2025 PCS Program
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors
1:00 pm-6:00 pm | Top of Escalators
Executive Committee Meeting
2:00 pm-3:00 pm | Kentucky Suite
Conference Welcome, Special Introductions, President’s Welcome, Plenary Introduction
4:15 pm-5:45 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov,
Chair: Christian Bjørnskov,
- The Political Economy of the Missionary State Mark Pennington, King’s College London
Welcome Cocktail Reception
5:45 pm-7:15 pm | Regency Ballroom South
- Sponsored by Center for Free Enterprise
Dinner on Own
7:15 pm-11:59 pm | Downtown Louisville
Friday, March 7, 2025
Gather: Coffee, Tea, and Small Bites
7:00 am-8:00 am | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by AIER Public Choice & Public Policy Project
Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors
7:00 am-5:00 pm | Top of Escalators
1. Economic Freedom and Its Effects
8:00 am-9:30 am | Cherokee-Shawnee
Chair: Jason Aimone,
- Economic Freedom and Unemployment Duration
Tuan Anh Nguyen, Middle Tennessee State University
- Economic Freedom & Inequality: A Review of the Evidence
Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University; Vincent Miozzi, Florida Southern College; and Meg Tuszynski, Southern Methodist University
- Emigration’s Impact on Origin Country Institutions
Benjamin Powell, Texas Tech University; and Leonel Regalado Cardoso, Texas Tech Uinversity
- Macro-Level Institutions and Micro-Level Economic Behavior: A Meta-Meta Analysis of 1,126 Studies
Jason Aimone, ; Sheryl Ball, Virginia Tech; Esha Dwibedi, University of Virginia; Jeremy Jackson, Fayetteville State University; and James West, Baylor University
- Jason Aimone,
- Tuan Anh Nguyen, Middle Tennessee State University
- Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University
- Benjamin Powell, Texas Tech University
2. Multi-National Studies of the Political Economy of Public Policy
8:00 am-9:30 am | Conference Theater
Chair: Mohammad Ismayl Al Masud, Texas Tech University
- Religion, Education and Democratic Political Preferences: A Global Gendered Perspective Mumtaz Anwar, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- Assessing the effect of the African Growth and Opportunity Act on agricultural exports, productivity, and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa
Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah, Texas Tech University; and Kevin Grier, Texas Tech University
- Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Environmental Stringency: A Global Comparative Analysis
Mohammad Ismayl Al Masud, Texas Tech University
- Mohammad Ismayl Al Masud, Texas Tech University
- Mumtaz Anwar, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah, Texas Tech University
3. Experiments in Policy and Regulation
8:00 am-9:30 am | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
- Leveraging Upward Inter-generational Spillovers for Sustainable Living: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in India
Somdeep Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta; Debdatta Pal, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow; and Shreya Mishra, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
- Xenophobia, Racism, or Immigration Policies? A Field Experiment
Cody William Dirks , Southern Utah University; and Vitor Melo, vitor.melo@mail.wvu.edu
- Understanding Discrimination in College Admissions: A Field Experiment
Vitor Melo, vitor.melo@mail.wvu.edu; Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse; Liam Sigaud, Knee Regulatory Research Center; Patrick Warren, Clemson University; and S. Michael Gaddis, NWEA
- Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
- Debdatta Pal, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
- Cody William Dirks , Southern Utah University
4. Weird (Social) Science
8:00 am-9:30 am | Iroquois-Seneca
Organizer: Anthony Gill, University of Washington
Chair: Jordan Hillman, Texas Tech University
- Criminal Conversation Trials Jordan Hillman, Texas Tech University
- Reversing Fortunes: The Political Economy of Psychic Licensing and Rent-Seeking Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University
- Jesters! Anthony Gill, University of Washington; and Glen Whitman, California State University, Northridge
- Seppuku Sam Branthoover, University of Mississippi; and Peter Leeson, George Mason University
- Sam Branthoover, University of Mississippi
- Jordan Hillman, Texas Tech University
- Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University
- Anthony Gill, University of Washington
5. Capitalism Evolving 2: Rethinking the Legitimacy of the Market Economy through Public Choice
8:00 am-9:30 am | Keeneland
Organizer: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
Chair: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
- The (Tragic) Necessity of Consumer Sovereignty Adam Martin, Texas Tech University
- The U.S. and EU Antitrust Regimes: Different ways of thinking about the legitimacy of the Market? Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research; and Ethan Yang, Cato
- Cellphone Bans and Civil Society: Legitimacy and Expert-directed Capitalism
Diana Thomas, ; and Michael Thomas, Creighton University
- Smart Contract and The Reason Rules Edward Stringham, Trinity College
- Edward Stringham, Trinity College
- Adam Martin, Texas Tech University
- Ethan Yang, Cato
- Diana Thomas,
6. Coups and Regime Transitions
8:00 am-9:30 am | Kentucky Suite
Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov,
Chair: Christian Bjørnskov,
- Coups and Constitutional Compliance Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg; and Christian Bjørnskov,
- Economic consequences of non-compliance with constitutions – the post-socialist “illiberal democracy” perspective Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska, University of Warsaw
- Coups and rents to the military
Henry Moncrieff, Texas Tech University
- Coup Cascades
Christian Bjørnskov, ; and Martin Rode,
- Christian Bjørnskov,
- Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg
- Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska, University of Warsaw
- Henry Moncrieff, Texas Tech University
7. Public Choice Pedagogy
8:00 am-9:30 am | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
Chair: Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
- Pedagogy and Public Choice: Teaching Politics without Romance Greg Caskey, The Citadel
- Teaching Public Choice in upper-level economics courses Brian Meehan,
- Teaching Public Choice in Public Finance Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
- Approaching Public Policy Like an Economist Kim Holder, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
- Greg Caskey, The Citadel
- Kim Holder, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Brian Meehan,
8. Economic Freedom, Political Violence, and Social Change: A Comprehensive Review
8:00 am-9:30 am | Regency South A
Organizer: Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
Chair: Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
- The Deep Roots of Revolution: Folklore and Revolts
Shishir Shakya, Appalachian State University; Cameron Tilley, Wabash College; and Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
- Covert Regime Change and Liberal Ideas
Shishir Shakya, Appalachian State University; and Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
- The Economic Costs of Political Assassination: Evidence from the Nepalese Royal Massacre
Veeshan Rayamajhee, New Mexico State University
- To Equality: Gendered Outcomes, Economic Freedom & Gender Laws
Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse; Adam Stivers, ; and Russell Sobel, The Citadel
- Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
- Veeshan Rayamajhee, New Mexico State University
- Shishir Shakya, Appalachian State University
- Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
9. Fiscal Policy
8:00 am-9:30 am | Regency South B
Chair: Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg
- Fiscal Consolidations and Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence from Emerging Market Economies
Joao Jalles, University of Lisbon
- Functionality of Fiscal Rules in a Low Interest Rate Environment New Empirical Results for Swiss Cantons
Philipp Weber, Walter Eucken Institute; Laura Zell, University of Lucerne; Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg; and Christoph Schaltegger, University of Lucerne
- Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg
- Joao Jalles, University of Lisbon
Coffee Break
9:30 am-10:00 am | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by Duke PPE Program
10. Plenary Session 2
10:00 am-11:20 am | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov,
Chair: Christian Bjørnskov,
- Riding the Populist Wave: Entrepreneurial and Firm Responses to the Changing Political Current Daniel Bennett, University of Louisville
Executive Committee Luncheon
11:20 am-12:50 pm | Belmont
Lunch on Own
11:20 am-12:50 pm | Downtown Louisville
11. IHS Graduate Student Luncheon
11:20 am-12:50 pm | Regency South B
- Interested students: Registration is required; visit the IHS booth in the exhibit hall for more details.
12. Historical Political Economy
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Cherokee-Shawnee
Organizer: John Meadowcroft, King`s College London
Chair: John Meadowcroft, King`s College London
- Divergent Paths: A Political Economic Explanation for the Organizational Evolution of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches
Dmitry Ismagilov, University College London
- Religious Identity, Economic Grievance, and Collective Action: Evidence from the Irish Tithe War
Benjamin Broman, Purdue University
- The emergent order of British slavery
John Meadowcroft, King`s College London
- The Industry of Rent-Seeking: Agents, Captures, and Consequences
Ingemar Bengtsson, Lund University
- Ingemar Bengtsson, Lund University
- Dmitry Ismagilov, University College London
- Benjamin Broman, Purdue University
- John Meadowcroft, King`s College London
13. Mathematical Models of Public Goods and Elections
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Conference Theater
Chair: Andranik Tangian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Redistribution of Discrete Opportunities
Wilson Law, Baylor University
- Group Specific Public Goods and Political Competition
Sourav Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta; Tapas Kundu, Oslo Metropolitan University; and Ravi Ashok Satpute, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
- Changes in the German Political Spectrum paper in honor of Bernard Manin (1951-2024)
Andranik Tangian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Wilson Law, Baylor University
- Ravi Ashok Satpute, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
- Andranik Tangian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
14. Structure, Scope, and Growth of Government
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University
- An Institutional Theory of Government Growth: Scale as a Function of Scope
Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University; and Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
- Two Kinds of Political Economy: Utility-Individualism v. Choice-Individualism
Viktor Vanberg, Walter Eucken Institute
- Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University
- Mark Crain, Lafayette College
- Georg Vanberg, Duke University
- Ryan Quandt, Claremont Graduate University
- Viktor Vanberg, Walter Eucken Institute
15. The Consequences of Land Policies
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Yimin Wang, West Virginia University
- The Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act: A Difference in Difference Analysis of U.S. Counties
Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston; Andrea Kimpson, University of Chicago; and Christopher Mothorpe, College of Charleston
- Effect of Inclusionary Housing Ordinances on Housing and Affordability
Kyle John Sweetland, Pacific Legal Foundation
- Single-family zoning and the housing market: Evidence from Minneapolis Vitor Melo, vitor.melo@mail.wvu.edu; Alex Marsella, Berry College; and Yimin Wang, West Virginia University
- Yimin Wang, West Virginia University
- Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston
- Kyle John Sweetland, Pacific Legal Foundation
16. Rent-Seeking and Corruption
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Keeneland
Chair: Cristina Strango, University of Orléans & West University of Timisoara
- Revisiting the nexus between Corruption and trade performance
Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah, Texas Tech University; and Nathaniel Smith, Sweet Briar College
- Cronyism vs. Economic Freedom: Experiences from Brazil and India
Matheus Cosso, University of Chicago
- Public Corruption in the Digital Age: Insights from Renewable Energy in the G7
Cristina Strango, University of Orléans & West University of Timisoara; and Scott W. Hegerty, Northeastern Illinois University
- Cristina Strango, University of Orléans & West University of Timisoara
- Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah, Texas Tech University
- Matheus Cosso, University of Chicago
- Lubani Nondo, Dublin City University
17. Public Choice in Latin America
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Kentucky Suite
Organizer: Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
Chair: Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- We Also Belong: Collective Property Rights Enforcement and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America
Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- Political Violence in the Long Run: Evidence from a New Dataset of Latin American Military Dictatorships Joao Pedro Bastos, Texas Tech University
- Democratic Innovations in the Hands of Strong Presidents: Latin American Democracies in Peril
Pablo Hernandez Borges, Texas Tech University; and Henry Moncrieff, Texas Tech University
- Opposition Party Power and Flawed Constitutional Design: 21st Century Democratic Backsliding in Latin America Giuseppe Peressotti, University of Texas at Dallas; and Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- Joao Pedro Bastos, Texas Tech University
- Henry Moncrieff, Texas Tech University
- Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
18. UFM’s Prosperity: Rethinking Development Economics in Light of Public Choice
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Organizers:Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research;Lenore Ealy, Universidad Francisco Marroquin;
Chair: Lenore Ealy, Universidad Francisco Marroquin
- Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research;
- Jershem David Casasola, Francisco Marroquin University;
- Santiago Fernandez Ordonez, Universidad Francisco Marroquín;
- Carroll Ríos, Universidad Francisco Marroquin;
19. International Policies and their Effects
1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Regency South A
Chair: Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute
- The Conventional and Nuclear Balance and the Success of Extended Nuclear Deterrence
Yukari Iwanami, The University of Tokyo
- The Nature of the Social Force in a Star Wars Society and Beyond: Order 66 vs New Hope(s)
Nikolay Ushakov, Ball State University
- A Preliminary Comparison of the World Bank’s Doing Business and B-Ready Projects
Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University; and Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute
- Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute
- Nikolay Ushakov, Ball State University
- Yukari Iwanami, The University of Tokyo
2:30 pm-2:40 pm | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by Center for Public Choice & Market Process
20. Political History of the US
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Cherokee-Shawnee
Chair: Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University
- Baptists and Slave-Traders in the Confederate Congress
Sean-Patrick Alvarez , Jacksonville State University ; and Ennio Eamanuele Piano, University of Mississippi
- Migration, Ideology, and Housing Values across U.S. Counties
Myungsup Kim, University of North Texas; Josh Matti, Euromed University of Fes; and Yang Zhou, University of North Texas
- Occupational Licensing, Immigrant Location Choice, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Refugee Physicians to U.S. States in the 1930s Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University; and Edward Timmons, West Virginia University
- The different paths of public choice and social choice theory. Gordon Tullock’s cruisade against Kenneth Arrow’s ‘phantom’ Herrade Igersheim, University of Strasbourg
- Herrade Igersheim, University of Strasbourg
- Sean-Patrick Alvarez , Jacksonville State University
- Yang Zhou, University of North Texas
- Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University
21. The Theory of Public Choice and Political and Economic Institutions
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Conference Theater
Chair: Randall Holcombe, Florida State University
- Friedman, Corporations, and Public Choice
Jeremy Kidd, Drake University
- Public Choice and the Neoclassical Theory of the Firm: Do Firms Maximize Profits?
Roger Congleton, West Virginia University
- A Public Choice Analysis of Political Capitalism
Randall Holcombe, Florida State University
- Foucault on Liberal Political Economy and the Negative Income Tax
Otto Lehto, New York University
- Otto Lehto, New York University
- Jeremy Kidd, Drake University
- Roger Congleton, West Virginia University
- Randall Holcombe, Florida State University
22. Regime Change and Participation
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: George Diemer, Temple University
- The Existence of Super Voters – More Evidence for the Theory
Brian Baugus, Regent University; and George Diemer, Temple University
- Housing Ripples: How Affordable Housing Reshapes Neighborhoods and Affects Political Participation
Carlos Takeshi Estrada Arzamendi, University of Florida
- Seeding Reform or Reaping Chaos? Liberal Institutional Outcomes of Violent vs. Nonviolent Revolutionary Regime Changes
Shishir Shakya, Appalachian State University; and Joshua Ammons, Wabash College
- Revolution in Peru: Sendero Luminoso and the persistence of government favoritism and failure
Nathaniel Smith, Sweet Briar College
- George Diemer, Temple University
- Carlos Takeshi Estrada Arzamendi, University of Florida
- Nathaniel Smith, Sweet Briar College
- Shishir Shakya, Appalachian State University
23. Women’s Rights and Policies in the Political Economy
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Towhid Mahmood, Austin Peay State University
- Ancestral Irrigation and Culture: Women’s Rights Per Fredriksson, University of Louisville; and Satyendra Gupta, Delhi School of Economics
- Building credibility: How gender budget transparency boosts commitment to fiscal policy and women’s empowerment in Indian states Cheick Camara, Cerdi/Uca Cnrs Ird
- Does Reducing Child-rearing Costs Contribute to Increasing Female Labor Participation and Addressing the Declining Birth Rate?
Kazuyasu Kawasaki, Chuo University; Masako Kamada, Chuo University; and Tsukasa Matsuura, Chuo University
- Democracy and the Gender Parity in Property Rights: Does Political Freedom Help? Towhid Mahmood, Austin Peay State University
- Towhid Mahmood, Austin Peay State University
- Per Fredriksson, University of Louisville
- Cheick Camara, Cerdi/Uca Cnrs Ird
- Kazuyasu Kawasaki, Chuo University
24. Public Choice Takes on Populism
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Keeneland
Chair: Andreas Freytag, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Did Röpke and Buchanan Transform their Populist Impulses into Neoliberal Ideas?
Nils Hesse, Die Dezentrale
- Understanding Populism: Public Perception of Political Claims
Jacek Lewkowicz, University of Warsaw; and Jan Fałkowski, University of Warsaw
- Crony Capitalism and Populism
Nils Hesse, Die Dezentrale; and Andre Quintas, George Mason University
- Populist Walking Sticks: Redefining Growth Stories in Populist Economies
Asutay Ege, Friedrich Schiller University; Christopher Ball, Quinnipiac University; and Andreas Freytag, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Andreas Freytag, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Nils Hesse, Die Dezentrale
- Jacek Lewkowicz, University of Warsaw
25. Bureaucracies
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Chair: Pedro M. Batista, NYU
- Regulatory Ambiguity and Supervisory Inaction Pedro M. Batista, NYU
- Reassessing the fiscal dominance hypothesis in light of central banking history
Nathalie Janson, Neoma Business School; and Francois Facchini, University of Paris 1 PAnthéon-Sorbonne
- Emissaries with a Mission? Ambassadors and International Trade Volker Nitsch, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Bank Supervision as Moral Hazard Pedro M. Batista, NYU
- Nathalie Janson, Neoma Business School
- Volker Nitsch, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Pedro M. Batista, NYU
26. Book panel on James Buchanan and Peaceful Cooperation by Alain Marciano
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency South A
Organizer: Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Chair: Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
- Alain Marciano, Università di Torino;
- Emily Skarbek, Brown University;
- Mark Pennington, King’s College London;
- Peter Boettke, George Mason University;
27. Kyklos Symposium Roundtable on Humanomics & Systems Thinking for Improving AI Mental Models
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency South B
Organizer: Ravi Roy, Southern Utah University
Chair: Ravi Roy, Southern Utah University
- Michael Munger, Duke University;
- Lenore Ealy, Universidad Francisco Marroquin;
- Robert Wright, Central Michigan University;
- Diana Thomas, ;
- Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research;
28. Tenth Annual Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentation by a Graduate Student
2:40 pm-4:40 pm | Kentucky Suite
- Rationalizing Protests – From Individuals to Networks
Tim Baule, University of Bayreuth; Jonathan Bothner, University of Bayreuth; and Maximilian Kähny, University of Bayreuth
- The relevance of central bank communication – does it really build trust?
Eliza Hałatek, University of Warsaw
- Focal Points and Salience in Protest Coordination
Tim Baule, University of Bayreuth; and Henrik Reinhard Guhling, University of Bayreuth
- No Taxation without Representation?: Interjurisdictional Competition and American Colonial Taxation
Caleb Petitt, George Mason University
29. Break
4:10 pm-4:20 pm | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by Center for Public Choice & Market Process
30. When Pigous Fly: Rethinking Arguments about Government Intervention
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Cherokee-Shawnee
Organizer: Anthony Gill, University of Washington
Chair: Anthony Gill, University of Washington
- Michael Munger, Duke University
- Victor Menaldo, University of Washington
- Lynne Kiesling, Northwestern University
- Anthony Gill, University of Washington
31. Monetary and Fiscal Political Economy
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Conference Theater
Organizer: Bryan Cutsinger, Florida Atlantic University
Chair: Bryan Cutsinger, Florida Atlantic University
- The Potlatch as Memory
Casey Pender, Mount Allison University
- Normative Dimensions of Central Bank Digital Currencies
Andrew Douglas Allison, University of Calgary; and Alexander Salter, Texas Tech University
- The Political Economy of U.S. Free Banking Bryan Cutsinger, Florida Atlantic University; and Louis Rouanet, University of Texas El Paso
- An Interest Group Theory of the U.S. Debt Ceiling Bryan Cutsinger, Florida Atlantic University
- Bryan Cutsinger, Florida Atlantic University
- Casey Pender, Mount Allison University
- Andrew Douglas Allison, University of Calgary
- Louis Rouanet, University of Texas El Paso
32. The Political Economy of Public Policy
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville
- Bargaining Power and Land Prices: Insights from Ukrainian Agricultural Land Reforms
Vasyl Kvartiuk, Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO); and Thomas Herzfeld, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
- The Effects of Prosecutor Turnover on Criminal Case Outcomes
Nicholas Jensen, Middle Tennessee State University
- Mortality and Immigration: The Case of Secure Communities
Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville; Monica Garcia-Perez, Fayetteville State University; and Sandra Orozco Aleman, Mississippi State University
- Impacts of standardizing and streamlining solar Permitting
William Tilson, George Mason University
- Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville
- Vasyl Kvartiuk, Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
- William Tilson, George Mason University
- Nicholas Jensen, Middle Tennessee State University
33. Applications of Political Economy and Economic Freedom
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Brian William Mandeville, George Mason University
- Not-So-Silent Rebellion: The Political Economy of Heavy Metal
Christian Bjørnskov, ; and Andreas Freytag, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- The Death of the Driver Code: How Changing Formal Rules Affects Informal Rules
Antón Miguel Chamberlin, Middle Tennessee State University
- Expressive Donating: The Manipulation of Information in Pit-Bull Advocacy
Brian William Mandeville, George Mason University
- Constitutional Policy and Instability Cameron Tilley, Wabash College
- Cameron Tilley, Wabash College
- Andreas Freytag, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Antón Miguel Chamberlin, Middle Tennessee State University
- Brian William Mandeville, George Mason University
34. Public Choice Accounts of Entrepreneurship
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Keeneland
Chair: Per Fredriksson, University of Louisville
- Entrepreneurialism, Managerialism, and Internal Corporate Incentives
Martin Edwards, University of Mississippi
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Market for Bourbon
Michelle Vachris, Virginia Wesleyan University
- Immigrant population and entrepreneurship development in United States metropolitan areas Abu Bakkar Siddique, Florida Atlantic University; Sandip Sureka, George Mason University; and James Witte, George Mason University
- Traditional Religion and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China Jiong Zhu, Xiamen University; Per Fredriksson, University of Louisville; and Gunes Gokmen, Lund University
- Per Fredriksson, University of Louisville
- Martin Edwards, University of Mississippi
- Michelle Vachris, Virginia Wesleyan University
- Abu Bakkar Siddique, Florida Atlantic University
35. Corruption
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University
Chair: Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University
- Exploring the Interplay of Corruption, Taxation, and Labor Freedom in Determining the Informal Sector Meghna Dutta, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna; and Chandan Jha, Le Moyne College
- Unholy Alliance: Organized Crime and Corruption Valentina Chiariello, University of Naples Parthenope; and Oguzhan Dincer, Illinois State University
- Perception of Corruption: From individual factors to Party System factors Giovanna Rodriguez-Garcia, Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga
- Corruption Kills Some People Faster than Others Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University; and Vincent Tawiah, Dublin City University
- Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University
- Chandan Jha, Le Moyne College
- Oguzhan Dincer, Illinois State University
- Giovanna Rodriguez-Garcia, Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga
36. New Directions in the Theory of Public Choice
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Regency South A
Chair: Åsa Hansson, Lund University
- The Gift as an Expression and Producer of Spontaneous Order in the Digital Economy
Jean Maria Maximilian Müßgens, Witten/Herdecke University
- The General Misfortune of Mankind: The Anti-Federalists, Polycentricity, and the Perpetuation of Political Institutions
Nicholas Lawrence Clifford, Pacific Legal Foundation
- Can the Asymmetry in Risk-Reward for Politicians Explain the Lack of Structural Reforms in Sweden?
Åsa Hansson, Lund University
- Åsa Hansson, Lund University
- Jean Maria Maximilian Müßgens, Witten/Herdecke University
- Nicholas Lawrence Clifford, Pacific Legal Foundation
37. Capitalism Evolving 1: Rethinking the Legitimacy of the Market Economy through Public Choice
4:20 pm-5:50 pm | Regency South B
Organizer: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
Chair: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
- Social Trust and Regulation: A Time Series Analysis of the United States” Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston; and Jeremy Jackson, Fayetteville State University
- “New” Histories and Old Anticapitalism Phil Magness, ; and Michael Makovi, Northwood University
- Social impacts of economic liberalization
Veeshan Rayamajhee, New Mexico State University; and Raymond March, Angelo State University
- Healthcare’s Market Evolution: How Regulatory Capture Undermines Market Legitimacy and Innovation David Mitchell, Ball State University; and Moiz Bhai, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- David Mitchell, Ball State University
- Jeremy Jackson, Fayetteville State University
- Phil Magness,
- Veeshan Rayamajhee, New Mexico State University
Dinner on Own
5:50 pm-11:59 pm | Downtown Louisville
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Gather: Coffee, Tea, and Small Bites
7:00 am-7:40 am | Regency Foyer
Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors
7:00 am-5:00 pm | Top of Escalators
39. Political History of Institutions
7:40 am-9:10 am | Cherokee-Shawnee
Chair: Richard Jankowski, SUNY Fredonia
- Where Danger Lies: The Economics of Papal Elections
Benjamin William Bauer, George Mason University
- A Game of Heresy: Princes, Popes, and Political Rents Colin Harris,
- Unified China, Divided Europe: Government Structure and the Provision of Public Goods
Richard Jankowski, SUNY Fredonia
- Transitional justice and bureaucratic oversight: Accountability for Nazi crimes in West Germany
Georg Vanberg, Duke University; and Holger Kern, Florida State University
- Richard Jankowski, SUNY Fredonia
- Benjamin William Bauer, George Mason University
- Colin Harris,
- Georg Vanberg, Duke University
40. The Political Economy of Family Policies
7:40 am-9:10 am | Conference Theater
Chair: Ray March, Angelo State University
- Why Japan Can’t Stop Falling Birth Rate?
Kaori Hasegawa, Toyo Eiwa University
- Why the expansion of child allowance is politically supported in a society with an aging electorate: Evidence from Japan
TAKERO DOI, Keio University and Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research
- In Search of Determinants of Abortion Policy in a Post-Casey World
Brian Baugus, Regent University; Feler Bose, Indiana University, East; and Jeffry Jacob, Bethel University
- Sterilization Laws, Eugenics and the Rise of State Asylums of the 19th Century
Vincent Geloso, George Mason University; and Ray March, Angelo State University
- Ray March, Angelo State University
- Kaori Hasegawa, Toyo Eiwa University
- TAKERO DOI, Keio University and Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research
- Feler Bose, Indiana University, East
41. Empirical Political Economy
7:40 am-9:10 am | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Organizer: Dean Stansel, Southern Methodist University
Chair: Dean Stansel, Southern Methodist University
- Divided Government and Regulatory Constraints in the U.S.
Sanchari Choudhury, Midwestern State University
- Economic Freedom and Campaign Financing: Do poor Economic Institutions Encourage Corporate Campaign Financing?
Mavuto Kalulu, University of Central Arkansas; and Veronica Bertolusso,
- Science and Politics of Lockdowns: Evidence from Brazilian States
Vincent Miozzi, Florida Southern College; and Joao Pedro Bastos, Texas Tech University
- On Government Growth
Daniel Centuriao, West Virginia University
- Mavuto Kalulu, University of Central Arkansas
- Sanchari Choudhury, Midwestern State University
- Daniel Centuriao, West Virginia University
- Vincent Miozzi, Florida Southern College
42. Theory and Public Choice
7:40 am-9:10 am | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: John Horowitz, Ball State University
- The Ideology of Identity and the Rise of Critical Theory: An Empirical Assessment
Phil Magness, ; and Williamson Evers, Independent Institute
- On Credibility and Causality in Economics: A Critical Appraisal Philipp C. C. Wichardt, University of Rostock; and Andreas Bergh, IFN / Lund university
- On Explaining Why the (Human) World Is Rich
Bart Wilson,
- An Economic Theory of Additive Goods John Horowitz, Ball State University
- John Horowitz, Ball State University
- Phil Magness,
- Andreas Bergh, IFN / Lund university
- Bart Wilson,
43. The Political Economy of Public and Fiscal Policies
7:40 am-9:10 am | Kentucky Suite
Chair: Jody Woods Lipford, Francis Marion University
- Optimal Deficit Ceiling and International Externality of Crisis Risk
Toshihiro Ihori, National Graduate Institute For Policy Studies; and Shintaro Nakagawa, Konan University
- Revisiting Public Investment Multipliers: Nonlinear Effects of the Business Cycle, Fiscal Space, Efficiency, and Capital Stock
Joao Jalles, University of Lisbon
- The Demand and Supply of Regulation to Reduce Carbon-Dioxide Emissions and Increase Energy Efficiency in the U.S. States
Jody Woods Lipford, Francis Marion University
- Jody Woods Lipford, Francis Marion University
- Toshihiro Ihori, National Graduate Institute For Policy Studies
- Joao Jalles, University of Lisbon
44. The Public Choice Problems in Development Economics: A New Perspective from Prosperity Lab at UFM
7:40 am-9:10 am | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
Chair: Lenore Ealy, Universidad Francisco Marroquin
- Jershem David Casasola, Francisco Marroquin University;
- Adam Martin, Texas Tech University;
45. Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis
7:40 am-9:10 am | Regency South A
Chair: W. Benedikt Schmal, Ilmenau Tech
- Full Employment for All: Or, how Macroeconomics Displaced the Entrepreneur Vincent Carret, Creighton University; and Keith Jakee, Florida Atlantic University
- The Fatal Conceit of Pro-Family Policy
Susannah Petitt, Mercatus Center
- Cartels to Protect the Commons? Institutional and Competition Implications
W. Benedikt Schmal, Ilmenau Tech; and Lukas Breide, Ilmenau Tech
- W. Benedikt Schmal, Ilmenau Tech
- Vincent Carret, Creighton University
- Susannah Petitt, Mercatus Center
46. PPE Programs: Too Many? Too Few? or Just Right?
7:40 am-9:10 am | Regency South B
Organizer: Douglas Norton, Florida State University
Chair: Michael Munger, Duke University
- Douglas Norton, Florida State University;
- Michael Munger, Duke University;
- Peter Boettke, George Mason University;
47. Coffee Break
9:10 am-9:30 am | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by F.A. Hayek PPE
48. Evaluating Electoral Systems and Voting Power
9:30 am-11:00 am | Cherokee-Shawnee
Organizers:Marek Kaminski, UC Irvine;Jarosław Flis, Jagiellonian University;
Chair: Marek Kaminski, UC Irvine
- The Mixed Proportional-Local Electoral System
Jarosław Flis, Jagiellonian University; and Marek Kaminski, UC Irvine
- Constituency Population Size Scaling and Representation in Mixed Systems
Alex Keena, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Pivotal Voters at the U.S. Constitutional Convention: Shapley-Owen Values Reconsidered
Keith Dougherty, University of Georgia; and Emma Bibina, University of Georgia
- The problem of surplus seats in mixed member proportional systems and its consequences in regard to the size of parliament. Evidence from Germany
Joachim Behnke,
- Alex Keena, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Keith Dougherty, University of Georgia
- Marek Kaminski, UC Irvine
- Joachim Behnke,
49. New Developments in Regulatory Research
9:30 am-11:00 am | Conference Theater
Organizer: Darwyyn Deyo,
Chair: Edward Timmons, West Virginia University
- The Influence of Special Interest Groups on Occupational Licensing: A Case of Cosmetology Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University; and Steve Slivinski, Cato Institute
- Drug Decriminalization, Public Health, and Crime: Evidence from Oregon Vitor Melo, vitor.melo@mail.wvu.edu
- State Occupational Licensing Index 2024 Edition Edward Timmons, West Virginia University; Noah Trudeau, Troy University; and Sebastan Anastasi, Clemson University
- Occupational Licensing Regulations in the Market for Mental Health Care Cici McNamara, Georgia Tech
- Cici McNamara, Georgia Tech
- Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University
- Vitor Melo, vitor.melo@mail.wvu.edu
- Edward Timmons, West Virginia University
50. Pedagogy and Experiments Based on Public Choice
9:30 am-11:00 am | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Joseph Connors, Florida Southern College
- Bugs and Features of Voting
Nathanael Snow, Ball State University
- Large Effects of Small Cues: Priming Selfish Economic Decisions Avichai Snir, Bar-Ilan University; Dudi Levy, Bar-Ilan University; Dian Wang, University of Texas at San Antonio; Allan Chen, University of Iowa; and Daniel Levy, Bar-Ilan University and Emory University
- Busting the Campus Food Services Monopoly: A Lesson in Economics and Public Choice
Joseph Connors, Florida Southern College; Vincent Miozzi, Florida Southern College; and Justin Heacock, Florida Southern College
- Joseph Connors, Florida Southern College
- Nathanael Snow, Ball State University
- Allan Chen, University of Iowa
51. Regulation and Policy
9:30 am-11:00 am | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- Mass Incarceration and the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984
Adam Martin, Texas Tech University; Daniel D’Amico, Wabash College; and Adam Swisher, Texas Tech University
- The Economic Impact of Electrical Transmission ROFR Policies
Gavin Roberts, Weber State University
- Coffee with a side of communism: land ownership and political preferences in Costa Rica
Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- Ricardo R. Noé, University of Texas, Dallas
- Adam Swisher, Texas Tech University
- Gavin Roberts, Weber State University
52. Trust, Tolerance, and Culture
9:30 am-11:00 am | Keeneland
Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov,
Chair: Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
- Economic Freedom and Economic Preferences
Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
- Dead Letter: Does Constantly replacing the Constitution Erode Trust and Compliance of Formal Institutions?
Daniel Sanchez Pinol, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Uncertainty and Tolerance
Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics; and Therese Nilsson, Lund University
- Booms, Busts, and Bureaucracy: The Institutional Impact of Resource Transfers on Local State Capacity
Edwar Enrique Escalante, Angelo State University
- Edwar Enrique Escalante, Angelo State University
- Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
- Daniel Sanchez Pinol, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
53. Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Growth
9:30 am-11:00 am | Kentucky Suite
Organizer: Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Chair: Brian Meehan,
- How Much Does Entrepreneurship Really Contribute to Economic Growth? Russell Sobel, The Citadel; and Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- High Taxes, Hidden Harvests: Underground Marijuana Markets in Canada
Brian Meehan,
- Corruption, Female Leadership, and Sector Choice: Evidence from Brazil
Jamie Bologna Pavlik, Texas Tech University; and Joao Pedro Bastos, Texas Tech University
- Testing and the Rational Basis Test: Municipalities, Property Values, and Tattoo Studios David Mitchell, Ball State University; Wendy Lucas, University of Central Arkansas; and Derek Yonai, Flager College
- David Mitchell, Ball State University
- Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- Brian Meehan,
- Jamie Bologna Pavlik, Texas Tech University
54. Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals
9:30 am-11:00 am | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University
Chairs:Robert Gillanders, Dublin City University;Chandan Jha, Le Moyne College;
- Giovanna Rodriguez-Garcia, Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga;
- George Clarke, Texas A&M International University;
- Oguzhan Dincer, Illinois State University;
- Lubani Nondo, Dublin City University;
55. Historical Political Economy: Religion
9:30 am-11:00 am | Regency South A
Organizer: Ennio Eamanuele Piano, University of Mississippi
Chair: Ennio Eamanuele Piano, University of Mississippi
- The Constitutional Political Economy of the Early Church in 1 & 2 Clement
Alexander Salter, Texas Tech University; and David William Crego, Texas Tech University
- Tracing the Monastic Cycle in England
Marcus Shera, Smith Institute at Chapman University
- The Economics of New England Witchcraft Peter Hazlett, New York University
- Competition within the Church: Market entry and the rise of traditional Catholicism in the US
Ennio Eamanuele Piano, University of Mississippi; and Benjamin William Bauer, George Mason University
- Benjamin William Bauer, George Mason University
- David William Crego, Texas Tech University
- Marcus Shera, Smith Institute at Chapman University
- Peter Hazlett, New York University
56. Emerging Scholars In Public Choice
9:30 am-11:00 am | Regency South B
Organizer: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
Chair: Ryan Yonk, American Institute For Economic Research
- Capturing Crypto: Public Choice Theory and the Influence of Lobbying in Shaping Cryptocurrency Regulation Hannah Waldron, Mannkal
- The unintended consequences of international adoption from Guatemala Laura Arce, American Institute for Economic Research
- The negative relationship between distributive social policy and the sustainability of the welfare state
Marimaite Rayo, Francisco Marroquín University
- Peace Keeping? An Analysis of the Public Choice Issues in ONUCA and MINUSTAH Reforms
Luis Carlos Araujo Quintero, Manuel H. Johnson for Political Economy at Troy University
- Luis Carlos Araujo Quintero, Manuel H. Johnson for Political Economy at Troy University
- Hannah Waldron, Mannkal
- Laura Arce, American Institute for Economic Research
- Marimaite Rayo, Francisco Marroquín University
57. Break
11:00 am-11:20 am | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by Center for Public Choice & Market Process
58. Plenary Session 3
11:20 am-12:40 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov,
Chair: Christian Bjørnskov,
- Toward a Genuine Institutional Economics Peter Boettke, George Mason University
Networking Lunch
12:40 pm-1:40 pm | Regency Foyer
59. Presidential Address and Awards
1:40 pm-2:30 pm | Regency Ballroom North
- Sponsored by Liberty Fund
60. Electoral Institutions on the US
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Cherokee-Shawnee
Chair: Jay Kent Dow, University of Missouri
- The Size of State Legislative Assemblies
James Endersby, University of Missouri
- Trickle Down Polarization: The Impact of Election Timing on Local Nonpartisan Elections
Marc Plooster, Indiana University Bloomington; and Mary Adams Plooster, Indiana University
- Electoral Development in the Early United States: Evidence from State Assembly Elections
Jay Kent Dow, University of Missouri
- Jay Kent Dow, University of Missouri
- James Endersby, University of Missouri
- Marc Plooster, Indiana University Bloomington
61. Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Migration
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Conference Theater
Organizer: Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Chair: Kerrianne Lawson Rubenstein, Syracuse University
- Net Productive Entrepreneurship: An MSA-Level Index, 2002-2019
Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute; Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston; and Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- State-level Institutions and Entrepreneurship: A Spatial Hierarchical Probit Approach Kerrianne Lawson Rubenstein, Syracuse University; Josh Hall, West Virginia University; and Donald Lacombe, Texas Tech University
- Trailblazers: The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Between-MSA Migration
Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute; Vincent Geloso, George Mason University; Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University; and Gary Wagner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- The Power of Competition: Can New Firms Spark Innovative Activity?
Imran Arif, Appalachian State University
- Justin T. Callais, Archbridge Institute
- Kerrianne Lawson Rubenstein, Syracuse University
- Imran Arif, Appalachian State University
62. The Political Economy of Family and Health Policy
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Martin Rode,
- State Level Abortion Policy and Women’s Outcomes: A Panel Data Analysis
Brian Baugus, Regent University; Feler Bose, Indiana University, East; and Jeffry Jacob, Bethel University
- Family Formation and Institutional Stickiness in East and West Germany
Anna Claire Flowers, George Mason University
- Certificate-of-Need Laws and Access to Health Care Services
Liam Sigaud, Knee Regulatory Research Center
- Capitalism and femicide: An empirical investigation
Christian Bjørnskov, ; and Martin Rode,
- Martin Rode,
- Feler Bose, Indiana University, East
- Anna Claire Flowers, George Mason University
- Liam Sigaud, Knee Regulatory Research Center
63. Solving Problems and Paradoxes with Public Choice
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Ruolong Xiao, George Mason University
- Social Welfare and the Group Size Paradox
Paul Pecorino,
- The Capability of Private Welfare: Solving the Samaritan’s Dilemma
Brigitta Christian Jones, George Mason University
- Is Precautionary Crisis Response Politically Feasible? Olga Shvetsova, Binghamton University
- Voter Information and Political Accountability
Ruolong Xiao, George Mason University
- Ruolong Xiao, George Mason University
- Paul Pecorino,
- Brigitta Christian Jones, George Mason University
- Olga Shvetsova, Binghamton University
64. Law and Economics
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Keeneland
Organizers:Jacob Ryan Hall, University of Pennsylvania;Henry Thompson, University of Mississippi;
Chair: Jacob Ryan Hall, University of Pennsylvania
- The King’s French Jacob Ryan Hall, University of Pennsylvania; and Alexander Taylor, University of Evansville
- Railroads and American Constitutional Change Jacob Ryan Hall, University of Pennsylvania; and Slade Mendenhall, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
- The Evolution of Local Insolvency Regimes during the Great Depression Eric Scorsone, University of Virginia
- How will AI shape the law?
Henry Thompson, University of Mississippi
- Henry Thompson, University of Mississippi
- Alexander Taylor, University of Evansville
- Jacob Ryan Hall, University of Pennsylvania
- Eric Scorsone, University of Virginia
65. The Political Economy of Labor Market Policy: Regulation, Worker Classification, and Healthcare Access
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Kentucky Suite
Organizer: Thomas Stratmann, George Mason University
Chair: Markus Bjoerkheim, George Mason University
- Does Higher Medicaid Payments Lead to More Staff? Evidence from a Discontinuity in Reimbursements
Markus Bjoerkheim, George Mason University; and Ali Melad, George Mason University
- From Gig to Gone: ABC Tests and the Case of the Missing Workers
Liya Palagashvili, Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Markus Bjoerkheim, George Mason University; and Revana Sharfuddin, Mercatus Center
- Job Autonomy and Racial Representation in Healthcare: Effects within Urban and Rural America Ambika Kulkarni Orus, West Virginia University; and Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University
- Balancing Access and Safety: The Impact of Prescriptive Authority Expansion on Malpractice Rates for Mental Health Providers
Sarah Drain, ; and Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University
- Ambika Kulkarni Orus, West Virginia University
- Sarah Drain,
- Markus Bjoerkheim, George Mason University
- Revana Sharfuddin, Mercatus Center
66. Policy and Crime
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Organizer: Bryan McCannon, Illinois Wesleyan University
Chair: Bryan McCannon, Illinois Wesleyan University
- No Face, No Case: Masking and Criminal Behavior Justin Craig Heflin, University of Kentucky
- The Long Term Effects of Criminal Justice Involvement when Young Bryan McCannon, Illinois Wesleyan University
- The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths
Kathleen Sheehan, Creighton University; Angela Dills, Western Carolina University; and Audrey Redford, Hampden-Sydney College
- The Relevant Third: Threat of Coalition and Economic Development Sourav Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta; Somdeep Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta; Pushkar Maitra, Monash University; and Manhar Manchanda, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
- Manhar Manchanda, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
- Justin Craig Heflin, University of Kentucky
- Bryan McCannon, Illinois Wesleyan University
- Kathleen Sheehan, Creighton University
67. Models of Voting 2
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency South A
Chair: Matteo F. Ferroni, University of Missouri
- Did Newspaper Endorsements Affect the Outcome of the 1968 Election? Steven Sprick Schuster, Middle Tennessee State University; and Anna Collins, Middle Tennessee State University
- The Cost of Voting and Turnout in Presidential Elections
Matteo F. Ferroni, University of Missouri; and Jeff Milyo, University of Missouri
- A Dyadic Method to Investigate Voting Behaviour in the Council of the European Union
Arash Pourebrahimi, Leiden University; Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, Netherlands; and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Leiden University
- Election Results and Democratic Discontent: Expectations, Extremism, and Democratic Values in Post-Election Brazil
Matteo F. Ferroni, University of Missouri
- Matteo F. Ferroni, University of Missouri
- Anna Collins, Middle Tennessee State University
- Jeff Milyo, University of Missouri
- Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, Netherlands
68. Political Economy and Policy
2:40 pm-4:10 pm | Regency South B
Chair: Nicolas Cachanosky, University of Texas, El Paso
- Evaluating Port Incentive Programs as Trade Support Policy: An Analysis at Japanese Local Container Ports
Toshihiro Watanabe, Shukutoku University
- Political Competition, Resource Availability, and Conflict: A Simulation Troy Siemers, Virginia Military Institute; Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute; and James Hentz, virginia military institute
- Environmentally-Responsible Demand: Irresponsible Lobbying? Olimpia Cutinelli Rendina, University of Strasbourg; Sonja Dobkowitz, DIW, Berlin; and Antoine Mayerowitz,
- Can Dollarization Mitigate the Macroeconomic Cost of Populism? Lessons from Latin America Nicolas Cachanosky, University of Texas, El Paso
- Nicolas Cachanosky, University of Texas, El Paso
- Toshihiro Watanabe, Shukutoku University
- Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute
- Olimpia Cutinelli Rendina, University of Strasbourg
69. Break
4:10 pm-4:20 pm | Regency Foyer
- Sponsored by Center for Public Choice & Market Process
70. Fair-Division Algorithms
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Conference Theater
Organizer: Steven Brams, New York University
Chair: Steven Brams, New York University
- Preventing Gerrymandering: A Moving-Knife Algorithm to Draw Congressional Districts
Steven Brams, New York University
- Sequential Apportionments from Stationary Divisor Methods
Michael Jones, American Mathematical Society; Brittany Ohlinger, Albright College; and Jennifer Wilson, New School University
- Two-Person Allocation of Divisible and Indivisible Goods: Envy-Free, Pareto-Optimal, and/or Equitable?
D. Marc Kilgour, Wilfrid Laurier University
- D. Marc Kilgour, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Michael Jones, American Mathematical Society
- Steven Brams, New York University
71. Regulation
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Gulfstream-Hialeah
Chair: Jacob Smith, Middle Tennessee State University
- Paternalism and Product Safety: The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Approach Toward Nursery Products
John Mitchell Scacchi, Pacific Legal Foundation; and Megan Jenkins, Pacific Legal Foundation
- The Father of Food and Drug Law as Strategic Regulator: Dr. Harvey Wiley and the Political Economy of the Bottled-in-Bond Act
Jacob Smith, Middle Tennessee State University
- Jacob Smith, Middle Tennessee State University
- John Mitchell Scacchi, Pacific Legal Foundation
72. Public Goods
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Iroquois-Seneca
Chair: Mustahsin Aziz, West Virginia University
- Nature at Work: The role of urban greenspace on workers’ amenity
Mustahsin Aziz, West Virginia University
- Upstream Economic Effects of Empowering Local Village Councils: Evidence from India Somdeep Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta; and Shubham Ojha, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
- Mustahsin Aziz, West Virginia University
- Shubham Ojha, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
73. The Political Economy and Preferences
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Keeneland
Chair: Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, Netherlands
- A Political Model of Cournot Duopoly and its Implications for Polarization Lisa Helga Kinspergher, duke university
- The Seen and the Unseen: Political Sympathy and Interpersonal Antipathy
Juliette Sellgren, University of Virginia
- Resolution Co-Sponsorship in the United Nations Security Council 2011 to 2023
Tareq Helou, University of São Paulo; and Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Lisa Helga Kinspergher, duke university
- Juliette Sellgren, University of Virginia
74. Public Choice Considerations of AI
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Kentucky Suite
Chair: Eric Alston, University of Colorado
- AI for Child Safety Online: Economic, Social, and Legal Perspectives
Monika Mercz, The George Washington University
- AI-judication: On the Elements of Judging That Are Essentially Human
Eric Alston, University of Colorado; and William Lehr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Eric Alston, University of Colorado
- Monika Mercz, The George Washington University
75. Tax and Monetary Policy
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Regency Ballroom North
Chair: José Torres Remírez, Universidad de las Hespérides
- Did the Plaza Accord Cause Japan’s Real Estate Bubble?
Jedediah Pida-Reese, Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University
- Monetary reform to end hyperinflation episode: Dollarization may not be the only option for Argentina, the lessons from the Peruvian Case Nathalie Janson, Neoma Business School; and Edwar Enrique Escalante, Angelo State University
- Rental subsidies: Bunching in Spanish personal income tax
José Torres Remírez, Universidad de las Hespérides
- José Torres Remírez, Universidad de las Hespérides
- Jedediah Pida-Reese, Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University
- Nathalie Janson, Neoma Business School
76. Advances in Condorcet-Consistent Voting
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Regency South A
Organizer: Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
Chair: Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
- Modeling Factionalism and Toxicity Under Different Voting Rules Robbie Robinette, Better Choices
- The Social Utility of Voting Revisited
Eric Pacuit, University of Maryland; and Wesley Holliday, University of California at Berkeley
- What Ranked Choice Voting Data Reveal About the Probability of a Voting Cycle Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
- Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
- Robbie Robinette, Better Choices
- Eric Pacuit, University of Maryland
77. Models of Voting 1
4:20 pm-5:30 pm | Regency South B
Chair: Darius Griebenow, Technical University of Darmstadt
- Is Netanyahu a Condorcet Winner?
John Aldrich, Duke University; and Renan Levie, University of Toronto
- Voting Green
Michael Neugart, Technical University of Darmstadt; Stefan Pichler, University of Groningen; and Darius Griebenow, Technical University of Darmstadt
- Darius Griebenow, Technical University of Darmstadt
- John Aldrich, Duke University
78. Closing Cocktail Reception
5:30 pm-6:45 pm | Spire
- Sponsored by Institute for Humane Studies
Dinner on Own
6:45 pm-11:59 pm | Downtown Louisville