruption in State Legislatures
Presenter: Jeff Milyo
Co-Author(s): Delhommer, Scott
Discussant: Jamie Bologna Pavlik

Corruption and Destructive Entrepreneurship: How Corruption Affects the Allocation of Resources Download paper
Presenter: Christopher Boudreaux
Co-Author(s): Holcombe, Randall; Nikolaev, Boris
Discussant: Mavuto Kalulu

Fiscal Transparency and Economic Performance at County Level in Arkansas Download paper
Presenter: Mavuto Kalulu
Discussant: Christopher Boudreaux

Room: Iberville Room

Regressive Effects of Regulation

Session Chair: Diana Thomas
Session Organizer: Diana Thomas

Regulation and Poverty
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Co-Author(s): Chambers, Dustin; Stanley, Laura
Discussant: Diana Thomas

Regressive Effects of Regulation: Regulation and Wages Download paper
Presenter: Diana Thomas
Co-Author(s): Anderson, Joe; Bailey, James
Discussant: Sean Mulholland

Stratification by regulation Download paper
Presenter: Sean Mulholland
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

The Regressive Effects of Environmental Regulation
Presenter: William Shughart
Co-Author(s): Jensen, Michael.
Discussant: James Bailey

The Value of Waivers from the Affordable Care Act
Presenter: James Bailey
Co-Author(s): Wingender, John
Discussant: William Shughart

Room: Orleans Room

Roundtable on Vincent Ostrom’s Meaning of Democracy and the Vulnerabilities of Democracies

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Roberta Herzberg

Socialist Calculation and Public Economics in Vincent Ostrom’s work on Self-Governing Democratic Society
Presenter: Peter Boettke

Civil Society and the Meaning of Democracy Download paper
Presenter: Lenore Ealy

Vincent Ostrom’s Research Program in Human Association: Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner

Freedom and Vincent Ostrom’s Anthropology of Understanding and Action Download paper
Presenter: Steven Grosby

Room: Royal Salon A

Social Choice

Session Chair: Ville Korpela
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Probability of Violating Arrow’s Conditions Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Co-Author(s): Heckelman, Jac
Discussant: Ville Korpela

Social Choice Theory: A Neglected Path to Possibility Download paper
Presenter: Ville Korpela
Discussant: Mahendra Prasad

Are Condorcet Methods the Wrong Arrovian Generalization of Majority Rule Download paper
Presenter: Mahendra Prasad
Discussant: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

Trump, Condorcet and Borda: Voting paradoxes in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries Download paper
Presenter: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Room: Ursuline Room

Political Cycles

Session Chair: Alejandro Corvalan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Battleground States and Economic Growth
Presenter: Maria Tackett
Co-Author(s): Bologna Pavlik, Jamie
Discussant: Alejandro Corvalan

Indirect Political Budget Cycles: Evidence from Chilean Municipalities Download paper
Presenter: Alejandro Corvalan
Co-Author(s): Cox, Paulo; Osorio, Rodrigo.
Discussant: Dmitriy Vorobyev

Political Cycles and Elections in Russian Regions Download paper
Presenter: Dmitriy Vorobyev
Co-Author(s): Sidorkin, Oleg
Discussant: Naseem Faraz

Political Distortions in Public Credit: Evidence from the Universe of Loans in Pakistan
Presenter: Naseem Faraz
Co-Author(s): Rockmore, Marc
Discussant: Maria Tackett

Room: Gallier Room

Authoritarian Politics

Session Chair: Adrian Lucardi
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Optimal Tyranny Download paper
Presenter: Ash Navabi
Discussant: Linan Peng

Chinese Economic Reform: A Peculiar Case of Mixed Ecology of Enterprises Download paper
Presenter: Linan Peng
Discussant: Patrick Testa

Public education, political participation, and propaganda Download paper
Presenter: Patrick Testa
Discussant: Ash Navabi

Room: Beauregard Room


Session Chair: Ulrich Matter
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The impact of individual farmer and agricultural political action committee campaign donations on farm bill votes Download paper
Presenter: Scott Callahan
Discussant: Cesare Buiatti

Legislative Tenure and the Geographic Distribution of Federal Outlays Download paper
Presenter: Cesare Buiatti
Discussant: Ulrich Matter

Uncovering Vote Trading Through Networks and Computation Download paper
Presenter: Ulrich Matter
Co-Author(s): Guerrero, Omar A.
Discussant: Scott Callahan

Room: Pontalba Room

PPE Panel

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: Cathleen Johnson

Public Entrepreneurship and Collective Action Download paper
Presenter: Ion Sterpan
Co-Author(s): Aligica, Dragos Paul and Sterpan, Ion

Creativity in a theory of entrepreneurship Download paper
Presenter: James Caton
Discussant: Helena Helfer

Reconciling Institutional Change and Institutional Stability Download paper
Presenter: Helena Helfer
Discussant: Ion Sterpan

Room: Cabildo Room

Plott Experiments 2

Session Chair: Gregory DeAngelo
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Effects of Income Mobility and Tax Persistence on Income Redistribution and Inequality Download paper
Presenter: Marina Agranov
Co-Author(s): Palfrey, Thomas
Discussant: Gregory DeAngelo

Intergroup Inequality and Voting: An Experimental Study
Presenter: Gregory DeAngelo
Co-Author(s): Dubois, Dimitri; McCannon, Bryan; Romaniuc, Rustam
Discussant: Charles Holt

The welfare costs of price controls with rent seeking Download paper
Presenter: Charles Holt
Co-Author(s): Finley, Grace; Snow, Emily
Discussant: Reuben Kline

Differentiated Responsibilities and Prosocial Behavior in Climate Change Mitigation: Behavioral Evidence from the United States and China
Presenter: Reuben Kline
Co-Author(s): Nicholas Seltzer; Evgeniya Lukinova, Autumn Bynum
Discussant: Marina Agranov

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: East/West, Bienville Ballrooms

Awards Luncheon

Thirty Years since Jim Buchanan’s Nobel
Presenter: Peter Boettke

The 1986 Nobel Prize in Retrospect
Presenter: Georg Vanberg

In Memoriam: Robert D. Tollison (1942-2016)
Presenter: Edward Lopez

2:40pm – 4:10pm


Session Chair: Jayme Lemke
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

The Progressive Era Regulation of Women’s Labor: A Case Study in Institutional Entrepreneurship
Presenter: Jayme Lemke
Discussant: Rosolino Candela

The Political Economy of Italian Unification in Sicily: Insecurity of Property Rights and the Role of Land Reform Download paper
Presenter: Rosolino Candela
Discussant: Jayme Lemke

Privacy Law as Price Control Download paper
Presenter: Caleb Fuller
Discussant: Art Carden

More and Better: Resources Defined Through Property and Exchange Download paper
Presenter: Art Carden
Discussant: Caleb Fuller

Room: Iberville Room

Sportometrics in Honor of Robert D. Tollison

Session Chair: Raymond Sauer
Session Organizer: Raymond Sauer

Monitoring and Bureaucratic Discretion: Evidence from MLB Umpires Download paper
Presenter: John Bradbury
Discussant: Dennis Coates

Reflections on the Intersection of Sports Economics and Public Choice
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Discussant: Brian Goff

Revisiting Romer: Digging Deeper into What NFL Coaches Maximize Download paper
Presenter: Brian Goff
Discussant: Raymond Sauer

Sportometrics & NFL Coaching Decisions
Presenter: Raymond Sauer
Discussant: Carl Kitchens

Parallel Lives of Hard Hitting Criminals: Evidence from NCAA Football Download paper
Presenter: Carl Kitchens
Co-Author(s): Makofske, Matthew; Wang, Le
Discussant: John Bradbury

Room: Cathedral Room

Models of Voting and Legislative Decision Making

Session Chair: Yasushi Asako
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Voter Decision Making Models: Predetermined or Primed? Download paper
Presenter: Libby Jenke
Discussant: Yasushi Asako

Condorcet Winner with Political Ambiguity Download paper
Presenter: Yasushi Asako
Discussant: Orestis Troumpounis

Electoral competition with primaries and quality asymmetries Download paper
Presenter: Orestis Troumpounis
Co-Author(s): Grofman, Bernard ; Xefteris, Dimitrios
Discussant: Libby Jenke

Room: Cabildo Room

Size of Government

Session Chair: William B. Hankins
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Influence of Air Conditioning on the Growth of State Government Expenditures Download paper
Presenter: Natalia Kolesnikova
Co-Author(s): Garrett, Thomas A.
Discussant: William B. Hankins

Finally, Nebraska: A Synthetic Control Analysis of Legislative Structure Download paper
Presenter: William B. Hankins
Discussant: Paul Pecorino

The Effects of a Supermajority Voting Requirement on Government Spending Download paper
Presenter: Paul Pecorino
Discussant: Natalia Kolesnikova

Room: Ursuline Room

Institutions and Fiscal Outcomes

Session Chair: Monika Koeppl-Turyna
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Public Debt Sustainability under Fiscal Federalism: An Analysis of Indian States
Presenter: Sandhya Garg
Discussant: Marcos Nazareth

Market-preserving federalism: does it really increase Brazil’s economic performance?
Presenter: Marcos Nazareth
Co-Author(s): Gurgel, Ângelo Costa; Vieira, Wilson da Cruz
Discussant: Devin Stein

Burning Budgets Download paper
Presenter: Devin Stein
Co-Author(s): Stein, Devin; Harmer, Camille
Discussant: Anna Faria

Ideas and Policy-Making in Early Twentieth Century São Paulo, Brazil Download paper
Presenter: Anna Faria
Discussant: Sandhya Garg

Room: Pontalba Room

Political Consequences of Corruption

Session Chair: M. Kadir Dogan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Voters’ Information, Corruption, and the Effciency of Local Public Services Download paper
Presenter: Davide Vannoni
Co-Author(s): Abrate, Graziano; Boffa, Federico; Erbetta, Fabrizio
Discussant: M. Kadir Dogan

Why support a corrupt politician? The role of information, politician’s performance and ideology on voting for a corrupt politician Download paper
Presenter: M. Kadir Dogan
Co-Author(s): Evrenk, Haldun
Discussant: Umberto Mignozzetti

When does clientelism pay off? Legislature Size and Welfare with Evidence from Brazil
Presenter: Umberto Mignozzetti
Co-Author(s): Cepaluni, Gabriel

Inspection strategies, Corruption and Common Pool Resources
Presenter: Chenyang Xu
Co-Author(s): Klaas van ‘t Veld
Discussant: Davide Vannoni

Room: Royal Salon A

Social Trust

Session Chair: Pedro Camões
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Interaction between Formal and Informal Institutions: Evidence from Latin American Wellbeing Download paper
Presenter: Andrea Paramo Florencio
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian; Agbenyega, Ruby Elorm
Discussant: Pedro Camões

Citizens’ Attitudes Towards Governmental Institutions Across Political Generations: Testing the Effect of individuals’ Prior Political Experiences Download paper
Presenter: Pedro Camões
Co-Author(s): Mendes, Silvia M.
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

The moldable young: How institutions impact social trust Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Richard Öhrvall
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

Trust Development and Self-Enforcing Exchange in Anonymous Internet Markets Download paper
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Andrea Paramo Florencio

Room: Gallier Room

Fiscal Policy in Comparative Perspective

Session Chair: Real Arai
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Public Capital and Asset Prices: Time-series Evidence from Japan Download paper
Presenter: Tomomi Miyazaki
Co-Author(s): Kazuki Hiraga; Masafumi Kozuka
Discussant: Laura Rondi

Ex-ante and ex-post outsourcing in public procurement: Temporary Partnership vs subcontracting Download paper
Presenter: Laura Rondi
Co-Author(s): Rondi, Laura; Valbonesi, Paola
Discussant: Moshe Yanovskiy

Political Factors Behind Cuts and Surges in Government Spending: The Effects on Old Market Democracies and Post-Communist Countries Download paper
Presenter: Moshe Yanovskiy
Co-Author(s): Zhavoronkov Sergei; Rodionov Kirill
Discussant: Tomomi Miyazaki

Room: Beauregard Room


Session Chair: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Busy Doing Nothing – A Model of Unwanted, Unproductive and Obfuscating Policies Download paper
Presenter: Anders Kärnä
Discussant: Jeremy Horpedahl

Good and Hard: Do US Voters Get the Policies They Prefer? Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Horpedahl
Discussant: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto

Demand for Public Library Efficiency: An Interest Group versus Median Voter Approach Download paper
Presenter: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto
Co-Author(s): Hall, Josh

Do teachers’ unions fit the median voter framework? Download paper
Presenter: Michelle Phillips
Co-Author(s): Merkle, Jessica
Discussant: Anders Kärnä

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Cathedral Room

State and Local Fiscal Policy

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

What do Legislators Optimize: The Case of Safety Regulation
Presenter: David Mitchell
Co-Author(s): Tay, Kai Cher
Discussant: Yang Zhou

Does Government Experience Matter? An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwartznegger Download paper
Presenter: Yang Zhou
Co-Author(s): Roger Congleton
Discussant: David Mitchell

The Role of Fiscal Constraints on Economic Freedom in the States Download paper
Presenter: Peter Calcagno
Co-Author(s): Hall, Joshua
Discussant: Jacob Bundrick

Do Subsidies for Businesses Increase Economic Activity? Download paper
Presenter: Jacob Bundrick
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

Room: Orleans Room

Explanatory Theories of Public Debt

Session Chair: Richard Wagner
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

Autocracy, Democracy and Excessive Public Debt
Presenter: Richard Salsman
Discussant: William Keech

Causality and Institutions in Explaining Public Debt Download paper
Presenter: William Keech
Discussant: David Hebert

Taxation and Debt as Emergent Phenomena Download paper
Presenter: David Hebert
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Public deb and the corruption of contract Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Discussant: Richard Salsman

Room: Iberville Room


Session Chair: Conor Lennon
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Regulatory Uncertainty, Employment, and Compensation: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s Small Group Insurance Marketplace Download paper
Presenter: Conor Lennon
Co-Author(s): Sobel, Russell
Discussant: Emily Washington

The Effects of Philadelphia’s Zoning Reform on Housing Construction Download paper
Presenter: Emily Washington
Discussant: Trey Carson

Presenter: Trey Carson
Co-Author(s): Piano, Ennio
Discussant: Conor Lennon

Room: Ursuline Room


Session Chair: Matthew Bonick
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Impact of Economic and Political Institutions on Gender Norms Download paper
Presenter: Rosemarie Fike
Discussant: Matthew Bonick

On the Origin and Consequences of Racism Download paper
Presenter: Matthew Bonick
Co-Author(s): Farfan-Vallespn,Antonio
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Roots of Tolerance: What Explains Western Values among Children of Immigrants? Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Ljunge, Martin; Nilsson, Therese
Discussant: Rosemarie Fike

Room: Pontalba Room


Session Chair: Edwar Escalante
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

I hope I die before I get old. The supply side of the market for suicide bombers Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Apolte
Discussant: Edwar Escalante

A Private Solution to Terrorism Download paper
Presenter: Edwar Escalante
Discussant: Thomas Gries

An Economic Theory of ‘Destabilization War’: Compromise for Peace Versus Conventional, Guerilla, or Terrorist Warfare Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Gries
Co-Author(s): Haake, Claus-Jochen
Discussant: Thomas Apolte

Room: Beauregard Room

Property Rights

Session Chair: Adrian Moore
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Transaction Costs of Property Rights: Evidence from Timber Auctions Download paper
Presenter: Colin Doran
Co-Author(s): Stratmann, Thomas
Discussant: Vincent Geloso

Monopsony and Industrial Development in Nineteenth Century Quebec: The Impact of Seigneurial Tenure Download paper
Presenter: Vincent Geloso
Co-Author(s): Vadim Kufenko; Alex Arsenault Morin
Discussant: Adrian Moore

Are Government Granted Licenses Property Rights? Download paper
Presenter: Adrian Moore
Discussant: Javier Portillo

Land-Assembly and Externalities: How does the prospect of future positive externalities affect land aggregation outcomes? Download paper
Presenter: Javier Portillo
Discussant: Colin Doran

Room: Gallier Room


Session Chair: Raymond March
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Unions Rent-Seeking Behavior and the Government’s Use of Monopsony Power Download paper
Presenter: Priscila Casari
Co-Author(s): Alves, Pamella
Discussant: Raymond March

Does Physician Concentration Reduce Pharmaceutical Payments to Physicians? An Empirical Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Raymond March
Discussant: James Strickland

Determinants of Lobbying Activity by Interest Groups: The Population Ecology of Lobbyists Download paper
Presenter: James Strickland
Discussant: Ryan Yonk

Exploring the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Yonk
Co-Author(s): Wardle, Arthur; Smith Josh
Discussant: Priscila Casari

Room: Royal Salon A

The Political Economy of Violence

Session Chair: Toshihiro Ihori
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Violent Conflict and Political Institutional Change Download paper
Presenter: Brandon Brice
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

National Emergency, Security Spending, and Growth Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Discussant: Murat Mungan

Disenfranchisement and Over-Incarceration Download paper
Presenter: Murat Mungan
Discussant: Brandon Brice

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: East/West, Bienville Ballrooms

Closing Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Public Choice Society

Sunday, March 5, 2017

8:30am – 12:00pm

Papers Workshop (By Invitation) – Sponsored by The Public Choice Society