2022 Conference Program Details

2022 Conference Program Details

Conference Schedule | List of Participants

Thursday, March 10, 2022

1:00pm – 6:30pm

Room: Summit Foyer

Conference Registration and Book Exhibitors

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Room: Piedmont

Executive Committee Meeting

4:00pm – 5:45pm

Room: Summit E

Opening Plenary Session with Bryan Caplan on Why Tiebout Was Wrong, sponsored by Liberty Fund and the Political Economy Research Institute at Middle Tennessee State University

Session Chair: William Shughart
Session Organizer: Edward Lopez

Conference Welcome, Special Introductions
Presenter: Edward Lopez

President’s Welcome and Plenary Speaker Introduction
Presenter: William Shughart

Plenary Talk: “Tiebout Was Wrong… But Why?”
Presenter: Bryan Caplan

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Pool Deck

Welcome Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by Liberty Fund and Public Choice Society

Friday, March 11, 2022

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Summit Foyer

Conference Registration and Book Exhibitors

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Summit Foyer

Gather: Coffee, Tea, Small Bites

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Summit A

International Economic Policy

Session Chair: Shuichiro Nishioka
Session Organizer: Arye Hillman

The Political Effects of Trade Protectionism with Japan in the 1980s Download paper
Presenter: Shuichiro Nishioka
Co-Author(s): Eric Olson
Discussant: Michael Neugart

Political polarization and international cooperation Download paper
Presenter: Michael Neugart
Co-Author(s): Carsten Hefeker
Discussant: Ben Zissimos

Dictators under the weather Download paper
Presenter: Ben Zissimos
Co-Author(s): Kishore Gawande
Discussant: Shaomeng Jia

Hope Springs Eternal: A Cross Country Study on Commodity Windfall and Entrepreneurship
Presenter: Shaomeng Jia
Co-Author(s): Yulin Hou; Joshua Bedi
Discussant: Shuichiro Nishioka

Room: Rail Yard A

Criminal Law and Economics

Session Chair: Lucas Rentschler
Session Organizer: Lucas Rentschler

How policing incentives affect crime, measurement, and justice
Presenter: Lucas Rentschler
Co-Author(s): Jordan Adamson
Discussant: Jason Aimone

Prosecutorial discretion and crime decisions
Presenter: Stanton Hudja
Co-Author(s): Jason Aimone, Lucas Rentschler, Jason Ralston and Charles North
Discussant: Pablo Cuellar Tapia

Dynamics of public goods contributions under probabilistic punishment
Presenter: Jason Aimone
Co-Author(s): Lucas Rentschler, Jason Ralston and Charles North

Prosecutorial discretion and overcharging in plea bargaining
Presenter: Pablo Cuellar Tapia
Co-Author(s): Lucas Rentschler
Discussant: Stanton Hudja

Room: Summit C

Pandemic Politics

Session Chair: Rachael Behr
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Experts, Voters, and Mask Mandates: Evidence From State Level Policies During The COVID-19 Pandemic Download paper
Presenter: Rachael Behr
Discussant: Vitor Melo

The Political Economy of Nursing Home Certificate-of-Need Laws
Presenter: Vitor Melo
Discussant: Gavin Roberts

Decomposing Causal Estimate of the Effect of Stay-at-Home Orders on COVID-19 Deaths Download paper
Presenter: Gavin Roberts
Co-Author(s): Anthony Frazier, Gavin Roberts, Julian Chan
Discussant: Rachael Behr

Room: Rail Yard C

Regulation III

Session Chair: Jeremy Kidd
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

“Black Swans” or “Pink Elephants”: Exactly What Are We Regulating? Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Kidd
Discussant: James Bailey

The Long View of Job Lock in the US Download paper
Presenter: James Bailey
Co-Author(s): Gregory Colman; Dhaval Dave
Discussant: Ilia Murtazashvili

Public choice and pandemics Download paper
Presenter: Ilia Murtazashvili
Co-Author(s): Yang Zhou
Discussant: Sami Dakhlia

Charity hazard, moral hazard, and self-selection in insurance markets: evidence from commercial fisheries Download paper
Presenter: Sami Dakhlia
Co-Author(s): Akbar Marvasti
Discussant: Jeremy Kidd

Room: North Coast A

Alternatives to Simple Majority Rule

Session Chair: Michael Makovi
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Bilaterally Qualified Majority: A Calculus of Consent Model of Repeal Download paper
Presenter: Michael Makovi
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

Weighted Scoring Elections: Is Borda Best? Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Co-Author(s): Jean-Charles Grégoire; Angèle M. Foley
Discussant: Dmitriy Vorobyev

Participation Quorum when Voting is Costly Download paper
Presenter: Dmitriy Vorobyev
Co-Author(s): Andrei Matveenko; Azamat Valei
Discussant: Chang Geun Song

The Frequency of Cycles and Condorcet Inconsistency with IRV: in FairVote and Politbarometer Data Download paper
Presenter: Chang Geun Song
Discussant: Michael Makovi

Room: Rail Yard B

Constitutional Political Economy

Session Chair: John Meadowcroft
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Slavery, race and the politics of exchange in James M. Buchanan’s constitutional political economy Download paper
Presenter: John Meadowcroft
Discussant: Jonathan Plante

Constitutional Erosion in the Debt State Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Plante
Discussant: Gordon Brady

Gordon Tullock: The Subjectivist Homo Economicus Download paper
Presenter: Gordon Brady
Discussant: Amjad Toukan

Empirical Tests of the Theory of Minority Autocratic Rule in Tribal Societies Download paper
Presenter: Amjad Toukan
Discussant: John Meadowcroft

Room: North Coast B

Elections I

Session Chair: Richard Jankowski
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Testing Competing Theories: Why Vote? Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Paul Redmond

The Impact of Voter Turnout on Referendum Outcomes Download paper
Presenter: Paul Redmond
Co-Author(s): Vincent Munley; Abian Garcia-Rodriguez
Discussant: Cameron Tilley

The polling booth aka the preference store Download paper
Presenter: Cameron Tilley
Discussant: James Rockey

The Political Economy of Felon Disenfranchisement Download paper
Presenter: James Rockey
Co-Author(s): Arpita Ghosh
Discussant: Richard Jankowski

Room: Summit B

Economic Development I

Session Chair: Andreas Bergh
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

An Analysis of Free Economic Zones and Economic Development
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Co-Author(s): Alexander Cartwright
Discussant: Erika Barker

Internet Connection & Appalachian Education: Graduation Despite Precipitation
Presenter: Erika Barker
Discussant: Patrick O’Reilly

Assessing Income and Employment Effects of Natural Gas Booms and Policy in West Virginia
Presenter: Patrick O’Reilly
Co-Author(s): Joshua Hall
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

9:30am – 10:00am

Room: Summit Foyer

Coffee Break sponsored by Duke PPE Program

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Summit E

Plenary Session 2: Marianne Johnson, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, “On Classical Liberalism and Optimism: James M. Buchanan and Elinor Ostrom.”

11:20am – 12:50pm

Room: Platform D

Executive Committee Luncheon

Lunch on own

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Summit A

Political and Personal Behavior

Session Chair: Nicolaus Tideman
Session Organizer: Arye Hillman

You’ll never walk alone: loneliness, religion and economics
Presenter: Annie Tubadji
Discussant: Anne Bradley

The collective action issues of American slavery: Learning from Harriet Martineau Download paper
Presenter: David Levy
Discussant: Bryan Cutsinger

Protecting private property rights under state ownership: Evidence from Chinese occupational choice Download paper
Presenter: Linghui Han
Discussant: Annie Tubadji

Room: Summit B

The Twitterverse

Session Chair: Benjamin Läpple
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The (Political) Tribes of Twitter: Political Leanings, Group Size, and the Political Economy of Twitter Debates in Germany
Presenter: Benjamin Läpple
Discussant: Przemysław Siemaszko

#IamLGBT: Social networks and coming out in a hostile environment Download paper
Presenter: Przemysław Siemaszko
Co-Author(s): Jan Gromadzki
Discussant: Jorge Sabat

Politicians’ Willingness to Agree: Evidence from the interactions in Twitter of Chilean Deputies Download paper
Presenter: Jorge Sabat
Co-Author(s): Pablo Henríquez; José Patricio Sullivan
Discussant: Benjamin Läpple

Room: Rail Yard A

Growth of Government and the Language of Intervention

Session Chair: Robert Gmeiner
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Dynamics of Dominance and Compromise Download paper
Presenter: Robert Gmeiner
Discussant: Stephen Zimmer

The Political Economy of Language Policy and Planning Download paper
Presenter: Stephen Zimmer
Discussant: John Horowitz

Governing the built environment: physical form, territorial control, and shared understanding
Presenter: John Horowitz
Discussant: Juho Alasalmi

Self-Signaling and Expressive Voting for Redistribution Download paper
Presenter: Juho Alasalmi
Discussant: Robert Gmeiner

Room: Rail Yard B

Social Activism and Coups d’État

Session Chair: Sargis Karavardanyan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Sino-US Economic competition and protests in Africa: evidence from large-N empirical estimations Download paper
Presenter: Sargis Karavardanyan
Discussant: Pierre Mandon

Internal Conflicts and Shocks. A Narrative Meta-Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Pierre Mandon
Co-Author(s): Camille Laville
Discussant: Joseph Newhard

Overcoming the free rider problem in defense: lessons from the war damage insurance market Download paper
Presenter: Joseph Newhard
Discussant: Sargis Karavardanyan

Room: Rail Yard C

Elections III

Session Chair: Marco Frank
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Competition and electoral convergence between politicians and parties Download paper
Presenter: Marco Frank
Co-Author(s): David Stadelmann
Discussant: Somdeep Chatterjee

Does Increased Credibility of Elections Lead to Higher Political Competition? Evidence from India
Presenter: Somdeep Chatterjee
Co-Author(s): Mehreen Mookerjee; Manini Ojha; Sanket Roy
Discussant: Chandan Jha

Condoning corruption: who votes for corrupt political parties?
Presenter: Chandan Jha
Discussant: Marco Frank

Room: North Coast A

Public Finance and the Public Debt

Session Chair: Jonathan Plante
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

In Defense of Vulgarity: James M. Buchanan and the Political Economic Analysis of Public Debt Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Plante
Co-Author(s): Peter J. Boettke

Costs of collective decision-making in Virginia’s education funding formula: Relationship between local fiscal effort and high school graduation rates
Presenter: Zachary Haney
Discussant: Jonathan Plante

Room: North Coast B

Tax Compliance and the Underground Economy

Session Chair: Abu Bakkar Siddique
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Shaping Tax Morale: Effect of Corruption As Experience, Spilling Over, and Culture Download paper
Presenter: Abu Bakkar Siddique
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider

Implausible Large Differences in the Sizes of Underground Economies in Highly Developed European Countries? A Comparison of Different Estimation Methods Download paper
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider
Discussant: Maria Tackett

Immigration and Informal Economy
Presenter: Maria Tackett
Co-Author(s): Alex Padilla
Discussant: Abu Bakkar Siddique

Bunching: Taxpayer Behavior Change. A review Download paper
Presenter: José Torres-Remírez

Room: Railhead

Subnational Governance

Session Chair: Lars P. Feld
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Do Party Ties Increase Transfer Receipts in Cooperative Federalism? – Evidence from Germany Download paper
Presenter: Lars P. Feld
Co-Author(s): Yannick Bury; Ekkehard Koehler
Discussant: Josh Matti

Consolidated city-county governments and economic stability Download paper
Presenter: Josh Matti
Co-Author(s): Amir Neto
Discussant: Walter Melnik

The homevoter hypothesis and local elected officials Download paper
Presenter: Walter Melnik
Discussant: Xin Han

Targeted Poverty Alleviation under Authoritarianism: How State Engages with Society in Chinese Villages? Download paper
Presenter: Xin Han
Discussant: Lars P. Feld

Room: Piedmont

Regulation II

Session Chair: Danielle Zanzalari
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Motivations for Loan Loss Provisioning During the Financial Crisis Download paper
Presenter: Danielle Zanzalari
Co-Author(s): Andrew Swanson
Discussant: Siobhain Lash

Environmental Racism: Civic Associations and Alternative Institutional Approaches in Louisiana Download paper
Presenter: Siobhain Lash
Discussant: Rania Al-Bawab

Zakat: A Case Study of Constraining Free Riding in Charity Download paper
Presenter: Rania Al-Bawab
Discussant: Danielle Zanzalari

Room: Summit C

Seventh Annual Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentation by a Graduate Student

Session Chair: President-Elect Session
Session Organizer: Lynne Kiesling

Cosa Nostra Courts Download paper
Presenter: Henry Thompson
Discussant: David Skarbek

No Surprises, Please: Voting Costs and Electoral Turnout Download paper
Presenter: Valentin Lindlacher
Co-Author(s): Alipour, Jean-Victor
Discussant: Christoph Vanberg

Machine Gun Politics: Why Politicians Cooperate with Criminal Groups Download paper
Presenter: Jessie Bullock
Discussant: Kevin Grier

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Summit A

Spatial Analysis of Occupational Regulation

Session Chair: Darwyyn Deyo
Session Organizer: Darwyyn Deyo

Does Massage Therapist Licensing Reduce Crime? A Natural Experiment in Three States
Presenter: Darwyyn Deyo
Co-Author(s): Kofi Ampaabeng, Conor Norris, and Edward Timmons
Discussant: Alicia Plemmons

Access to care and physician mobility under the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
Presenter: Sriparna Ghosh
Co-Author(s): Darwyyn Deyo
Discussant: Noah Trudeau

Occupational Licensing and Intra-MSA Effects: Massage Therapists in the US
Presenter: Noah Trudeau
Discussant: Sriparna Ghosh

Temporary Provisions Affecting Scope of Practice and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Alicia Plemmons
Co-Author(s): Angela Shoulders, Haimiti Aerfate, and Orgul Ozturk
Discussant: Darwyyn Deyo

Room: Summit B


Session Chair: Alexander Schaefer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Polycentric Governance as an Adaptive Response to Complexity Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Schaefer
Co-Author(s): Dries Daems
Discussant: Jaime Carini

Thinking like an artisan: The Ostroms’ approach to political economy Download paper
Presenter: Jaime Carini
Discussant: Elena Prenovitz

Degrowth, Diversity and Decentralization – Polycentric Governance in a Steady-State-World Download paper
Presenter: Justus Enninga
Co-Author(s): Enninga, Justus
Discussant: Vlad Tarko

Polycentric Status Contests
Presenter: Vlad Tarko
Discussant: Alexander Schaefer

Room: Rail Yard A

The Administrative State

Session Chair: Charles Keckler
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Independent agency rulemaking under unitary or plural leadership: the asymmetric effects of public comments Download paper
Presenter: Charles Keckler
Discussant: Erik Lakomaa

When the State Fines Itself: The Economics of Administrative Fines in the Public Sector Download paper
Presenter: Erik Lakomaa
Discussant: James Endersby

The impeachment game: An extensive form representation of American legislative removal of public officials Download paper
Presenter: James Endersby
Co-Author(s): Joseph P. Harrison
Discussant: Feler Bose

Preference Alignment or Executive Dominance: Rulemaking provisions in State Administrative Procedure Acts Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Brian Baugus, Jeffry Jacob
Discussant: Charles Keckler

Room: Rail Yard B

Social Choice

Session Chair: Nathan Atkinson
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Informative Social Choice Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Atkinson
Co-Author(s): Scott Ganz
Discussant: Roberto Peroncini

Compute, Evaluate, and then Decide. A logical and reasonable basis for making Social Choices Download paper
Presenter: Roberto Peroncini
Discussant: Eric Alston

An Organizational Coase Theorem: Constitutional Constraints as Increasing in Exit Costs Download paper
Presenter: Eric Alston
Discussant: Nathan Atkinson

Room: Summit C


Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Every Normal-Form Game Has a Pareto-Optimal Nonmyopic Equilibrium Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): Mehmet Ismail
Discussant: Amjad Toukan

A Theory of Minority Autocratic Rule in Tribal Societies Download paper
Presenter: Amjad Toukan
Discussant: Steven Brams

Room: Rail Yard C

Elections II

Session Chair: Valentin Lindlacher
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

No Surprises, Please: Voting Costs and Electoral Turnout Download paper
Presenter: Valentin Lindlacher
Co-Author(s): Alipour, Jean-Victor
Discussant: Ramon DEGENNARO

What Do Voting Results of the 2016 Election Tell Us About Bias Response Teams? Download paper
Presenter: Ramon DEGENNARO
Co-Author(s): Reid Parker
Discussant: James Rockey

Power and the money, money and the power: \\ A network analysis of donations from American corporate to political leaders Download paper
Presenter: James Rockey
Co-Author(s): Nadia Zakir
Discussant: Steven Sprick Schuster

The Persuasive Power of the Fourth Estate: Estimating the Effect of Newspaper Endorsements: 1956-1980 Download paper
Presenter: Steven Sprick Schuster
Discussant: Valentin Lindlacher

Room: North Coast A


Session Chair: Edwar Enrique Escalante
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

How do insurgencies evolve and persist? Download paper
Presenter: Edwar Escalante
Discussant: Robert Gillanders

Money Down the Drain: Corruption and Access to Water in Sub-Saharan Africa Download paper
Presenter: Robert Gillanders
Co-Author(s): Michael Breen
Discussant: George Clarke

Are Women More Reticent than Men?
Presenter: George Clarke
Discussant: Zeljko Bogetic

The good, the bad, and the ugly: new evidence on alternative views of corruption
Presenter: Zeljko Bogetic
Co-Author(s): Dominik Naeher
Discussant: Edwar Escalante

Room: North Coast B

Macro Perspectives

Session Chair: Benjamin Läpple
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Fiscal Forecasts and Political Cycles in the European Union: Evidence from EDP Budgetary Forecasts Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Läpple
Discussant: Niklas Elert

Entrepreneurship and cultural change
Presenter: Niklas Elert
Co-Author(s): Wernberg, Joakim
Discussant: Linghui Han

Physical vs. institutional public goods provision under monopoly: Evidence from China Download paper
Presenter: Linghui Han
Discussant: Joseph Newhard

An interest-group theory of central bank independence and the national debt limit Download paper
Presenter: Joseph Newhard
Discussant: Benjamin Läpple

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Summit A

Optimal Taxation for Real Governments

Session Chair: Randall Holcombe
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Optimal Taxation for Ordinary Voters Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

Non-Optimal Tax Theory
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: Roger Congleton

Optimal Taxation of Assets Download paper
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Co-Author(s): Thomas Mecherikunnel
Discussant: Laurent Simula

Simple Conditions for Identifying Improving Tax Reforms
Presenter: Laurent Simula
Co-Author(s): Sören Blomquist; Aart Gerritsen.
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Room: Summit B

Military Matters

Session Chair: Mark Crain
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Military Conscription and Armed Conflicts Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Co-Author(s): Nicole Crain
Discussant: Garrett Wood

Cartelization and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Download paper
Presenter: Garrett Wood
Discussant: Robin Grier

Crawling towards Weber? Mexican State Capacity in the 19th Century Download paper
Presenter: Robin Grier
Discussant: Mark Crain

Room: Rail Yard A


Session Chair: Moiz Bhai
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

New Evidence on Occupational Licensing Reform and Labor Supply
Presenter: Moiz Bhai
Co-Author(s): Mitch Mitchell
Discussant: Vitor Melo

The Effect of Self-Service Gasoline Bans
Presenter: Vitor Melo
Discussant: Kevin Willardsen

Drink and Drive Away: Effects of Lowering the BAC in Utah Download paper
Presenter: Kevin Willardsen
Co-Author(s): Javier Portillo; Wisnu Sugiarto
Discussant: Haibin Jiang

Tax-Based Marriage Incentives in the Affordable Care Act Download paper
Presenter: Haibin Jiang
Co-Author(s): Isaac, Elliott
Discussant: Moiz Bhai

Room: Summit C

Public Health

Session Chair: Scott King
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Democracy and Diseases Download paper
Presenter: Scott King
Discussant: Artyom Jelnov

Product Safety Regulation or Protectionism? Download paper
Presenter: Artyom Jelnov
Co-Author(s): Hatsor, Limor
Discussant: Agnitra Roy Choudhury

Determinants of Scope of Practice Reforms Download paper
Presenter: Agnitra Roy Choudhury
Discussant: Scott King

Room: Rail Yard B

Environmental Externalities

Session Chair: William Tilson
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Carbon Non-Neutrality Download paper
Presenter: William Tilson
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

Environmental quality, dirty consumption and abatement attempts in an inequality economy Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Discussant: William Tilson

Blocking the Sun Download paper
Presenter: William Tilson
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

Room: Rail Yard C

Economic History

Session Chair: Gabriel Benzecry
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The King’s Gambit: Rationalizing the Fall of the Templars Download paper
Presenter: Gabriel Benzecry
Co-Author(s): Marcus Shera
Discussant: Protik Nandy

“The Era of Good Feelings”- Was American Growth Finance Led? Download paper
Presenter: Protik Nandy
Co-Author(s): Caleb Bugg
Discussant: Nathaniel Smith

Encompassing interest and monetary policy: King Alfred’s recoinage Download paper
Presenter: Nathaniel Smith
Discussant: Peter Hazlett

Land Demarcating Institutions in Colonial America Download paper
Presenter: Peter Hazlett
Co-Author(s): Peter T. Leeson
Discussant: Gabriel Benzecry

Room: North Coast A

Electoral Institutions

Session Chair: Bernard Grofman
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Empirics of Gerrymandering, Can Social Science Evidence Be Trusted
Presenter: Bernard Grofman
Co-Author(s): Lisa Handley; David Lublin
Discussant: Benjamin Ogden

Endogenous Electoral Factions: A Foundation for Ethical Voting Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Ogden
Co-Author(s): Timothy Feddersen
Discussant: Cesar Martinelli

Accountability and Grand Corruption
Presenter: Cesar Martinelli
Discussant: Bernard Grofman

Room: North Coast B

Population Dynamics

Session Chair: Steven Brownell
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Migration and polarization: how immigration affects electoral outcomes in the 21st century Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brownell

Retirement Planning under Credit Constraint: Financial Literacy in United States Download paper
Presenter: Muhammad Nawaz
Discussant: Steven Brownell

Room: Railhead

Economic Development II

Session Chair: Andreas Bergh
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Who Is More Right about World Development? Optimism vs. Pessimism vs. Education
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Christina Anzén
Discussant: Eunjee Kwon

The Unintended Consequences of Post-Disaster Policies for Spatial Sorting
Presenter: Eunjee Kwon
Co-Author(s): Marce Henkell; Pierre Magontier
Discussant: Jeremy Horpedahl

Do targeted economic development incentives work as advertised? Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Horpedahl
Co-Author(s): Matthew Mitchell; Olivia Gonzalez
Discussant: Daniel Sanchez Pinol

Show me the Money! The Effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on the Labor Market in Ecuador Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Sanchez Pinol
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Room: Piedmont

Competitiveness, Incentives and Economic Freedom

Session Chair: Dennis Pearson
Session Organizer: Dennis Pearson

Competitiveness and Employability
Presenter: Elif Demiral
Discussant: Matt Hampton

The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Fertility
Presenter: Matt Hampton
Discussant: Dennis Pearson

Competitive Incentives of Economic Freedom for Boarding States: The Case of Tennessee vs. Kentucky
Presenter: Dennis Pearson
Discussant: Chanita Holmes

The effects of state-level earned income tax credits on sexually transmitted infections
Presenter: Chanita Holmes
Discussant: Elif Demiral

5:30pm – 8:30pm

Room: Summit D

Graduate Student Reception (By Invitation) Sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies

Room: Summit D

The Future of Public Choice Program and Reception sponsored by IHS (invitation only)

6:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Saturday, March 12, 2022

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Summit Foyer

Gather: Coffee, Tea, Small Bites

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Summit Foyer

Conference Registration and Book Exhibitors

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Summit C

Political Economy of Economic Development

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Aid, Reform, and Interest Groups Download paper
Presenter: Bonnie Wilson
Co-Author(s): Jac C. Heckelman
Discussant: Gary Wagner

Regional Economic Growth in the Russian Federation: Spatial Analysis with Economic Freedom Download paper
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Olga Demidova
Discussant: Bonnie Wilson

The impact of Chinese Aid on Democratic Values in Latin America Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Freytag
Co-Author(s): Miriam Kautz
Discussant: Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen

From liberal to social institutional logics – How a failed state organization saved itself
Presenter: Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen
Discussant: Andreas Freytag

Room: Piedmont

Empirical and Computational Studies of Collective Choice

Session Chair: Shane Sanders
Session Organizer: Shane Sanders

Combatting Gerrymandering with Social Choice: the Design of Multi-member Districts Download paper
Presenter: Nikhil Garg
Co-Author(s): Wes Gurnee, David Rothschild, David Shmoys
Discussant: Robi Ragan

Borda Count and Majority Rule in a Forward Agenda Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Co-Author(s): Robi Ragan
Discussant: Shane Sanders

Information, Conflict of Interest, and Vote Quality: A Natural Experiment
Presenter: Shane Sanders
Co-Author(s): Ehrlich, Justin; Potter, Joel
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Room: Rail Yard A

Pandemics Liberty and Covid 19 Historical and Legal Implications

Session Chair: Trey Carson
Session Organizer: Ryan Yonk

Public Health For Sale! Privately Improving Welfare and Public Health
Presenter: Trey Carson
Discussant: Phil Magness

Pandemic Central Planning
Presenter: Phil Magness
Discussant: James Harrigan

The Presidency and Pandemics
Presenter: James Harrigan
Co-Author(s): Johanne Harrigan
Discussant: Ryan Yonk

Room: Summit B

Political Development, Violence, and Crime

Session Chair: Jordan Gans-Morse
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Corruption and Property Rights in Russia: Evidence from the Commercial Court System
Presenter: Jordan Gans-Morse
Co-Author(s): David Szakonyi
Discussant: David Skarbek

The Legacies of Wartime Institutions after Rebel Victory
Presenter: Shelley Liu
Discussant: David Skarbek

Who is to Blame? Youth Crime and Attribution of Responsibility in Urban Mexico Download paper
Presenter: Omar García Ponce
Co-Author(s): Isabel Laterzo
Discussant: David Skarbek

From Cocaine to Avocados: Criminal Market Expansion and Violence
Presenter: Chelsea Estancona
Co-Author(s): Lucia Tiscornia
Discussant: David Skarbek

Room: Rail Yard B

Law and International Affairs 

Session Chair: Justin Callais
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

Repression and International Trade: An Analysis of Chinese Trade with Islamic Countries  Download paper
Presenter: Greg Caskey
Co-Author(s): Justin Callais; Linan Peng 
Discussant: Gor Mkrtchian

The Effects of Enduring Constitutions on Incomes Download paper
Presenter: Justin Callais
Discussant: Greg Caskey

Catastrophe – State Capacity, Violence and Natural Disasters Download paper
Presenter: Silvio Livio Simonetti Neto
Discussant: Justin Callais

Court Packing  Download paper
Presenter: Gor Mkrtchian
Co-Author(s): Justin Callais
Discussant: Silvio Livio Simonetti Neto

Room: Rail Yard C

Monetary Politics

Session Chair: Kevin Grier
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

Political Biases at the Federal Reserve
Presenter: Bryan Cutsinger
Co-Author(s): William Luther
Discussant: Kevin Grier

Democracy, Dictatorship, and the Monetary Commons
Presenter: Louis Rouanet
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Kevin Grier

Political Instability and the Demand for Money During Hyperinflation 
Presenter: Joshua Ingber
Co-Author(s): Louis Rouanet
Discussant: Kevin Grier

A Public Choice Account of Prompt Corrective Action
Presenter: Thomas Hogan
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Kevin Grier

Room: North Coast A

Roundtable on Anthony Downs, 1930-2021

Session Chair: Michael Munger
Session Organizer: Michael Munger

Anthony Downs and the Virginia School
Presenter: William Shughart

The Downsian Model of Ideology
Presenter: Michael Munger

Downs and the Origins of the Spatial Model
Presenter: Bernard Grofman

Anthony Downs and Social Choice
Presenter: Steven Brams

Room: North Coast B

Income Inequality

Session Chair: Francisco Alberto Castellanos Sosa
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Spatial income inequality in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Francisco Alberto Castellanos Sosa
Discussant: Steven Brownell

Economic Freedom and Interstate Migration in the US Download paper
Presenter: Steven Brownell
Discussant: Wilson Law

Interpreting intergenerational mobility and inequality Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Law
Discussant: Francisco Alberto Castellanos Sosa

Room: Summit A

Public Opinion, Protests and Violence

Session Chair: Niclas Berggren
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does Legal Freedom Satisfy? Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Christian Bjørnskov
Discussant: Georgios Melios

Weather to Protest: The Effect of Black Lives Matter Protests on the 2020 Presidential Election Download paper
Presenter: Georgios Melios
Co-Author(s): Bouke Klein Teeselink
Discussant: Soeren Schwuchow

Transnational Diffusion of Identity Politics Download paper
Presenter: Soeren Schwuchow
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Room: Railhead

Top-Down Governance

Session Chair: Daniel Sutter
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The End of Anonymity and the Future of Liberty Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Sutter
Discussant: William Peirce

Spontaneous order: the neglected insights of Henry George Download paper
Presenter: William Peirce
Discussant: Lookman Issa

Explaining Corruption in Environmental Impact Assessment Process: From a Public Choice Analysis Perspective Download paper
Presenter: Lookman Issa
Discussant: Daniel Sutter

9:30am – 10:00am

Coffee Break sponsored by F.A. Hayek Program at Mercatus Center

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Summit E

Plenary Session 3: Lynne Kiesling, University of Colorado Denver, “Institutional Complexity and Technological Change in a Regulated Industry”

Session Chair: William Shughart

11:20am – 11:30am


11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Summit C

Platforms Pose a Problem for Regulating Industry Structure

Session Chair: Michael Munger
Session Organizer: Michael Munger

Facebook and the Federal Trade Commission
Presenter: Thomas Hazlett
Discussant: Lynne Kiesling

The Political Economy of Digital Energy Platforms
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling
Discussant: Michael Munger

A Good Industrial Policy is Impossible
Presenter: Michael Munger
Discussant: Thomas Hazlett

Room: Summit A

Institutional Paradoxes, Failure, and Mistakes 3 – Honoring Bernard Grofman

Session Chair: Jac Heckelman
Session Organizer: Marek Kaminski

State Pivotality and Battleground States in the U.S. Electoral College Download paper
Presenter: Zora Mihaley
Co-Author(s): Bernard Grofman
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

The Congressional Apportionment Game Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Discussant: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

Redistricting: Squaring the Circle of Seemingly Incompatible Legal Standards
Presenter: Bernard Grofman

Seats, governments and butterfly effects: The relative arbitrariness of social choices in a parliamentary democracy Download paper
Presenter: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
Discussant: Zora Mihaley

Room: Rail Yard A

Pandemics Liberty and Public Choice

Session Chair: Ravi Roy
Session Organizer: Ryan Yonk

Monocentric Policy? Lessons from Covid 19 in Different
Presenter: Ryan Yonk
Co-Author(s): Amelia Janaskie
Discussant: Ravi Roy

Shared Mental Models and Covid 19 Policy
Presenter: Ravi Roy
Discussant: Peter Earle

Economic and Social Impacts of Covid-19 Response
Presenter: Peter Earle
Discussant: Nathan Goodman

After the Pandemic: The Long-Run Impact of Pandemics on Liberty Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Goodman
Discussant: Ryan Yonk

Room: Rail Yard B

Faith, Religion, and Buchanan

Session Chair: Art Carden
Session Organizer: Bonnie Wilson

Discussion, Dictation, and Decisions Among Natural Equals Download paper
Presenter: Art Carden
Co-Author(s): Jaime Carini and Nathanael Snow
Discussant: Anthony Gill

Three to Get Married? Religious Marriage as a Cooperative Game
Presenter: Clara Piano
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Limits on Methodological Individualism
Presenter: Catherine Pakaluk
Co-Author(s): Michael Pakaluk
Discussant: Ennio Piano

What Should Economists and Theologians Do?: James Buchanan’s Political Economy and Christian Anthropology
Presenter: Anne Bradley
Discussant: Art Carden

Room: Rail Yard C

Applied Political Economy

Session Chair: Bryan Cutsinger
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

A Theory of Social Praise
Presenter: Greg Caskey
Discussant: Wilson Whitener

Exploring Supply-Chain Network Formation: A Property Systems Approach 
Presenter: Zachary Kessler
Discussant: Chandler Reilly

The Political Economy of Rising Defense Costs in the United States 
Presenter: Chandler Reilly
Discussant: Zachary Kessler

Term Limits and Fiscal Policy in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Whitener
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Greg Caskey

Room: North Coast A

Determinants and Consequences of Freedom

Session Chair: Ingemar Bengtsson
Session Organizer: Christian Bjørnskov

The Economic Impact of a Major Corruption Scandal in China: The Case of Heilongjiang Download paper
Presenter: Yang Zhou
Co-Author(s): Alberto Batinti, Jaime Bologna Pavlik
Discussant: Nabamita Dutta

Values, Beliefs and Opinions: How much do they matter for Economic Freedom
Presenter: Nabamita Dutta
Discussant: Ingemar Bengtsson

A Market for Citizenships – should Citizenship be Commodified? Download paper
Presenter: Ingemar Bengtsson
Discussant: Ricardo R. Noé

The Political Economy of Caudillismo: Property Rights, Autocratic Revenue Acquisition, and State Modernization Download paper
Presenter: Ricardo R. Noé
Discussant: Yang Zhou

Room: North Coast B

Public Choice and Externalities: The Governance of Complex Social Dilemmas

Session Chair: Veeshan Rayamajhee
Session Organizer: Pablo Paniagua

Coase, Buchanan, and the Ostroms on Externalities
Presenter: Veeshan Rayamajhee
Co-Author(s): Pablo Paniagua
Discussant: Vaughn Baltzly

Getting Clear on the Relation Between Public Goods and Externalities
Presenter: Vaughn Baltzly
Discussant: Jan Vogler

Managing Social and Economic Externalities: How Industrialization Led to the Rise of the Bureaucratic State
Presenter: Jan Vogler
Discussant: Glenn Furton

Pollution in Economics
Presenter: Glenn Furton
Co-Author(s): Larry Eubanks
Discussant: Veeshan Rayamajhee

Room: Railhead

Law and Economics

Session Chair: Brian Meehan
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Marijuana Decriminalization and Traffic Stops Download paper
Presenter: Brian Meehan
Co-Author(s): Jake Weitkamp
Discussant: Jieon Shim

Are Lawyers Effective State Legislators? Evidence from North Carolina Download paper
Presenter: Jieon Shim
Discussant: Slade Mendenhall

A Theory of Special Legislation and its Decline Download paper
Presenter: Slade Mendenhall
Co-Author(s): Justin Callais
Discussant: Brian Meehan

Room: Piedmont

The Welfare State

Session Chair: Gustavo de Souza
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

On the Political and Economic Determinants of Redistribution: Inequality, Ideology, or Religion?
Presenter: Gustavo de Souza
Discussant: Sarah Hakeem

Globalization, Democracy and Social Spending in Pakistan: A Time-Series Analysis, 1972-2018 Download paper
Presenter: Sarah Hakeem
Co-Author(s): Saghir Pervaiz Ghauri; Anum Hayat
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Fairness, flexibility and the far right: Understanding the relationship between populism, social spending and labor markets
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Anders Kärnä
Discussant: Luke Petach

A Tullock Index for Assessing the Efficiency of Redistribution Download paper
Presenter: Luke Petach
Discussant: Gustavo de Souza

Room: Summit B

Teaching Public Choice

Session Chair: Eric Alston
Session Organizer: Adam Martin

Teaching Public Choice to Business School Freshmen
Presenter: Eric Alston

Teaching Public Choice in Public Finance
Presenter: Alicia Plemmons

Teaching Public Choice in Public Administration
Presenter: Ryan Yonk

Teaching Public Choice in Political Science
Presenter: Kevin Grier

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Summit D

Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting

Session Chair: William Shughart
Session Organizer: Edward Lopez

Society Announcements
Presenter: Edward Lopez

Presentation of Duncan Black Prize and Gordon Tullock Prize
Presenter: Peter Leeson

Presentation of the Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentation by a Graduate Student
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling

Presidential Address: On the Virginia School of Antitrust
Presenter: William Shughart

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Summit A

Public Goods

Session Chair: Paul Pecorino
Session Organizer: Paul Pecorino

An Examination of the Effect of Inequality on Lotteries for Funding Public Goods
Presenter: Christopher Oconnor
Co-Author(s): Li Zhang
Discussant: Paul Pecorino

Winners’ Efforts in Multi-Battle Team Contests Download paper
Presenter: Stefano Barbieri
Co-Author(s): Marco Serena
Discussant: Christopher Oconnor

Public Good Provision with Redistributive Taxation Download paper
Presenter: Paul Pecorino
Discussant: Stefano Barbieri

Room: Summit B

Institutional Paradoxes, Failure, and Mistakes 2 – Honoring Nicholas Miller

Session Chair: Marek Kaminski
Session Organizer: Bonnie Wilson

Incumbent Vulnerability and Simpson’s Paradox in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1952-2018 Download paper
Presenter: Haotian Chen
Co-Author(s): Bernard Grofman, John Cuffe Haotian Chen
Discussant: Steven Linder

By-Mail Voting and the Primacy Effect Download paper
Presenter: Steven Linder
Discussant: Haotian Chen

Profile Dimensions for Positional System Immunity to the Borda Paradox Download paper
Presenter: Jac Heckelman
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

Is the Electoral College Biased Against Democrats? Download paper
Presenter: Nicholas Miller

Room: Summit C

Public Policy & Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Do Targeted R&D Grants Towards Potential High-Growth Firms Increase Employment and Demand for High Human Capital Workers?
Presenter: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt
Co-Author(s): Daniel Halvarsson, Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall, Alexander McKelvie
Discussant: Michael Araki

Greasing the Wheels of Growth: Reduced Enforceability of Noncompete Agreements as an External Enabler of High-Growth Entrepreneurship Download paper
Presenter: Michael Araki
Co-Author(s): Daniel Bennett, Gary Wagner
Discussant: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt

Online Reviews, Legitimacy, and (In)Formal Entrepreneurship
Presenter: Fabian Diaz
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Room: Rail Yard A

The Political Economy of Crime and Punishment

Session Chair: Antonella Bandiera
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Machine Gun Politics: Why Politicians Cooperate with Criminal Groups Download paper
Presenter: Jessie Bullock
Discussant: David Skarbek

Uprooting the Gang: Bargaining, Turf Warfare and Truce among Organized Criminal Groups
Presenter: Elena Barham
Co-Author(s): Sarah Daly
Discussant: David Skarbek

The Effect of Rents on Behavior: Evidence from Illegal Gold Mining in Peru
Presenter: Antonella Bandiera
Discussant: David Skarbek

Room: Rail Yard B

Economic Development and Computational Economics 

Session Chair: Justin Callais
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

A New Economic Cybernetics: Computational Frameworks for Analyzing Institutions Applied to Behavioral Macroeconomic Models
Presenter: Zachary Kessler
Discussant: Israt Jahan

The Political Economy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Presenter: Greg Caskey
Discussant: Nicholas Reinarts

Can We Persist, Nevertheless? An Examination of Whether Social Trust Can Mitigate the Deleterious Effect of Political Instability on Economic Prosperity Download paper
Presenter: Nicholas Reinarts
Discussant: Zachary Kessler

Can constitutional changes and economic freedom predict future economic performance? A machine learning approach
Presenter: Israt Jahan
Discussant: Greg Caskey

Room: Rail Yard C

Entangled Political Economy

Session Chair: Abigail Devereaux
Session Organizer: Abigail Devereaux

The limits of control in the face of accelerating growth: an entangled political economy perspective Download paper
Presenter: Abigail Devereaux
Discussant: Jonathan Plante

Norms, Institutions and Digital Veils of Ignorance Do Network Protocols Even Need Trust? Download paper
Presenter: Eric Alston
Discussant: Michelle Vachris

Unleashing the Fiscal Commons: How Public Debt Creates a Transitional Gains Trap
Presenter: Jonathan Plante
Discussant: Abigail Devereaux

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Scotch Whisky Industry Download paper
Presenter: Michelle Vachris
Discussant: Eric Alston

Room: North Coast A

Policy Entrepreneurship & Uncertainty

Session Chair: Nabamita Dutta
Session Organizer: Fernando D’Andrea

 Opportunity And Necessity Entrepreneurship: Do Linguistic Structures Matter?
Presenter: Nabamita Dutta
Co-Author(s): Thor Lienhard, Russell Sobel

Entrepreneurship & Policy-Derived Uncertainty Download paper
Presenter: Fernando D’Andrea

Socio-economic Status, Occupational Licensing and Firm Growth
Presenter: Shishir Shakya

Beyond Poverty and Prosperity: Chinese Institutional Uncertainty Download paper
Presenter: Qifan Chen
Co-Author(s): Mark Packard, Per Bylund

Room: North Coast B

Bureaucracies and Legislatures

Session Chair: Olga Shanks
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Monitoring of Bureaucracy as a Public Good Download paper
Presenter: Olga Shanks
Co-Author(s): Stratmann, Thomas
Discussant: Masami Imai

Local Economic Impacts of Legislative Malapportionment Download paper
Presenter: Masami Imai
Discussant: Christoph Vanberg

Legislative bargaining with private information Download paper
Presenter: Christoph Vanberg
Co-Author(s): David Piazolo
Discussant: Olga Shanks

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Summit C

Public Choice Conundrums, Illusions, & Disappearing Acts

Session Chair: Anthony Gill
Session Organizer: Anthony Gill

The Libertarian Club Conundrum Download paper
Presenter: Anthony Gill
Discussant: Nathan Goodman

The grand (fiscal) illusion: property tax relief and educational spending in North Dakota Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Jackson
Co-Author(s): Kole Nichols
Discussant: Anthony Gill

Whither the Will of the People? Download paper
Presenter: Cecil Bohanon
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Social Movements and the Market Process Download paper
Presenter: Nathan Goodman
Discussant: Cecil Bohanon

Room: Summit A

Institutional Paradoxes, Failure, and Mistakes 1 – Honoring Steven Brams

Session Chair: Marek Kaminski
Session Organizer: Bonnie Wilson

Primacy effects in open-list proportional representation systems Download paper
Presenter: Marek Kaminski
Co-Author(s): Jaroslaw Flis
Discussant: Ugurcan Evci

Choosing among the variety of proposed voting reforms Download paper
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Discussant: Marek Kaminski

Shot in the Foot: Unintended Political Consequences of Electoral Engineering in the Turkish Parliamentary Elections in 2018 Download paper
Presenter: Ugurcan Evci
Co-Author(s): Marek Kaminski
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Reflection on Political Paradoxes
Presenter: Steven Brams

Room: Summit B

Roundtable: Reflections on Shared Mental Models: Symposium in Honor of Douglass C. North

Session Chair: Arthur Denzau
Session Organizer: Ravi Roy

Mental Models and Public Policy in the Pandemic Era
Presenter: Ryan Yonk
Discussant: Ravi Roy

Institutional Change and the Importance of Understanding Shared Mental Models
Presenter: William Shughart
Co-Author(s): Diana Thomas
Discussant: Ryan Yonk

Shared Belief Systems, The Basic Space and the Constrained Nature of Rationality in Judging Institutions
Presenter: Michael Munger
Discussant: Ravi Roy

Room: Rail Yard A

Political Economy of State Economic Development

Session Chair: Donghyuk Kim
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Economic Spillovers and Political Payoffs in Government Competition for Firms: Evidence from the Kansas City Border War Download paper
Presenter: Donghyuk Kim
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Economic Development Incentives: The Case of District of Columbia Download paper
Presenter: Abraham Song
Discussant: Carlianne Patrick

The Distributional Effects of Targeted Economic Development Incentives
Presenter: Carlianne Patrick
Co-Author(s): Heather Stephens
Discussant: Russell Sobel

The Political Economy of State Economic Development Incentives: A Case of Rent Extraction Download paper
Presenter: Russell Sobel
Co-Author(s): Calcagno, Peter; Wagner, Gary
Discussant: Donghyuk Kim

Room: Rail Yard B

Constitutions, Organizations, and Governance

Session Chair: Joshua Martin
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

Teachers’ Union Strength and School Reopening Decisions: Evidence from Connecticut during the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Presenter: Joshua Martin
Co-Author(s): Zachary Porreca 
Discussant: Israt Jahan

Do Constitutions Matter? A Causal Relationship between Constitutional Rights and Growth 
Presenter: Israt Jahan
Discussant: Henry Moncrieff

Political Survival and Military Spending 
Presenter: Henry Moncrieff
Discussant: Towhid Mahmood

Effects of Reference to Free Market & Market Competition in Constitution on Economic Freedom: A Causal Investigation Download paper
Presenter: Towhid Mahmood
Discussant: Joshua Martin

Room: Rail Yard C

A Roundtable on Public Choice and Women

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Roberta Herzberg

Public Choice of Pandemics: Impacts on Women
Presenter: Roberta Herzberg
Discussant: Jeanne Hoffman

Work-Life Imbalance Heightened by Covid. The influence of Female Economists: Evidence from Nobel Laureates’ Work
Presenter: Jeanne Hoffman
Discussant: Darwyyn Deyo

Remember the Ladies: Women Cited in the Nobel Prize Lectures in Economics From 1969 to 2008.
Presenter: Darwyyn Deyo
Discussant: Roberta Herzberg

Room: North Coast A

Rent Seeking

Session Chair: Jonathan Plante
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Public Debt and Budgetary Legislation as a Rent Creation and Extraction Process Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Plante
Discussant: Vitor Melo

Assessing the Relationship Between Rent-Seeking and Economic Growth: New Empirical Advances
Presenter: Vitor Melo
Discussant: Stephen Miller

The Effects of Washington’s Minimum Wage Increases: A Synthetic Control Approach Download paper
Presenter: Stephen Miller
Co-Author(s): Alvernaz, Michael
Discussant: Daniel Nientiedt

Hayek and Schmitt on the “Depoliticization” of the Economy Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Nientiedt
Discussant: Jonathan Plante

Room: North Coast B

Historical Political Economy

Session Chair: Ennio Piano
Session Organizer: Ennio Piano

The Best-Laid Plans: Subsidized Immigration in mid-19th Century French Algeria Download paper
Presenter: Theresa Finley
Discussant: Henry Thompson

Can Geography Explain Quebec’s Historical Poverty?
Presenter: Louis Rouanet
Co-Author(s): Vincent Geloso
Discussant: Joshua Hendrickson

Taxation and National Defense, Revisited Download paper
Presenter: Joshua Hendrickson
Discussant: Louis Rouanet

Cosa Nostra Courts Download paper
Presenter: Henry Thompson
Discussant: Theresa Finley

Room: Railhead

Political Capitalism

Session Chair: Miklos Rosta
Session Organizer: Mehrdad Vahabi

Following Their Leaders: Political Preferences and Public Policy
Presenter: Randall Holcombe
Discussant: Judit Kalman

Unemployment Policy as Predation – Public Works Program in Hungary
Presenter: Judit Kalman
Discussant: Bálint Madlovics

Relational economics: from normatively to discretionally closed markets Download paper
Presenter: Bálint Madlovics
Discussant: Miklos Rosta

Predatory capitalism. Understanding property rights in hybrid regimes
Presenter: Miklos Rosta
Discussant: Randall Holcombe

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: Summit Foyer and The 576

Closing Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies and Public Choice Society