2023 Conference

Click here to view the Conference Program

Update March 24, 2023:

Thanks to all again for a successful 2023 conference. Please see our conference photos in this folder. See you next March in Texas!

Update January 7, 2023:
The conference program is now live, click one of the options above.

Update November 1, 2022:
Submission deadline extended until November 15 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. Submit your paper here.

Initial Call for Conference Papers

We are excited to bring Public Choice Society to Seattle for the first time on the occasion of our 60th anniversary conference.

We invite papers for the 60th Annual Meetings of the Public Choice Society, March 16-18, 2023 at the Sheraton Grand in Seattle, Washington. Paper and session submissions will be open from September 1 to November 1.

Socializing and sustenance will be abundant, as the conference will feature common meals each day, coffee breaks between academic sessions, and cocktail receptions on Thursday and Saturday nights. Our annual awards luncheon on Saturday will announce the Duncan Black Prize, the Gordon Tullock Prize, and the ninth annual Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Prize for best combined paper and presentation by a graduate student. Our affiliate groups and sponsors will exhibit various opportunities including special publisher discounts available to conference attendees.

The paper submission deadline is November 1 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Online registration opens September 1. Persons interested in organizing a four-paper session are asked to send their proposal to the Contact Form. Please visit the conference website for up-to-date information about important dates, conference procedures, hotel & conference registration, and travel logistics. In the coming months we will announce further details about plenary speakers, booking your room, and applying for graduate student financial assistance.

Important Dates

9/1/2022 Website open for paper proposals and early registration
11/15/2022 Extended submission deadline
11/1/2022 Submission deadline
12/7/2021 Authors informed of the status of their proposals
1/6/2023 Preliminary conference program is published online
1/20/2023 Graduate student deadline to upload paper for Ostrom prize
2/6/2023 Regular registration deadline
2/14/2023 Cut off for hotel reservations
3/2/2023 Deadline for authors to upload complete papers (2 weeks before conference)
3/16/2023 Conference Begins

Conference Agenda

March 15

Pre-Conference and Affiliate Group Events

March 16

1:00 p.m. – On Site conference registration opens

2:00 p.m. – Executive Committee Meeting

4:00 p.m. – Plenary Session 1

6:00 p.m. – Opening Reception

7:30 p.m. – Dinner on Own

March 17

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. – Coffee & Pastries

8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Academic Sessions

9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – Coffee Break

10:00 a.m. Plenary Session 2

6:00 p.m. – Dinner on Own

March 18

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. – Coffee & Pastries

8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Academic Sessions

9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – Coffee Break

10:00 a.m. – Plenary Session 3

1:00 p.m. – Awards Luncheon: – Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Prize – Gordon Tullock Prize – Duncan Black Prize – Presidential Address

6:00 p.m. Closing Reception

7:30 p.m. Dinner on Own

Archived Information for the 2023 Conference

Conference Procedures

Public Choice Society combines academic rigor with constructive collegiality. We invite all participants to contribute to a productive climate of scholarly exchange.

ONE REGISTRATION PER PERSON: All attending individuals must register for the conference. PCS is unable to accommodate non-registered guests at conference functions.

PAPER PRESENTERS: Paper presenters must upload a PDF file of your paper no later than March 2. Panel discussion presenters are not required to upload papers. Papers will not be searchable and are viewable only by PCS members while logged into the website. You will have the option of leaving your paper for the conference archives or taking it down at the end of the conference. The Society retains no rights or privileges to work presented or posted here. To upload your paper, simply login to the site and browse to the My Account section where you will find the paper upload tool.

CHAIR DUTIES: The session chair should present last in the order of presenters. Prior to the conference, the session chair must confirm that presenters have uploaded papers no later than February 24. The chair should initiate an email thread with presenters and discussants to facilitate pre-conference arrangements. During the session, the chair is responsible for keeping presenters on time. With four papers per 90-minute session, a good baseline is 15 minutes per presenter, 5 minutes per discussant, and 10 minutes for floor discussion.

DISCUSSANT DUTIES: In most cases, each presenter is also a discussant on the same session. Discussants should acknowledge and engage in pre-conference communications initiated by the session chair. Locate the paper you are discussing on the gated website by February 24. If the paper you are discussing has not been posted, contact the session chair. Prepare critical and constructive comments in advance. Aim your remarks to promote rigorous yet collegial discussion during the session.

MEETING ROOM SETUP: Each conference session will take place in a hotel meeting room equipped with a podium or table, screen, and projector with HDMI hookup. Chair and presenters are encouraged to coordinate ahead of time about laptop, adapter cable, clicker, and other arrangements as might be needed.

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Conference registration is $290 for students and $350 for non-students if received by the regular registration deadline (February 6), after which the rates increase by $75. Individuals who present multiple papers are asked to submit $25 per additional paper. To submit your registration payment, or to confirm that you have paid, simply login to your account and view the information presented in the My Account area.

CONDUCT: The Society’s Executive Committee has adopted this Professional and Personal Conduct Policy, which is binding on all individuals at PCS and Affiliate co-sponsored events. In addition, the Society’s Conflict of Interest Policy binds on members of the Executive Committee. Please familiarize yourself with these policies and direct any inquiries to admin@publicchoicesociety.org.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If for some regrettable reason you must cancel then your registration, payment will be refunded according to the following schedule: full refund if cancellation notice is received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on January 20; 50% refund if received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 20; no refund if received by 12:00 a.m. on February 21 or later. Email admin@publicchoicesociety.org with “Registration Cancellation” in the subject line and a brief explanation in the email body.

Hotel Information

Sheraton Grand Seattle
1400 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, Washingon 98101

The Sheraton Grand Hotel is in the heart of downtown Seattle and a short walk to Pike Place Market, nearby shopping, and unique sightseeing.

Registered attendees can reserve their room in the PCS room block at this dedicated reservations page. There is no code to enter. The PCS Conference rate is $149++ for single/double occupancy. The hotel reservation deadline is February 14, 2023. While reserving your room, please note the hotel’s cancellation, check-in and other policies.

Space is limited, so please reserve early!

Visitor and Transportation Info

Coming soon

The Public Choice Society is thankful for the organizational, intellectual, and pecuniary partnership of several sponsoring organizations at the Annual Meetings. Sponsors for the upcoming year’s conference will be listed here soon. For previous years’ sponsors, click on past conferences above.

Institute for Humane Studies
Sponsor of a Reception & Printed Program

The BB&T Distinguished Professorship of Capitalism at WCU
Sponsor of AV Equipment at General Sessions

American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
Sponsor of a Coffee Break and Pre-Conference Program

Duke PPE Program
Sponsor of a Coffee Break & Printed Program

F.A. Hayek Program at Mercatus Center at GMU
Sponsor of a Coffee Break & Printed Program

Sponsor of the Gordon Tullock Prize

W University of Washington

Center for Public Choice and Market Process at CofC
Sponsor of a Continental Breakfast

Department of Political Science at UofW
Sponsor of Coffee Break at 60th Annual Meetings