Click here to view the Conference Program
The Public Choice Society at 50 Years will be held at the Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal Street, in the heart of the French Quarter. Conference registration will start on the afternoon of Thursday, March 7, and sessions will run from 8:00 a.m. Friday, March 8, to noon Sunday, March 10, 2013.
Well over 200 papers will be presented on the conference program, and four Special Plenary Sessions will anchor the program and offer special tributes to three of our Past Presidents who have passed away within the last year: Elinor Ostrom, Vincent A. Ostrom, and James M. Buchanan.
Plenary on Virginia Political Economy (including a special tribute to Jim Buchanan):
- Niclas Beggren, Chair (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)
- Peter Boettke (George Mason University)
- Keith Dougherty (University of Georgia)
- Richard Wagner (George Mason University)
- Geoffrey Brennan (Australian National University)
Plenary on Bloomington School (including special tributes to Lin and Vincent Ostrom):
- Michael Munger, Chair (Duke University)
- Roberta Herzberg (Utah State University)
- James Walker (Indiana University)
- Paul Dragos Aligica (George Mason University)
- Eli Dourado (George Mason University)
Plenary on Experimental Economics
- Vernon Smith, Chair (Chapman University)
- Charles Plott (California Institute of Technology)
- Dan Houser (George Mason University)
- Bart Wilson (Chapman University)
- Ryan Oprea (University of British Columbia)
Plenary on Social Choice:
- Bernie Grofman, Chair (University of California-Irvine)
- Christian List (London School of Economics)
- Iain McLean (Oxford University)
- Norm Schofield (Washington University)
- Maxwell Stearns (University of Maryland)
Important Dates
September 20 | New website publishes with preliminary call for papers |
October 17 | Website open for paper submissions and conference registration |
December 24 | Deadline for paper submissions |
January 8 | Authors notified by selection committee if their submissions are accepted onto program |
February 4 at 11:59p.m. Eastern time | Deadline for conference registration (after this a late registration penalty of $75 applies) |
February 4 | Conference program is published to PCS website |
February 3 | Deadline for hotel registration |
February 21 | Deadline for authors to upload completed papers |
February 22 | Completed papers are posted to PCS website |
March 7-10 | Conference dates |
Conference Agenda
September 20 |
New website publishes with preliminary call for papers |
October 17 |
Website open for paper submissions and conference registration |
December 24 |
Deadline for paper submissions |
January 8 |
Authors notified by selection committee if their submissions are accepted onto program |
Deadline for conference registration (after this a late registration penalty of $75 applies) |
Conference program is published to PCS website |
February 3 |
Deadline for hotel registration |
February 21 |
Deadline for authors to upload completed papers |
February 22 |
Completed papers are posted to PCS website |
March 7-10 |
Conference dates |
Archived Information for the 2013 Conference
Conference Procedures
(Please click Call for Papers above for information about the 2014 conference.)
The Public Choice Society at 50 Years will be held at the Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal Street, in the heart of the French Quarter. Conference registration will start on the afternoon of Thursday, March 7, and sessions will run from 8:00 a.m. Friday, March 8, to noon Sunday, March 10, 2013.
Well over 200 papers will be presented on the conference program, and four Special Plenary Sessions will anchor the program and offer special tributes to three of our Past Presidents who have passed away within the last year: Elinor Ostrom, Vincent A. Ostrom, and James M. Buchanan.
Plenary on Virginia Political Economy (including a special tribute to Jim Buchanan):
Niclas Beggren, Chair (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)
Peter Boettke (George Mason University)
Keith Dougherty (University of Georgia)
Richard Wagner (George Mason University)
Geoffrey Brennan (Australian National University)
Plenary on Bloomington School (including special tributes to Lin and Vincent Ostrom):
Michael Munger, Chair (Duke University)
Roberta Herzberg (Utah State University)
James Walker (Indiana University)
Paul Dragos Aligica (George Mason University)
Eli Dourado (George Mason University)
Plenary on Experimental Economics:
Vernon Smith, Chair (Chapman University)
Charles Plott (California Institute of Technology)
Dan Houser (George Mason University)
Bart Wilson (Chapman University)
Ryan Oprea (University of British Columbia)
Plenary on Social Choice:
Bernie Grofman, Chair (University of California-Irvine)
Christian List (London School of Economics)
Iain McLean (Oxford University)
Norm Schofield (Washington University)
Maxwell Stearns (University of Maryland)
The full conference program will be published to the gated area of this site on February 4.
A customized visitor’s guide for Public Choice Society members has been written by Daniel J. D’Amico, economics professor at Loyola College New Orleans. [ download .doc]
Hotel Information
Hotel Monteleone
Conference attendees must register with the Hotel Monteleone by calling (504) 523-3341 or (800) 217-2033, or by visiting the hotel’s website. Please use conference code PCS07C (where 0=”zero”). Room rates are $189 for single rate ($189/$214/$239 for double/triple/quad rate) plus $25 for each person over one per room, plus 13% tax and $2 per night occupancy charge. Cancellation without payment is available up to 72 hours prior to arrival. These rates are guaranteed up to February 3, 2013, or until the room block is reached. So please reserve early!
Visitor and Transportation Info
New Orleans International Airport has undergone a recent renovation and is serviced by all major domestic airlines. Transportation to the Monteleone is available by taxi or group shuttle. Please visit the airport site for detailed information.
Visitor’s Guide
A customized visitor’s guide for Public Choice Society members has been written by Daniel J. D’Amico, economics professor at Loyola College New Orleans. [download .doc]
Local Transportation
New Orleans International Airport has undergone a recent renovation and is serviced by all major domestic airlines. Transportation to the Monteleone is available by taxi or group shuttle. Please visit the airport site for detailed information:
Sponsors for the 2013 conference
The Public Choice Society is thankful for the organizational, intellectual, and pecuniary partnership of several sponsoring organizations at the Annual Meetings. Sponsors for the upcoming year’s conference will be listed here soon. For previous years’ sponsors, click on past conferences above.
Center for Study of Public Choice at GMU
Sponsor of a Graduate Student
Sponsor of the Gordon Tullock Prize
Institute for Humane Studies
Sponsor of a Reception & Printed Program
Partial sponsor of website development
F.A. Hayek Program at Mercatus Center at GMU
Sponsor of a Coffee Break & Printed Program
Duke PPE Program
Sponsor of a Coffee Break & Printed Program
Liberty Fund
Sponsor of Pre-Conference Program
College of Business at Loyola University New Orleans
Partial sponsor of undergraduate attendance at 2013 and 2017 Annual Meetings.