51st Annual Meetings of the Public Choice Society, Charleston, 2014

51st Annual Meetings of the Public Choice Society, Charleston, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

7:00am – 8:15am

Room: Carolina Foyer

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Applying the Wisdom of Gordon Tullock

Session Chair: Susan Dudley
Session Organizer: Susan Dudley

Interview with Gordon Tullock
Presenter: Susan Dudley
Discussant: Donald Boudreaux

Tullock on Juries
Presenter: Donald Boudreaux
Discussant: Susan Dudley

Political Risk, Lobbying Costs, and Economic Evaluation: Using the Tullock Contest Success Function to Improve Regulatory Impact Assessment
Presenter: Kerry Krutilla
Co-Author(s): Alexander Alexeev
Discussant: Brian Mannix

Harberger Triangles & Tullock Rectangles: Revisiting Weidenbaum's Distinction between Economic & Social Regulation
Presenter: Brian Mannix
Discussant: Kerry Krutilla

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

New Book Discussion: Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter by Ilya Somin

Session Chair: Ilya Somin
Session Organizer: Ilya Somin

Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter
Presenter: Ilya Somin

Political Competence and the Right to Rule
Presenter: Jason Brennan

Ignorance, Willfull Ignorance, and Preening
Presenter: Michael Munger

Words and Deeds: Rational Ignorance and Political Discourse
Presenter: Fernando Teson

Room: Drayton Room

Rent Seeking and Profit Seeking

Session Chair: Adam Hoffer

The Risk of Rent-Seeking
Presenter: Adam Smith
Co-Author(s): Patrick McLaughlin, Russell Sobel
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

NCAA Athletic Department Behavior
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Co-Author(s): Jared Pincin
Discussant: Noel Campbell

Do Common Theories of Regulation Explain Variation in Regulation Expenditures?
Presenter: Noel Campbell
Co-Author(s): David Mitchell
Discussant: Adam Smith

Room: Pinckney Room

Policy Choices and Economic Outcomes 1

Session Chair: R. Scott Pearson

Licensing, Quality and Consumers: What Drives The Market?
Presenter: Darwyyn Deyo
Discussant: Ceyhun Elgin

Shadow Economies in OECD Countries: DGE vs. MIMIC Approaches
Presenter: Ceyhun Elgin
Co-Author(s): Friedrich Schneider
Discussant: Andreas Freytag

The Influence of Economic Freedom on the Shadow Economy in OECD and European Countries: Some Preliminary Empirical Results
Presenter: Andreas Freytag
Co-Author(s): Friedrich Schneider and Sebastian Spiegel
Discussant: R. Scott Pearson

Crowd-Thwarting: How perverse incentives, special interests, and avoidance of responsibility have thwarted efforts to open up access to funding for small entrepreneurs
Presenter: R. Scott Pearson
Discussant: Darwyyn Deyo

Room: Rutledge Room

Labor Regulations

Session Chair: Sharon Tennyson

Public Policy in the Low Skilled Labor Market: A Rent-Seeking Model of Labor
Presenter: Linyuan Cai
Co-Author(s): Christopher Mann
Discussant: Anna Chorniy

Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Job Mobility
Presenter: Anna Chorniy
Co-Author(s): James Bailey
Discussant: Alma Ramsden

Labor Market Eects of Child Care Vouchers: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
Presenter: Alma Ramsden
Discussant: Sharon Tennyson

EU Intermediary Regulation and its Impact on Agent Quality
Presenter: Sharon Tennyson
Co-Author(s): Christoph Lex, Ludwig Maximilion University; Andreas Richter, Ludwig Maximilion University
Discussant: Linyuan Cai

Room: Laurens Room

Informal Institutions

Session Chair: Ludek Kouba

Building a State and a Market: The Spanish Legacy in Mexico
Presenter: Robin Grier
Co-Author(s): Jerry Hough
Discussant: Nobuhiro Mizuno

Political Structure as a Legacy of Indirect Colonial Rule: Bargaining between National Governments and Rural Elites in Africa
Presenter: Nobuhiro Mizuno
Discussant: Nathanael Snow

A FRAND-ly Commons: An Institutional Investigation of Standard Setting
Presenter: Nathanael Snow
Discussant: Ludek Kouba

I wanna live my life: Locus of Control and Welfare State attitudes
Presenter: Ludek Kouba
Co-Author(s): Hans Pitlik
Discussant: Robin Grier

Room: Calhoun Room

Institutional Context

Session Chair: Charles Telly

Default Without Capital Account: The Peculiar Economics of Municipal Bankruptcy
Presenter: Lotta Moberg
Co-Author(s): Richard E. Wagner
Discussant: Jacob Russ

Witch Trials
Presenter: Jacob Russ
Co-Author(s): Peter T. Leeson
Discussant: Charles Telly

The Moral Foundation of Law in a Democratic Society
Presenter: Charles Telly
Discussant: Atin Basuchoudhary

Room: Parkview Room

Empirical Papers in Public Choice

Session Chair: Tomomi Miyazaki

Cash Transfers to Low-Income People in the U.S.
Presenter: Andres Marroquin
Discussant: Dina Balalaeva

Democracy and Good Governance: What Matters More for Health?
Presenter: Dina Balalaeva
Discussant: Niels-Hugo Blunch

Health Knowledge, Caste and Social Networks in India
Presenter: Niels-Hugo Blunch
Co-Author(s): Nabanita Datta Gupta
Discussant: Jakob Eberl

The Political Economy of Public Debt and Social Security: Repayment in Times of Fiscal Distress
Presenter: Jakob Eberl
Discussant: Tomomi Miyazaki

Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan: Experiences from Recent Policies
Presenter: Tomomi Miyazaki
Discussant: Andres Marroquin

Room: Middleton Room

Voting in Spatial Models and Federalism

Session Chair: Nicolaus Tideman

Optimal Fiscal Decentralization
Presenter: Bilin Neyapti
Co-Author(s): Giray Erkmen Aslim
Discussant: Joseph Ornstein

Empirical Implications of a Spatial Voting Model
Presenter: Joseph Ornstein
Discussant: Taiki Susa

Strategic Delegation in Asymmetric Tax Competition
Presenter: Taiki Susa
Co-Author(s): Hikaru Ogawa
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

A Three-Dimensional Framework for Locating Voting Rules
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Co-Author(s): Rafael Cosman and James Green-Armytage
Discussant: Bilin Neyapti

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Plenary Session 1: Rodrik on Ideas

Session Chair: Edward Lopez

When Ideas Trump Interests: Preferences, Worldviews, and Policy Innovations
Presenter: Dani Rodrik
Discussant: Peter Boettke

11:20am – 1:00pm

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Middleton Room

New Book Discussion: Mathematical Theory of Democracy by Andranik Tangian

Session Chair: Steven Brams
Session Organizer: Andranik Tangian

Remarks on Andranik Tangian's Book I
Presenter: Steven Brams

Remarks on Andranik Tangian's Book II
Presenter: Bernard Grofman

Tangian, "Mathematical theory of Democracy"
Presenter: Iain McLean

Democracy, the Theory of Voting, and Mathematics I
Presenter: Maurice Salles

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

International Political Economy

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

The High Cost of Low Quality Infrastructure when Natural Disasters Strike
Presenter: Monica Escaleras
Co-Author(s): Charles Register
Discussant: Beatriz Maldonado

Capricious Leviathan: Volatility of Government Spending and Political Institutions
Presenter: Beatriz Maldonado
Discussant: Monica Escaleras

Rainy Day Funds and Risk-Sharing: Any Lessons for Europe?
Presenter: Gary Wagner
Co-Author(s): Erick M. Elder
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

Voting with your feet: Personal and Economic Freedom and Migration Patterns
Presenter: Ryan Yonk
Co-Author(s): Nicholas J Hilton
Discussant: Shawn Ramirez

Secrecy, Risk-Taking and War in the International System
Presenter: Shawn Ramirez

Room: Carolina Ballroom B

Reflections on the Contributions of Charles K. Rowley

Session Chair: Michelle Vachris
Session Organizer: Michelle Vachris

Reflections on Co-Authoring With Charles K. Rowley
Presenter: Richard Wagner

Reflections on Co-Editing With Charles K. Rowley
Presenter: William Shughart

Charles K. Rowley: Colleague
Presenter: Donald Boudreaux

Charles Rowley: Scholar, Teacher, Friend
Presenter: Jennis Biser
Co-Author(s): Francesco Parisi

Room: Pinckney Room

The Swiss Cantons

Session Chair: Damien Wirths

Incentive Effects of Fiscal Rules on the Finance Minister’s Behaviour: Evidence from Revenue Projections in Swiss Cantons
Presenter: florian chatagny
Discussant: Katharina Jaronicki

Campaigning in Direct Democracies: Initiative Petition Signing, Voter Turnout, and Acceptance
Presenter: Katharina Jaronicki
Discussant: Christian Marti

Educative Effects of Direct Democracy on Turnout in Initiative and Referendum Votes: Evidence for Switzerland, 1970-2012.
Presenter: Christian Marti
Discussant: Damien Wirths

A critical examination of the policy-making process and of the lawmakers’ motivation for efficiency evaluation: a theoretical framework
Presenter: Damien Wirths
Discussant: florian chatagny

Room: Parkview Room

Policy Choices and Economic Outcomes 2

Session Chair: Michael Thomas

Legitimacy and the Cost of Government
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Christian Bjørnskov, David Lipka
Discussant: Christoph Schinke

Budget Composition and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries
Presenter: Christoph Schinke
Co-Author(s): Niklas Potrafke, Marina Riem
Discussant: Michael Thomas

Regulation vs. Litigation: The Knowledge Problem in Markets for Blood
Presenter: Michael Thomas
Co-Author(s): Diana W. Thomas
Discussant: Kerry Krutilla

The Cost-Effectiveness of Lifesaving Regulations
Presenter: Kerry Krutilla
Co-Author(s): John Graham, David Good, Gabriel Piña, and Yu Zhang
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Room: Rutledge Room

Financial Regulation

Session Chair: Danielle Zanzalari
Session Organizer: Mario Villarreal

Sarbanes-Oxley: Disciplining Executives or Enriching Attorneys? Evidence from Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
Presenter: Nick Bormann
Discussant: Alex Gill

Moral Hazard in Securitization
Presenter: Alex Gill
Discussant: Guillaume Vuillemey

Strengthened or Weakened? Risk-management by Central Clearing Parties after Dodd-Frank and EMIR
Presenter: Guillaume Vuillemey
Co-Author(s): -
Discussant: Danielle Zanzalari

Financial Structure and Spillovers Asymmetry: Do Market versus Bank centered economies matter?
Presenter: Wafa Aidi

Do Off-Balance Sheet Items Lead to A Distortion in the Market?
Presenter: Danielle Zanzalari
Discussant: Nick Bormann

Room: Laurens Room

Preferences for Conflict?

Session Chair: Angela Dills

Other-Regarding Preferences and the Importance of Social Approval in Strategic Interactions
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Co-Author(s): Philipp C. Wichardt
Discussant: Zdravko Paskalev

"Pennies for Charity": Why Charities Outsource Fundraising
Presenter: Zdravko Paskalev
Co-Author(s): Huseyin Yildirim
Discussant: Rick Raddatz

The Pentanomic Theory of Government: Five Resource Types = Five Economies
Presenter: Rick Raddatz
Discussant: Angela Dills

Price Increasing Competition: Evidence from Higher Education
Presenter: Angela Dills
Co-Author(s): Kurt Rotthoff
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Room: Calhoun Room

Privately Produced Public Goods

Session Chair: Trey Carson

How 'Public' are Local Public Goods? Empirical Evidence Using Data from the Forensic Science Industry
Presenter: William McAndrew

Rent Seeking and Regulatory Capture in the US Private Security Industry
Presenter: Brian Meehan
Co-Author(s): Bruce L. Benson
Discussant: Trey Carson

Epidemic externalities and private governance
Presenter: Trey Carson
Discussant: William McAndrew

Room: Drayton Room

Private Sector Governance

Session Chair: Joshua Trojniak

Non-territorial governance and the political Coase theorem
Presenter: Trent MacDonald
Discussant: Margarete Redlin

Maritim Piracy: Socio-Economic and Institutional Determinants
Presenter: Margarete Redlin
Co-Author(s): Thomas Gries
Discussant: Joshua Trojniak

From Mercenaries to Private Security Contractors: A History of Repeated Games
Presenter: Joshua Trojniak
Discussant: Paola Suarez

Child Brides
Presenter: Paola Suarez
Co-Author(s): Peter Leeson
Discussant: Trent MacDonald

4:10pm – 4:20pm

4:20pm – 5:30pm

Room: Carolina Ballroom A

Plenary Session 2: Gwartney on The Revolution

Session Chair: Edward Lopez

The Public Choice Revolution in Economics Practice and Education
Presenter: James Gwartney