2018 Conference Program Details

2018 Conference Program Details

Thursday, March 1, 2018

1:00pm – 6:30pm

Room: Carolina Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Room: Laurens Room

Executive Committee Meeting

4:00pm – 5:45pm

Room: Carolina Ballroom

Plenary Session 1: Intellectual Histories of Public Choice with Panelists Marianne Johnson, Roger Congleton, and Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard – Sponsored by the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in PPE and Public Choice Society

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg

Rules versus Authorities in Early American Public Choice
Presenter: Marianne Johnson

Public Choice and Political Science: A View from Europe
Presenter: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

The Emergence of Public Choice: The Forest from the Trees Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton

Room: Carolina Ballroom

Conference Welcome, Special Introductions

Session Chair: Edward Lopez

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Opening Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the College of Charleston School of Business and Public Choice Society

Friday, March 2, 2018

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Carolina Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Carolina Foyer

Continental Breakfast – Sponsored by The Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business at The Citadel

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Gold Ballroom

Political Economy of Corruption I

Session Chair: Oguzhan Dincer
Session Organizer: Oguzhan Dincer

Social Influence and Economic Incentives: Complements or Substitutes—The Case of Fighting Corruption Download paper
Presenter: Chenyang Xu
Co-Author(s): Van ‘t Veld, Klaas
Discussant: Oguzhan Dincer

Experimental Evidence on Collusive Bribery and the Value of Corrupt Networks
Presenter: Eugen Dimant
Co-Author(s): Burkhard Hehenkamp; Xinyu Li
Discussant: Amihai Glazer

How a Corrupt Official Can Increase His Budget Download paper
Presenter: Amihai Glazer
Co-Author(s): Kimiko Terai
Discussant: Chenyang Xu

One Hundred Years of Corruption in America
Presenter: Oguzhan Dincer
Discussant: Eugen Dimant

Room: Pinckney Room

Experimental Public Choice I

Session Chair: Gregory DeAngelo
Session Organizer: Gregory DeAngelo

Priming the Jury by Asking for Donations: An Empirical and Experimental Study
Presenter: Jason Aimone
Co-Author(s): Charles North; Lucas Rentschler
Discussant: Fabrice Le Lec

Stopping Rules for Majority Voting: A Public Choice Experiment Download paper
Presenter: Alice Kisaalita
Co-Author(s): Keith Dougherty, Jordan McKissick, Evan Katz
Discussant: Eric Cardella

The Significance of Salience in Candidate Evaluation: A Direct Measure Download paper
Presenter: Libby Jenke
Co-Author(s): Munger, Michael
Discussant: Keith Poole

Political Competition in Judge and Prosecutor Elections
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Co-Author(s): Greg DeAngelo
Discussant: Alice Kisaalita

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Book Panel: “From Enactment to Repeal: Examining the Post-Passage Fate of Landmark Laws.”

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

From Enactment to Repeal: Examining the Post-Passage Fate of Landmark Laws
Presenter: Jordan Ragusa
Co-Author(s): Nathaniel Birkhead

A Change of Heart on Major Legislation
Presenter: Seth McKee

Why Repealing Legislation is Harder Than Passing It
Presenter: William Shughart

Rethinking Revision: Comments on “Enactment to Repeal: Examining the Post-Passage Fate of Landmark Laws”
Presenter: Irwin Morris

Room: Rutledge Room

The Political Economy of Autocracy

Session Chair: Thomas Apolte
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

A Theory of Autocratic Transition. How Populists Establish Dictatorship Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Apolte
Discussant: Aleksandr Demin

Dictators’ Behavior Under Conditions of Economic Sanctions Cumulative Effect Download paper
Presenter: Aleksandr Demin
Co-Author(s): Chmel, Kirill; Kazantcev, Kirill.
Discussant: Jerg Gutmann

Coups, Regime Transition, and the Dynamics of Press Freedom
Presenter: Jerg Gutmann
Co-Author(s): Christian Bjørnskov; Andreas Freytag
Discussant: Greta Piktozyte

When do coups succeed? Download paper
Presenter: Greta Piktozyte
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian; Rode, Martin
Discussant: Thomas Apolte

Room: Calhoun Room

Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design

Session Chair: Richard F. Potthoff
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Spot It! and balanced block designs: keys to better debate architecture for a plethora of candidates in presidential primaries? Download paper
Presenter: Richard F. Potthoff
Discussant: Piruz Saboury

Informative fundraising: The signaling value of seed money and matching gifts Download paper
Presenter: Piruz Saboury
Co-Author(s): Krasteva, Silvana
Discussant: Andranik Tangian

Design and results of the third vote experiment during the 2017 election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology student parliament Download paper
Presenter: Andranik Tangian
Discussant: Amjad Toukan

A Theory of the Small Minority Autocratic Rule in Tribal Societies Download paper
Presenter: Amjad Toukan
Discussant: Richard F. Potthoff

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Models of Legislative Bargaining

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Coalition Bargaining Before an Audience
Presenter: Georg Vanberg
Co-Author(s): Lanny Martin
Discussant: Thomas Choate

Legislative bargaining and partisan delegation Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Choate
Co-Author(s): Weymark, John; Wiseman, Alan
Discussant: Mustafa Yildirim

Legislative bargaining with a stochastic surplus and costly recognition Download paper
Presenter: Mustafa Yildirim
Discussant: Jose Juan Bautista

The Role of Influence in Valence Politics Download paper
Presenter: Jose Juan Bautista
Discussant: Georg Vanberg

Room: Laurens Room

Public Choice and Public Goods

Session Chair: David Chandler Thomas
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

An Economic Theory of Conducible Goods Download paper
Presenter: David Chandler Thomas
Co-Author(s): Thomas, David; Horowitz, John
Discussant: Wolfgang Bretschneider

Crowdfunding Defense Download paper
Presenter: Garrett Wood
Discussant: David Chandler Thomas

Efficient private provision of security services in a societal security regime Download paper
Presenter: Wolfgang Bretschneider
Discussant: Garrett Wood

Room: Middleton Room

The Political Economy of Taxation

Session Chair: Tomomi Miyazaki
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Property Tax and Land Use: Evidence from the Japan’s reform in the 1990s Download paper
Presenter: Tomomi Miyazaki
Co-Author(s): Motohiro Sato
Discussant: Patricia Moser

On the relevance of double tax treaties in the presence of treaty shopping Download paper
Presenter: Martin Zagler
Co-Author(s): Petkova, Kunka; Zagler, Martin
Discussant: Tomomi Miyazaki

Tobacco Taxes Download paper
Presenter: Patricia Moser
Discussant: Andrzej Stasio

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Freedom and Economic History _ Papers Honoring Jac Heckelman

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

The Nature of Limits in the Concept of Limited Government
Presenter: John Wallis
Discussant: Farley Grubb

Colonial North Carolina’s Paper Money Regime, 1712-1774: Value Decomposition and Performance Download paper
Presenter: Farley Grubb
Co-Author(s): Cutsail, Cory
Discussant: John Wallis

Economic freedom impact on corporate performance: the evidence from Russian public companies
Presenter: Anna Bykova
Co-Author(s): Coates, Dennis
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

The Optimal Extent of Regulation: Evidence from a Panel of International Data
Presenter: Bonnie Wilson
Co-Author(s): Heckelman, Jac C.
Discussant: Dennis Coates

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Carolina Foyer

Coffee Break – Sponsored by Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason University

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Carolina Ballroom

Plenary Session 2: Positive Political Theory and Public Choice: Ken Shepsle’s Contributions to the New Institutionalism – Sponsored by Duke Political Science Department and Public Choice Society

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: Georg Vanberg

Positive Political Theory in Perspective
Presenter: Kenneth Shepsle

Ken Shepsle, Public Choice, and the New Institutionalism
Presenter: John Aldrich

11:20am – 12:50pm

Room: Parkview Room

Executive Committee Luncheon

Lunch on Own

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Pinckney Room

Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Diana Thomas
Session Organizer: Diana Thomas

Field of dreams: If government builds infrastructure, will entrepreneurs come? Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Discussant: Kathleen Sheehan

The Treason of Rules: Institutional Entrepreneurship and Representative Government Download paper
Presenter: Diana Thomas
Co-Author(s): Adam Martin
Discussant: Jeremy Horpedahl

Bootleggers, Baptists, and Ballots: Spending on Alcohol Legalization Elections in Arkansas Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Horpedahl
Discussant: Diana Thomas

The Gender Wage Gap and Regulation
Presenter: Kathleen Sheehan
Co-Author(s): Sheehan, Kathleen
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Political Economy of Public Policy

Session Chair: Jakob de Haan
Session Organizer: Arye Hillman

Policy Coordination under Model Disagreement and Uncertainty Download paper
Presenter: Carsten Hefeker
Discussant: Jakob de Haan

Subsidizing moderates Download paper
Presenter: Artyom Jelnov
Discussant: Jac Heckelman

The Independence of Prosecutors and Government Accountability Download paper
Presenter: Jerg Gutmann
Co-Author(s): Stefan Voigt
Discussant: Alexander Libman

Oil Discoveries and Education Spending in the Postbellum South Download paper
Presenter: Stephan Maurer
Discussant: Jerg Gutmann

Room: Gold Ballroom

Fourth Annual Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentation by a Graduate Student: Finalist Presentations

Session Chair: Michael Munger
Session Organizer: Lynne Kiesling

Titles For Me But Not For Thee: Transitional Gains Trap of Property Rights Extension in Colombia Download paper
Presenter: Perry Ferrell
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

Political Competition and Local Government Performance: Evidence from Indonesia Download paper
Presenter: Jahen Rezki
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

The Contingent Value of Relationships: Revolving-Door Lobbyists in the U.S. States Download paper
Presenter: James Strickland
Discussant: Michael Munger

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Corruption in Comparative Perspective

Session Chair: Suryadipta Roy
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Trusting the Hand that Feeds You: The Effect of Institutional Trust and Participation on Foreign Aid Effectiveness Download paper
Presenter: Kevin Aslett
Discussant: Suryadipta Roy

Public Choice View of Demonetization in India Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Discussant: Kevin Aslett

The Distortionary Eects of Partisan Alignment on Political Accountability: Evidence from Kenya Download paper
Presenter: Michael Mbate
Discussant: Feler Bose

Size-adjusted Markups and Firm-level Bribe Payments: Evidence from Productivity and Investment Climate Survey (PICS) Download paper
Presenter: Suryadipta Roy
Co-Author(s): Roy, Suryadipta
Discussant: Michael Mbate

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Institutional Quality and Growth / Development

Session Chair: Helena Helfer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Democratic Institutions and Prosperity – A Bundled Approach Download paper
Presenter: Helena Helfer
Discussant: Haruo Kondo

Redistributive Politics and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from Japanese Prefectures Download paper
Presenter: Haruo Kondo
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider

Drivers of the Underground Economy for over a Century: A Long Term Look for the U.S.
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider
Co-Author(s): Goel, Rajeev; Saunoris, James
Discussant: Brandon Brice

The Resource Curse: Evidence from U.S. State Constitutional Structures
Presenter: Brandon Brice
Co-Author(s): Corey, Joab; Sobel, Russell; Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Helena Helfer

Room: Middleton Room

Institutional Origins and Change

Session Chair: Craig Depken
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

State capacity and jurisdictional competition Download paper
Presenter: Ennio Piano
Discussant: Danko Tarabar

Culture, Voting Behavior, and Institutional Reform: Evidence from Transition Countries Download paper
Presenter: Danko Tarabar
Co-Author(s): Portillo, Javier
Discussant: Craig Depken

Evolution of a Social Norm: The Rise and Fall of the Enforcer in the National Hockey League Download paper
Presenter: Craig Depken
Co-Author(s): Peter Groothuis; Mark Strazicich
Discussant: Ennio Piano

Room: Laurens Room

Constitutions and the Legal System

Session Chair: Josh Matti
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Constitutional Overperformance
Presenter: Anna Lewczuk
Co-Author(s): Metelska-Szaniawska, Katarzyna
Discussant: Josh Matti

Votes or Violations: Enforcement Cycles in Sheriff Elections Download paper
Presenter: Josh Matti
Co-Author(s): Ferrell, Perry
Discussant: Cameron Shelton

What constrains partisan gerrymandering? Download paper
Presenter: Cameron Shelton
Co-Author(s): Sabouni, Hisam
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Informational Value of Challenging an Incumbent Prosecutor Download paper
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Discussant: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska

Room: Calhoun Room

Local Fiscal Policy

Session Chair: Ross Milton
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

“Majority Builds: Direct Democracy and the Intra-district Allocation of School Facilities Spending”
Presenter: Ross Milton
Co-Author(s): Grosz, Michel
Discussant: Yilin Hou

Inferring Tax Compliance from Pass-through: Evidence from Airbnb Tax Enforcement Agreements Download paper
Presenter: Keith Teltser
Co-Author(s): Bibler, Andrew; Tremblay, Mark
Discussant: Ross Milton

The impact of local households’ housing tenure on local public debt levels Download paper
Presenter: Danny Woodbury
Discussant: Keith Teltser

Local Government User Charges and the Tax and Expenditure Limitations
Presenter: Yilin Hou
Co-Author(s): Zhang, Pengju
Discussant: Danny Woodbury

Room: Rutledge Room

Voter Behavior and Political Competition

Session Chair: Richard Jankowski
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Myopic Voting?: A State Level Empirical Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Dwight Lee

An expressive voter model of Anger, Hatred, Harm and shame
Presenter: Dwight Lee
Co-Author(s): Ryan Murphy
Discussant: Steven Brownell

Social Attitudes and Civic Engagement of International Migrants Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brownell
Discussant: Richard Jankowski

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Social Choice and Populism

Session Chair: Keith Dougherty
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

The Political Economy of Populism
Presenter: Andreas Freytag
Co-Author(s): Ball, Christopher
Discussant: Roger Congleton

Spoiler Effects in Proportional Representation Systems: Evidence from Eight Polish Parliamentary Elections, 1991-2015 Download paper
Presenter: Marek Kaminski
Discussant: Robi Ragan

Centripetal and Centrifugal Electoral Incentives in Multidimensional Policy Spaces
Presenter: Robi Ragan
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Selecting the Run-off Pair
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Co-Author(s): Green-Armytage, James
Discussant: Marek Kaminski

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Empirical State and Local Political Economy

Session Chair: Dean Stansel
Session Organizer: Dean Stansel

Is it the economy, stupid? Economic policy, economic performance, and the incumbent advantage in state gubernatorial re-elections Download paper
Presenter: Jason Long
Co-Author(s): Bennett, Daniel
Discussant: Alexandre Padilla

The Legal System and Protection of Property Rights at the Subnational Level Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Murphy
Discussant: Dean Stansel

The “California Horse”: Do Domestic Migrants Impact State Institutions? Download paper
Presenter: Alexandre Padilla
Co-Author(s): Dean Stansel, Meg Tuszynski Patrick
Discussant: Ryan Murphy

Economic Freedom and Domestic Trade: A Gravity Model Estimation Download paper
Presenter: Dean Stansel
Co-Author(s): Tuszynski, Meg
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Room: Middleton Room

Room: Gold Ballroom

International Cooperation and Conflict

Session Chair: Paul Pecorino
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Social Capital Accumulation and Terrorism Download paper
Presenter: Alex Ray
Discussant: Paul Pecorino

Defense Expenditures and Allied Cooperation Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Discussant: Alex Ray

Bridge burning Download paper
Presenter: Paul Pecorino
Discussant: Ryusuke Shinohara

Interregional negotiations and strategic delegation under government subsidy schemes Download paper
Presenter: Ryusuke Shinohara
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

Room: Pinckney Room

Institutions and the Firm

Session Chair: Jacob Burgdorf
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does the quality of institutions influence the performance of enterprises ? A case study analysis Download paper
Presenter: Sevgi Ineci
Discussant: Anders Kärnä

Estimating Corruption in Publicly Owned Firms using Network Theory Download paper
Presenter: Anders Kärnä
Co-Author(s): Bergh, Andreas; Erlingsson, Gissur; Wittberg, Emanuel
Discussant: Jacob Burgdorf

The strategic impact of voluntary vs. mandated vertical restraints Download paper
Presenter: Jacob Burgdorf
Discussant: Sevgi Ineci

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Labor Policy and Regulation

Session Chair: Jason Saving
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Why Haven’t Regional Wages Converged? The Role of Fiscal Federalism Download paper
Presenter: Jason Saving
Discussant: Mark Crain

Regulatory Barriers to Women in Business Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Co-Author(s): Nicole V. Crain
Discussant: Christopher John Cruz

Avoiding the Housewife Stigma: Self-Employment as a Female Career Choice Download paper
Presenter: Carl Magnus Bjuggren
Co-Author(s): Henrekson, Magnus
Discussant: Jason Saving

The Labor Supply Effects of the 1983 Social Security reforms
Presenter: Christopher John Cruz
Discussant: Carl Magnus Bjuggren

Room: Rutledge Room

Legislative Decisionmaking in Panel Data Models

Session Chair: William B. Hankins
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Partisan Determinants of Federal Highway Grants Download paper
Presenter: William B. Hankins
Co-Author(s): Goetzke, Frank; Hoover, Gary
Discussant: Steven Johnson

Voting on the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 Download paper
Presenter: Steven Johnson
Discussant: Bjoern Kauder

Conservative Politicians and Voting on Same-Sex Marriage Download paper
Presenter: Bjoern Kauder
Co-Author(s): Potrafke, Niklas
Discussant: James Klingensmith

Pork-Barrel Spending and Political Entrepreneurship: Using Tax Money to Win Elections Download paper
Presenter: James Klingensmith
Discussant: William B. Hankins

Room: Laurens Room

Political Economy of Property

Session Chair: Colin Harris
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Wealth-Destroying Private Property Rights Download paper
Presenter: Colin Harris
Co-Author(s): Leeson, Peter
Discussant: Perry Ferrell

Nail-house Strategy: The Weapon of the Weak in Land Expropriation and House Demolition in China Download paper
Presenter: Wanlin Lin
Discussant: Colin Harris

Titles For Me But Not For Thee: Transitional Gains Trap of Property Rights Extension in Colombia Download paper
Presenter: Perry Ferrell
Discussant: Sakshi Jain

Effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program Targeting Young Girls: Evidence from India Download paper
Presenter: Sakshi Jain
Discussant: Wanlin Lin

Room: Calhoun Room

Policy Responsiveness and Accountability

Session Chair: Stefanie Gaebler
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The effects of direct elections on public services and spatial inequalities – Quasi-experimental evidence from Germany Download paper
Presenter: Stefanie Gaebler
Co-Author(s): Roesel, Felix
Discussant: John Matsusaka

When Do Legislators Follow Constituent Opinion? Evidence from Matched Roll Call and Referendum Votes
Presenter: John Matsusaka
Discussant: Stefanie Gaebler

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Experimental Public Choice III

Session Chair: Gregory DeAngelo
Session Organizer: Gregory DeAngelo

Wage Distributions – Preferences and Productivity
Presenter: Eric Cardella
Co-Author(s): Alex Roomets
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

An Experimental Investigation of the Calculus of Consent
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Discussant: Libby Jenke

Liberal or paternalistic preferences? An experimental test
Presenter: Fabrice Le Lec
Co-Author(s): Benoît, Tarroux
Discussant: Michael Makowsky

Rent dissipation and streamlined costs: Laboratory experiments
Presenter: Charles Holt
Co-Author(s): Goeree, Jacob and Smith, Angela
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Room: Middleton Room

Art, Science, and Political Economy I

Session Chair: Richard Wagner
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

The Irrelevance of Balanced Budgets Download paper
Presenter: David Hebert
Discussant: Richard Wagner

The constitutional rules of self-governing: Vincent Ostrom on formal rules and social commitments
Presenter: Roberta Herzberg
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Group formation in constitutional political economy Download paper
Presenter: Jayme Lemke
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Gold Ballroom

Constitutional Political Economy

Session Chair: Matthew Bonick
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Historical Roots of Racism Download paper
Presenter: Matthew Bonick
Co-Author(s): Antonio Farfán-Vallespín
Discussant: Paola Suarez

Immigration and Emigration: Legislation and
Presenter: Bradley Hobbs
Co-Author(s): Wenzel, Nikolai
Discussant: Matthew Bonick

The Korea Story Download paper
Presenter: Yong Yoon
Co-Author(s): Lim, J.D.
Discussant: Bradley Hobbs

Child-Bride Marriage and Female Welfare Download paper
Presenter: Paola Suarez
Discussant: Yong Yoon

Room: Calhoun Room

Development and Redistribution

Session Chair: Vasyl Kvartiuk
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The political economy of regional policy formation: the case of Russian agricultural subsidies Download paper
Presenter: Vasyl Kvartiuk
Co-Author(s): Herzfeld, Thomas; Ghukasyan, Siranush
Discussant: Stanley Winer

The Effect of the Community Reinvestment Act on Bank Closures and Location Choice Download paper
Presenter: Danielle Zanzalari
Co-Author(s): Jacob Walloga
Discussant: Vasyl Kvartiuk

Sharing development surplus with landowners in economic development projects Download paper
Presenter: Hojun Lee
Co-Author(s): Kim, Iljoong; Park, Sungkyu
Discussant: Danielle Zanzalari

The Privateness of Public Expenditure: A model and empirics for Indian states Download paper
Presenter: Stanley Winer
Co-Author(s): Ferris, J. Stephen; Dash, Bharatee; Chakraborty, Pinaki
Discussant: Hojun Lee

Room: Laurens Room

Panel Data Models of Democracy and Performance

Session Chair: Sebastiano Bavetta
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Decentralization and Quality of Governance Download paper
Presenter: Pedro Camões
Discussant: Jahen Rezki

Political Competition and Local Government Performance: Evidence from Indonesia Download paper
Presenter: Jahen Rezki
Discussant: Vincent Geloso

A Revolution Delayed? Dairy Output and Tenure Institutions in Lower Canada, 1831
Presenter: Vincent Geloso
Discussant: Pedro Camões

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Games and Experiments in Public Choice

Session Chair: Calvin Blackwell
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The efficiency impact of policy uncertainty: An experimental study Download paper
Presenter: Calvin Blackwell
Co-Author(s): Sobel, Russell
Discussant: Allison Bugenis

The Danger of Hyper-Competence: How Highly Skilled Agents can be Costly to their Principals Download paper
Presenter: Allison Bugenis
Discussant: Huseyin Yildirim

Social Pressure, Transparency, and Voting in Committees
Presenter: Huseyin Yildirim
Co-Author(s): Name-Correa, Alvaro J.
Discussant: Calvin Blackwell

Room: Rutledge Room

Political Theory and the History of Ideas

Session Chair: Charles Delmotte
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Ontology of Taxation : The Romantic vs. the Realistic Point of View Download paper
Presenter: Charles Delmotte
Discussant: Mahendra Prasad

A Theory of Self-Governance: De Facto Constitutions as Filters Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Salter
Discussant: Charles Delmotte

How to Criticize James M. Buchanan? Amartya K. Sen on the Normative Premises of Classical Liberalism Download paper
Presenter: Malte Dold
Discussant: Alexander Salter

Nicolas de Condorcet: the first philosopher of the intelligence explosion hypothesis Download paper
Presenter: Mahendra Prasad
Discussant: Malte Dold

Room: Pinckney Room

Voter Preferences and Voter Choice

Session Chair: Niclas Berggren
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Do Voters Dislike Liberalizing Reforms? New Evidence Using Data on Satisfaction with Democracy Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian
Discussant: Luis Aguiar-Conraria

The Impact of Government Programs on Individual Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from SCHIP/Medicaid Expansion Download paper
Presenter: Thuy Vu
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Voter Policy Preferences in the U.S. Presidential Elections Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Law
Discussant: Thuy Vu

The importance of Consumer Sentiment in explaining presidential approval ratings Download paper
Presenter: Luis Aguiar-Conraria
Co-Author(s): Bruno Fernandes; Pedro C. Magalhães; Maria Joana Soares
Discussant: Wilson Law

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Research Impact Workshop (By Invitation) – Sponsored by Public Choice Society and Institute for Humane Studies

6:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Saturday, March 3, 2018

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Carolina Foyer

Continental Breakfast

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Carolina Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Laurens Room

Politics and Housing Markets

Session Chair: Daniel Jones
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Minority Representation in Local Government and Distributional Outcomes Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Jones
Co-Author(s): Beach, Brian; Jones, Daniel; Twinam, Tate; Walsh, Randall
Discussant: Chris Mothorpe

Are campaign contributions normal goods? Evidence from local house price fluctuations
Presenter: Carly Urban
Co-Author(s): Lessem, Rebecca
Discussant: Daniel Jones

All Politics is Local? Evidence from Foreclosures and Voter Participation Download paper
Presenter: Jessica Van Parys
Discussant: Carly Urban

Interjurisdictional competition for land: The stratetic decisions of municipalities competing for annexations Download paper
Presenter: Chris Mothorpe
Co-Author(s): Sobel, Russell; Woolsey, Bill
Discussant: Jessica Van Parys

Room: Gold Ballroom

Political Economy of Institutions

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Income Inequity and Regime Changes: Theory and Evidence Download paper
Presenter: Yang Zhou
Co-Author(s): Calcagno, Peter T
Discussant: Beatriz Maldonado

The Long-run Effect of Government Ideology on Economic Freedom Download paper
Presenter: Ryan Murphy
Discussant: Andrew Young

Political Systems, Institutional Memory, and Economic Freedom
Presenter: Todd Nesbit
Co-Author(s): Calcagno, Peter; Maldonado, Beatriz; Zeager, Frankie
Discussant: Ryan Murphy

Medieval Traditions in Representation as Foundations of State Capacity Today
Presenter: Andrew Young
Co-Author(s): Jamie Bologna Pavlik
Discussant: Todd Nesbit

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Governance and Corruption in Sports

Session Chair: Raymond Sauer
Session Organizer: Raymond Sauer

What if a figure skating team event had been held at past Winter Olympic Games? Download paper
Presenter: Peter Coughlin
Co-Author(s): Cheng, Diana
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

Catch-Up: A Rule That Makes Service Sports More Competitive Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Co-Author(s): Brams, Steven J.; Ismail, Mehmet S.; Stromquist, Walter
Discussant: Daniel Schwab

Corruption in the Bidding, Construction, and Organization of Mega-Events: An Analysis of the Olympics and World Cup Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Schwab
Co-Author(s): Matheson, Victor A.; Koval, Patrick
Discussant: Benjamin Posmanick

Off The Post: The FIFA World Cup Bidding Process Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Posmanick
Discussant: Peter Coughlin

Room: Pinckney Room

Political Determinants of Development

Session Chair: King Banaian
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Armenia as a borderland surrounded by bandits Download paper
Presenter: King Banaian
Discussant: Loujaina Abdelwahed

Fiscal Management of Foreign Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa Download paper
Presenter: Loujaina Abdelwahed
Discussant: Maria Carnovale

Who gets the surplus is Value Chains: development aid implications of competition within and between production stages Download paper
Presenter: Maria Carnovale
Co-Author(s): Mayer, Frederick; Pfaff, Alexander
Discussant: Gonzalo Macera

The Washington Consensus: A comparative case Download paper
Presenter: Gonzalo Macera
Discussant: King Banaian

Room: Rutledge Room

Interest Group Politics in the States

Session Chair: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Political Economy of Cultural Districts: The Diffusion of Cultural Districts Laws Across US States Download paper
Presenter: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto
Discussant: Ghanshyam Sharma

Impact of Market Concentration on Effective Sales Tax Rate: Evidence from Insurance Industry Download paper
Presenter: Ghanshyam Sharma
Discussant: Carl Kitchens

Civil Asset Forfeiture, Crime, and Police Incentives: Evidence from the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 Download paper
Presenter: Carl Kitchens
Co-Author(s): Kantor, Shawn; Pawlowski, Steven
Discussant: Amir Borges Ferreira Neto

Room: Calhoun Room

The Political Economy of Monetary Policy

Session Chair: Stephen Miller
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Recourse Rule, regulatory arbitrage and the financial crisis Download paper
Presenter: Stephen Miller
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

The Consequences of Diversity at the Federal Reserve Download paper
Presenter: Caitlin Ainsley
Discussant: Stephen Miller

Government ideology and monetary policy in OECD countries Download paper
Presenter: Luisa Doerr
Co-Author(s): Potrafke, Niklas; Cahan, Dodge
Discussant: Caitlin Ainsley

Black Market Exchange Rate as a Proxy for Inflation
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Luisa Doerr

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Developments in Social Choice Theory

Session Chair: James Endersby
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Cyclical Majorities and Legislative Voting: Condorcet’s Paradox in Congress? Download paper
Presenter: James Endersby
Discussant: Katsuyoshi Okui

Dynamic Veto Player Theory: What Institutions Do in Dynamic Settings And a New Tool for Simulating It
Presenter: Brandon Zicha
Discussant: James Endersby

Fair Division with Minimal Cuts Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): Peter Landwebber

Political Success Theory in the Context of the Median Voter Theorem Download paper
Presenter: Katsuyoshi Okui
Discussant: Steven Brams

Room: Middleton Room

Experimental Approaches to Voting Experiments

Session Chair: William English
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Why so much popular support for a billionaire candidate? Insights from a survey experiment of campaign finance perceptions.
Presenter: William English
Discussant: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto

When do parochial voters support increased immigration? Reconsidering the link between perceived interests and policy preferences Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Kustov
Discussant: William English

In-group Love vs. Out-group Hate: Which Is More Important to Partisans and When?
Presenter: Daniela Goya-Tocchetto
Co-Author(s): Amira, Karyn; Wright, Jennifer Cole
Discussant: Alexander Kustov

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Institutions, Norms, and Collective Action

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Membership and Decision-Making in International Organizations Download paper
Presenter: Stephan Michel
Co-Author(s): Schories, Fanny
Discussant: Roger Congleton

Risk-taking, Trust, and Traumatization among Syrian Refugees in Jordan – A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment Download paper
Presenter: Stefan Voigt
Co-Author(s): Nora El Bialy, Andreas Nicklisch
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Populism and Constitutional Reform in Latin America Download paper
Presenter: Andrea Saenz de Viteri
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian
Discussant: Stefan Voigt

Ethics and the Rule of Law Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Stephan Michel

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Carolina Foyer

Coffee Break

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Carolina Ballroom

Plenary Session 3: Lars Feld and David Primo on Fiscal Institutions in America and Europe – Sponsored by the BB&T Distinguished Professorship of Capitalism at Western Carolina University and Public Choice Society

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg

Public debt, factions, and rules: Toward effective restraints on fiscal commons problems
Presenter: Lars P. Feld

(Budget) Rules Are Made to Be Broken: Can We Fix Them?
Presenter: David Primo

11:20am – 11:30am


11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Political Influence and Benefits

Session Organizer: Amihai Glazer

The Growth of Government, Trust in Government, and Evidence on Their Coevolution Download paper
Presenter: John Garen
Co-Author(s): Gordon, Steven; Clark, J.R.

The distortionary effects of stringent employee hours-of-service regulations on the U.S. airline industry Download paper
Presenter: Cody Nehiba
Co-Author(s): Luttmann, Alexander

Monetizing Creative Destruction: Forward Markets to Spur Innovation Download paper
Presenter: Amihai Glazer
Co-Author(s): Linda Cohen

What Did the Earmark Ban Do? Evidence from Intergovernmantal Grants
Presenter: Steven Gordon

Room: Gold Ballroom

The Political Economy of Policing and Imprisonment

Session Chair: David Skarbek
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Cartel Federalism and Mass Incarceration
Presenter: Daniel D’Amico

Predation and Participation
Presenter: Brandon Davis

Contact with the Criminal Justice System and Political Participation Download paper
Presenter: Paul Testa

The Myth of Mob Rule: Violent Crime and Democratic Politics
Presenter: Lisa Miller

Room: Calhoun Room

Engineering Political Stability in Ancient Greece

Session Chair: F. Andrew Hanssen

Explaining the High Frequency and Low Intensity of Civil Conflict in Ancient Greece Download paper
Presenter: Scott Arcenas
Discussant: Robert Fleck

Democratic Stability in Ancient Greece Download paper
Presenter: F. Andrew Hanssen
Co-Author(s): Robert K Fleck
Discussant: Scott Arcenas

Judicial Review by the People Themselves: Constitutional Litigation in Ancient Athens
Presenter: Federica Carugati
Co-Author(s): Calvert, Randy; Weingast, Barry
Discussant: F. Andrew Hanssen

The Institutional Foundations of Athenian Resilience: Trade, Law, and Recovery from the Peloponnesian War
Presenter: Robert Fleck
Co-Author(s): F. Andrew Hanssen, Federica Carugati
Discussant: Federica Carugati

Room: Laurens Room

Constitutional Design

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

An Environmental Constitution vs. an Environmental Policy Download paper
Co-Author(s): Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Cristina, Simone
Discussant: Anna Faria

The Birth and Demise of Market-Preserving Federalism in Brazil
Presenter: Anna Faria
Discussant: Bryan Cutsinger

Political Property Rights and Constitutional Change Download paper
Presenter: Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Richard Salsman

Rent Selling and Constitutionalism Download paper
Presenter: Richard Salsman

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Experimental Approaches to Bargaining

Session Chair: Christoph Vanberg
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Logrolling under different q-majority rules: Theory and Experiments
Presenter: Christoph Vanberg
Co-Author(s): Charroin, Liza
Discussant: Gavin Roberts

Deterrence, Contagion, and Legitimacy in Anti-Corruption Policymaking: An Experimental Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Robert Gillanders
Co-Author(s): Boly, Amadou; Miettinen, Topi
Discussant: Christoph Vanberg

All-pay auctions with noise
Presenter: Lucas Rentschler
Co-Author(s): Boudreau, James; Nagaraja, Haikady; Sanders, Shane
Discussant: Robert Gillanders

A piece for justice? The effect of voting on equality-efficiency preferences in the laboratory Download paper
Presenter: Gavin Roberts
Co-Author(s): Buchanan, Joy; Gnagey, Jennifer
Discussant: Lucas Rentschler

Room: Middleton Room

Game Theoretic Models of Elections

Session Chair: Kim Leonie Kellermann
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Electoral Accountability and Responsive Democracy
Presenter: Cesar Martinelli
Co-Author(s): Duggan, John
Discussant: Kim Leonie Kellermann

Political Participation and Party Capture in a Dualized Economy: A Game Theory Approach Download paper
Presenter: Kim Leonie Kellermann
Discussant: Tetsuro Okazaki

Media diversity and its effect on elections Download paper
Presenter: Tetsuro Okazaki
Discussant: Taiki Susa

The Politics of Tariff Cooperation in the Presence of Trade Costs Download paper
Presenter: Taiki Susa
Co-Author(s): Tsubuku, Masafumi
Discussant: Cesar Martinelli

Room: Parkview Room

Political Budget Cycles

Session Chair: Velibor Mačkić
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Conditional Political Budget Cycles in the EU – Where Do They Originate From and Do They Pay Off? Download paper
Presenter: Velibor Mačkić
Discussant: Maria Escobar-Lemmon

Yardsticks and budget cycles: can neighbors encourage spending restraint? Download paper
Presenter: Maria Escobar-Lemmon
Co-Author(s): Mitchell, Austin
Discussant: Georgios Chortareas

Electoral Cycles and Regulation
Presenter: Georgios Chortareas
Co-Author(s): Logothetis, Vassilis; Papandreou, Andreas
Discussant: Manuela Krause

Communal fees and election cycles: Evidence from German municipalities Download paper
Presenter: Manuela Krause
Discussant: Velibor Mačkić

Room: Pinckney Room

Smith, Buchanan, and the Ostrom Tradition

Session Chair: Nathan Goodman
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Exit, Voice, and Democratic Policing Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Goodman
Discussant: Paul Dragos Aligica

Reverence toward rank: How Adam Smith’s idea of rank impacts the Ostrom’s art of association Download paper
Presenter: Michael Clark
Co-Author(s): Behr, Rachael K.
Discussant: Roberta Herzberg

Public Choice in the Ostrom Tradition
Presenter: Roberta Herzberg
Discussant: Michael Clark

Artefact and Artisanship: James M. Buchanan and Vincent Ostrom at the Core and beyond the Boundaries of Public Choice Download paper
Presenter: Paul Dragos Aligica
Discussant: Nathan Goodman

Room: Rutledge Room

Political Participation and Turnout

Session Chair: Alfa Farah
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does fiscal decentralization encourage electoral participation? Download paper
Presenter: Alfa Farah
Discussant: Erica VanSant

Declined-Ballot Voting in Manitoba General Elections, 1999-2016 Download paper
Presenter: Stefan Dodds
Discussant: Alfa Farah

How Does Political Advertising Influence Voters’ Decisions? A Study of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Law
Discussant: Stefan Dodds

Voting Persistence After Close Elections Download paper
Presenter: Erica VanSant
Co-Author(s): Lessem, Rebecca; Urban, Carly
Discussant: Wilson Law

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Colonial Ballroom

Awards Luncheon

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Rutledge Room

Art, Science, and Political Economy II

Session Chair: Richard Wagner
Session Organizer: Richard Wagner

Do political entrepreneurs innovate? Download paper
Presenter: Marta Podemska-Mikluch
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Individual Choice and Social Welfare: Theoretical Foundations of Political Economy
Presenter: Viktor Vanberg
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Complex and Entangled Public Policy: Here Be Dragons Download paper
Presenter: Abigail Devereaux
Discussant: Richard Wagner

The spatial dimension: Reflections on the architecture of community Download paper
Presenter: Lenore Ealy
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Stateless Commerce and Governance

Session Chair: David Skarbek
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Stateless Commerce: The Diamond Network and the Persistence of Relational Exchange
Presenter: Barak Richman

The politics of order in informal markets: Evidence from Lagos
Presenter: Shelby Grossman

The tolerance of the intolerant Download paper
Presenter: John Meadowcroft
Co-Author(s): Jennings, Colin; Morrow, Elizabeth

Stateless property: why customary property institutions persist Download paper
Presenter: Ilia Murtazashvili
Co-Author(s): Murtazashvili, Jennifer

Room: Parkview Room

Political Economy of Corruption II

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Institutions without romance: corruption and provisioning of infrastructure in canal irrigation systems Download paper
Presenter: Sechindra Vallury
Co-Author(s): Leonard, Bryan; Abbott, Joshua
Discussant: Oguzhan Dincer

Does an Early Start Help or Hurt? Statehood, Institutions and Modern Climate Change Policies Download paper
Presenter: Per Fredriksson
Co-Author(s): Ang, James B.
Discussant: Nan Chen

The Economic Impact of China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign Download paper
Presenter: Nan Chen
Co-Author(s): Zemin Zhong
Discussant: Per Fredriksson

Corruption and the Shadow Economy: Friends or Foes
Presenter: Oguzhan Dincer
Co-Author(s): Adhikari, Bibek
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

Room: Laurens Room

Protests and Democratization

Session Chair: Stefan Voigt
Session Organizer: Stefan Voigt

Disasters in India – a welcome pretext for the federal government to get rid of state governments?
Presenter: Shruti Rajagopalan
Co-Author(s): Bjørnskov, Christian; Voigt, Stefan
Discussant: Lena Gerling

Public Protests, Coups d’État and Elections – Evidence from Africa Download paper
Presenter: Lena Gerling
Discussant: Stefan Voigt

Terror and States of Emergency
Presenter: Stefan Voigt
Co-Author(s): Christian Björnskov
Discussant: Daniel Hicks

Climate Change and Civil Unrest in Latin America: Evidence from the El Niño Southern Oscillation
Presenter: Daniel Hicks
Co-Author(s): Beatriz Maldonado
Discussant: Shruti Rajagopalan

Room: Gold Ballroom

Coaseian Public Choice

Session Chair: Colin Doran
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Economic Effects of Legal Rulings: How Liability Assignments Change Prices Download paper
Presenter: Colin Doran
Discussant: Rosolino Candela

Political Transaction Costs: Constitutions as Unique Barriers to Coaseian Bargaining Download paper
Presenter: Eric Alston
Discussant: Colin Doran

The Coase theorem, applied to markets and government Download paper
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: Eric Alston

The Lightship in Economics? Download paper
Presenter: Rosolino Candela
Co-Author(s): Geloso, Vincent
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Room: Calhoun Room

Fiscal Policy in Comparative Perspective

Session Chair: Real Arai
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Public Debt Policy in a Political Economy Download paper
Presenter: Real Arai
Discussant: Mavuto Kalulu

Transparency and Fiscal Discipline at Arkansas County Level Government
Presenter: Mavuto Kalulu
Co-Author(s): Ashley Phillips and Terra Aquia
Discussant: Velibor Mačkić

Political Stubbornness and Online Local Budget Transparency in Croatia Download paper
Presenter: Velibor Mačkić
Co-Author(s): Katarina Ott, Mihaela Bronić
Discussant: Real Arai

Room: Middleton Room

Regulatory Politics at the State and Local Level

Session Chair: Caitlin O’Loughlin
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Effects of Proposition G on Neighborhood Reconstruction: Evidence from San Francisco Download paper
Presenter: Caitlin O’Loughlin
Discussant: Hans Pitlik

Is trust in companies rooted in social trust, or regulatory quality, or both? Download paper
Presenter: Hans Pitlik
Co-Author(s): Leibrecht, Markus
Discussant: Christine Ries

Market Failure and Artificial Intelligence: The Case of K-12 Education in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Christine Ries
Discussant: Mark Febrizio

Analyzing the economic effects of state-level regulation Download paper
Presenter: Mark Febrizio
Discussant: Caitlin O’Loughlin

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Markets and Government

Session Chair: Andreas Bergh
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Economic freedom and the sharing economy Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Kate Dildy, Alexander Funcke & Joakim Wernberg
Discussant: Adrian Moore

Markets and Government: Realizing the Promise of Gaints from ‘Politics as Exchange’ Download paper
Presenter: Michael Munger
Co-Author(s): Keech, William
Discussant: Vincent Munley

The Economic Value of Attendance at a Museum with No Admissions Fee Download paper
Presenter: Vincent Munley
Discussant: Michael Munger

Privatization and Public choice Download paper
Presenter: Adrian Moore
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Room: Pinckney Room

Public Choice Insights on Regulation – a View from Washington

Session Chair: Bruce Yandle
Session Organizer: Susan Dudley

Anticompetitive effects of social regulation: A case study from the CPSC Download paper
Presenter: Sofie Miller
Co-Author(s): Mannix, Brian
Discussant: Bruce Yandle

Anticompetitive Effects, Part Deux: A Case Study from NHTSA Download paper
Presenter: Brian Mannix
Co-Author(s): Miller, Sofie
Discussant: Bruce Yandle

The Organization of Inquiry at Executive Branch Regulatory Agencies: An Empirical Note Download paper
Presenter: Jerry Ellig
Co-Author(s): Konieczny, Catherine
Discussant: Bruce Yandle

Does a Regulatory Budget Counter Regulator Incentives?
Presenter: Susan Dudley
Discussant: Bruce Yandle

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Experimental Public Choice II

Session Chair: Gregory DeAngelo
Session Organizer: Gregory DeAngelo

Deviant or Wrong? The Effects of Norm Information on the Efficacy of Punishment Download paper
Presenter: Eugen Dimant
Co-Author(s): Cristina Bicchieri; Erte Xiao
Discussant: Murat Mungan

The General versus Specific Deterrence Effects of Expungements: Experimental Evidence
Presenter: Murat Mungan
Co-Author(s): Greg DeAngelo: Romain Espinosa; Rustam Romaniuc
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

The Price of Hypocrisy
Presenter: Michael Makowsky
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Greg; McCannon, Bryan
Discussant: Jason Aimone

The perils of democracy
Presenter: Rustam Romaniuc
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Greg; Dubois, Dimitri
Discussant: Charles Holt

Room: Middleton Room

Theory and History

Session Chair: Diana Thomas
Session Organizer: Diana Thomas

Trade or Raid: Acadian Settlers and Native Indians Before 1755
Presenter: Vincent Geloso
Co-Author(s): Candela, Rosolino
Discussant: Diana Thomas

The Fiscal Squeeze Download paper
Presenter: Diana Thomas
Co-Author(s): Michael Thomas
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

Innovation, Interconnection, and Institutions: Evolving Electric Power Systems in the Early 20th Century Download paper
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling
Co-Author(s): Clay, Karen
Discussant: Vincent Geloso

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Rules and Rule Changes in Public and Private Sectors

Session Chair: F. Andrew Hanssen
Session Organizer: F. Andrew Hanssen

Collusion in Private Procurement: How Does Mandatory Building Repair Increase Renovation Prices? Download paper
Presenter: Kevin Tsui
Co-Author(s): Leung, Tin Cheuk; Tsang Kwok Ping
Discussant: Robert Fleck

Interest Group Rent Seeking in Unlicensed Spectrum: DSRC v. Wi-Fi in the 5.9 MHz Band.  
Presenter: Thomas Hazlett
Discussant: Jonathan Ernest

Ensuring Compliance: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Auto Insurance Regulation on Uninsured Motorist Rates Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Ernest
Discussant: Kevin Tsui

Do Long-Term Contracts Promote Firm Investment in General Human Capital? Casting Actors to Discover Stars during the Hollywood Studio Era Download paper
Presenter: F. Andrew Hanssen
Co-Author(s): Alexander Raskovich
Discussant: Thomas Hazlett

Room: Gold Ballroom

Round Table Honoring Jac Heckelman

Session Chair: Bonnie Wilson
Session Organizer: Keith Dougherty

On Interest Representation and Constitutional Structure: The Remarkable Contributions of Jac Heckelman to Public Choice
Presenter: Michael Munger

Constitutional Convention: For Session–Roundtable Honoring Jac Heckelman
Presenter: Farley Grubb

Surveys of Public Choice
Presenter: Robert Whaples

Lessons from Heckelman
Presenter: Christopher Cotter

Room: Rutledge Room

Environmental Regulation and Public Choice

Session Chair: Sami Dakhlia
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Did tradable quota rights really affect fleet size? The case of IFQ Programs in the Gulf of Mexico Download paper
Presenter: Sami Dakhlia
Co-Author(s): Marca
Discussant: Patrick O’Reilly

Pollution Hedging in the Air? The Effect of Anticipatory Command-and-Control on Market-Based Hedging in the U.S. Acid Rain Program Download paper
Presenter: Patrick O’Reilly
Discussant: Yeon A Hong

The Effect of a Government Planner’s Educational Background on Environmental Outcomes in Autocratic Regimes Download paper
Presenter: Yeon A Hong
Discussant: Sami Dakhlia

Room: Laurens Room

Happiness and Well-being

Session Chair: Jeremy Jackson
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Happy Partisans and Ideologues: State versus National Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Jackson
Discussant: Moiz Bhai

Minimum Wages and Well-being
Presenter: Moiz Bhai
Discussant: Henrik Jordahl

Choice and competition in the welfare state: Home care as the ideal quasi-market Download paper
Presenter: Henrik Jordahl
Co-Author(s): Bergman, Mats; Lundberg, Sofia
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Room: Pinckney Room

Interest Groups in a Public Choice Perspective

Session Chair: Slade Mendenhall
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Can the size and the volatility of governmental subsidies for non-profit sport associations indicate the extent of special interest politics by the government? ( View Paper )
Presenter: Michael Koch
Co-Author(s): Emrich, Eike
Discussant: Thomas Hazlett

Is There a Public Choice Theory of the Financial Crisis? Download paper
Presenter: Slade Mendenhall
Co-Author(s): Mendenhall, Slade; Cutsinger, Bryan
Discussant: Michael Koch

Interest Group Rent Seeking in Unlicensed Spectrum: DSRC v. Wi-Fi in the 5.9 MHz Band.  
Presenter: Thomas Hazlett
Discussant: Slade Mendenhall

Room: Calhoun Room

Policy and Regulation in the States

Session Chair: Mark Witte
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Child Safety Seat Laws and Motorist Behavior: Accidentally Less Safe Download paper
Presenter: Mark Witte
Discussant: James Strickland

Closing the Deal: Targeted Business Subsidies and Economic Prosperity Download paper
Presenter: Jacob Bundrick
Co-Author(s): Weici Yuan
Discussant: Mark Witte

Ensuring Compliance: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Auto Insurance Regulation on Uninsured Drivers and Fatalities Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Ernest
Discussant: Jacob Bundrick

The Contingent Value of Relationships: Revolving-Door Lobbyists in the U.S. States Download paper
Presenter: James Strickland
Discussant: Jonathan Ernest

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Hill Gallery at the Marian and Wayland Cato Center for the Arts, College of Charleston

Closing Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by Center for Public Choice and Market Process at College of Charleston and Public Choice Society